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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Details like the bootprints, tire deflation, and shattering glass add to immersion. Those aren't the kinds of things that will make a bad game good, but they'll make a good game better. I certainly wouldn't view them as a bad thing and I seriously doubt that the removal of those details would have resulted in additional content. The detail strikes me as game engine type shit, versus content which is people, places, things, and events utilizing said game engine. I'd imagine they are two totally different teams and you wouldn't tell the particle physics guy to go work on a boss encounter and vice versa.

    The lack of content comes down to: 1) Ubi refused to delay release to give programmers time to generate the content 2) content is deliberately withheld and/or delayed so that it can be released as a steady flow rather than one huge loot drop. I'd say the latter. If they can keep you playing long enough, you'll recover from the $60 blow to your wallet and be ready to buy some DLC.

    This business model is BS IMO. Want to release content in a steady trickle, then charge people in a steady trickle.

  2. Were they under construction yesterday? I wandered all around, but a bunch of places still needed like 16 hours.

    Yep, they finished up around 11am this morning. Rooms take 24 hours to build, connectors take 12 hours.

    The new main hall will be done around noon your time tomorrow.

  3. So you were bored doing the same missions over and over,shooting the same enemies over and over and you put in Destiny. I'm sorry but that's funny.

    Division enemies: humans


    Destiny enemies: Fallen (Captains, Vandals, Dregs, Shanks), Cabal (Centurions, Legionaires, Phalanxes, Psions), Vex (Goblins, Hobgoblins, Minotaurs, Harpies), Hive (Wizards, Ogres, Knights, Acolytes), Taken (all of the above), Humans (fellow guardians in the Crucible).


    Division locations: New York City


    Destiny locations: Earth, Moon, Venus, Mars, Dreadnaught


    Division bosses: Humans, Tanks?


    Destiny bosses: Too long to list all Raid, Strike and mission bosses. Many are more powerful versions of normal enemies, but many are their own thing and require different mechanics to defeat.


    Division supernatural abilities: -


    Destiny supernatural abilities: Fist of Havoc, Ward of Dawn, Hammer of Sol, Nova Bomb, Radiance, Stormtrance, Golden Gun, Arcblade, Shadow Shot.


    Division vehicles: ?, Tricks: No


    Destiny vehicles: Sparrows, Tricks: Yes


    Division weapons: limited to present day


    Destiny weapons: limited to imagination






    I think that's what Dids is getting at. Both games involve doing the same shit over and over, however, there is much more variety in Destiny. Doesn't necessarily mean Destiny is better, but I'd say it's a perfectly valid criticism.

  4. Shit will start happening fairly fast now. Before I would build this before I could dismantle that, dismantle that one thing, before I could dismantle these three things, and most recently had build this, to build that, to rebuild the great hall and couldn't build anything else because I needed the added room capacity the great hall provides. Anyway, now I can have like four construction projects going at a time. Last night I started another cross connector by the labs, a fifth reactor, the clan greater hall, and a second large garden.

    Since the two most common activities in the Dojo are using the labs and making trades, you will spawn in the middle and pass through one garden to get to the labs or pass through a different garden to get to the grandest hall. You'll never be walking down a runway strip of samey looking stuff to get where you want to be.

    Off of those two main routes, you'll be able to veer off or continue through to get to the other, more fluff facilities.

  5. Owl that is one solid job. Also, what do I have to donate to get a massive obstacle course?

    Thanks buddy, but phase II has only just begun. [emoji6]

    Phase I was peeling back, Phase II is rebuilding, Phase III is decorating. When finished we will have an obstacle course, observatory, grandest clan hall, a second large garden, 4 small gardens, temple of honor, two dueling rooms, and a secret passage where all the unwanted clan halls will live. You have to build all the halls in order to have the grandest hall, but quite frankly we don't need 5 fucking halls on the main floor. Obviously the Orokin lab will be back. And.... I think that's it. There will be strategic places to expand from should the clan grow and we need to add more barracks and also if DE introduce new labs.

    If I need contributions, I'll let you know, but I'll buy all the forma required with plat.

  6. Is truth. Looking at the clan list ingame Chad, someone else, and I are listed as Initiate and we can only enter the dojo if someone else is hosting.

    Oh, it actually said that? Well then, I'm a dumbass, promotions will be forthcoming. When I first went to the Dojo, Jason was hosting me, so that would explain it.
  7. But only if someone is hosting it. Every time that I've tried to check it out I can't get it. Probably because I'm still an initiate. /sad face

    Say what? You should be able to get in. I'm pretty sure I got in as an Initiate.

    Expect a party chat invite next time we're on together, we'll get this sorted, but I don't think it has to do with your rank.

  8. How do I get to see that stuff? I tried looking at clans when in my ship the other day, but the controls were wonky

    Have you built the key? When you join a clan, a blueprint for the dojo key appears in your inventory. Once you've built the key, you can enter the dojo either from the star map or options>communication>clan>dojo
  9. I freaking love the hole Dojo thing. The fact that we can create our own place which is functional (labs), fun (obstacle course, dueling rooms), peaceful (observatory, gardens) and aesthetically customizable (colors, decorations) warms my cockles. Even though it has almost nothing to do with playing the game (labs aside), it is probably the thing I’ve spent the most time thinking about outside of the game, when I should be doing work, like I should be right now.

    Anywho, Forever Dojo was/is perfectly serviceable, but a bit haphazard and lacking in fluff qualities. So with my clan mates blessing, I began remodeling. And by remodeling, I mean wrapped 200lb of C4 around every structural member and blew it to Pluto. Yes, there were a few awkward moments… “Jay, what the fuck happened in the Dojo, it’s gone, All… Gone…” but things have progressed nicely.

    Phase I of a three phase process is now complete. I’m done peeling back the things that insufficiently warmed my cockles. We are now a bit cramped, but all primary systems (labs with blueprints) are back online and we have a stretched and primed canvas ready to paint upon.

    Here is the current state


  10. Here's an attempt at one, let's collaborate and refine it.

    1. Warframe Slots (20 each, start with 2)

    2. Weapon Slots (12 for 2, start with 8)

    3. Things you really want but will likely never get due to time constraints. (Prime parts, rare mods, etc. Must be purchased from other players.)

    4. Orokin Reactors aka Golden Potatoes (double Warframe mod capacity, can also be crafted)

    5. Orokin Catalysts aka Silver Potatoes (double weapon mod capacity, can also be crafted)

    6. Forma (Alter or add polarized mod slot to WF or weapon, can also be crafted)

    7. Carrier Sentinel (really useful, can also be crafted but cost in credits and resources is very high)

    8. Rare materials you don't want (or are currently unable) to farm.

    9. Cosmetic items that cannot be farmed.

    10. Anything else.

    If you're enjoying the game and playing a lot, buying platinum is a good investment, better than dropping $60 on a new game IMO, since you decide exactly what to spend it on.

  11. Do I have to spend money on changing how m frame looks?

    Yes and no. You get a basic palette of colors for free and can change the color of a great many things. You can buy extended color sets. As far as the frame itself, you can buy and/or farm for various attachments. I'm not real knowledgeable on this, but I know alternate helmets are often rewards for doing alerts. Beyond that, I'm not sure which items can only be purchased versus being found or crafted.

    I am tried of being Rhino from Spiderman, I want a non-horny helmet.

    Excalibur has several alternate helmets, all with some sort of phalic protrusion. That's his distinctive thing.

    Also, will I get new weapons at some point or do I need to buy those as well?

    Never buy, craft new weapons. Go to the market, then weapons, then look along the bottom row, you should see the option to buy primary, secondary, or melee blueprints. Go there. You buy blueprints for credits and craft the item, same with Warframes.

    Save your platinum for buying more Warframe and weapon slots. Or be like Rob and drop $40 on platinum day 1 because you have a hard on for Ash.

    As far as Warframes and weapons, every single one in the game can be crafted without paying real $. Main thing is your limited in slots for said items.

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