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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Simplest combo

    1. Cast Molt - This will distract your enemies.

    2. Cast Spores onto Molt - When casting spores onto Molt, the casting cost is reduced by 50%.

    3. After taking X amount of damage, Molt will explode, detonating and spreading the spores.

    Spores have a 100% chance to proc Viral damage, Molt explosion has a 100% chance to proc Toxin damage.


    Get more out of your Molt

    1. Cast Molt - This will distract your enemies.

    2. Cast Spores onto Molt - When casting spores onto Molt, the casting cost is reduced by 50%.

    3. Pop spores by shooting them - Shooting spores on your stationary Molt is easy, shooting spores attached to a Grineer's foot not so much.

    4. Return to step 2.

    5. After taking X amount of damage, Molt will explode, detonating and spreading the spores.

    Spores have a 100% chance to proc Viral damage, Molt explosion has a 100% chance to proc Toxin damage. You can cast multiple spores onto one Molt, the spores will not damage Molt itself.


    Versus tougher enemies

    1. Cast Molt - This will distract your enemies.

    2. Cast Spores onto Molt - When casting spores onto Molt, the casting cost is reduced by 50%.

    3. Let your Molt take some damage

    4. Cast Miasma - Watch all the things die

    Miasma does +100% damage to enemies affected by either Viral or Toxin damage, and +200% damage to enemies affected by both. Miasma will detonate Molt prior to dealing its own damage, this will proc Viral and Toxin damage onto nearby enemies, then the Miasma damage will hit at +200%. Additionally, Miasma's damage is increased based on the percentage of hit points lost by Molt prior to Miasma detonating it. Just follow steps 1-4 and you'll be good.


    Toxic Lash is Saryn's number 3 ability. It's an enhanced melee attack that procs Toxin, but Saryn is kind of squishy to be going ham. I prefer sticking to the combos above and don't use Toxic Lash much at all. YMMV.

  2. You may have noticed a little symbol in the upper right corner of all your mods, that's polarity. You probably also noticed that some of the mod slots on your Warframe have similar symbols. If you match the mod symbol to the symbol of the slot you put it in, the cost of equipping the mod is reduced by half. Pretty nifty. If you don't match the symbol, the cost of equipping the mod is increased (though not doubled). That's basically all there is to it.


    All Warframes have at least one polarized mod slot; the aura slot is usually polarized as well. Some Warframes and all Primes have multiple polarized slots. These slots are really powerful because they allow you to equip expensive mods for half the cost. Perhaps you wish you had even more polarized slots... well you can. This is what Forma does. Once your frame (or weapon) reaches level 30, you can use a Forma to polarize a mod slot, or change the polarization of a slot that is already polarized. You can select whatever polarity you want. Doing this though, resets your frame to level 0 and you must level it back up like normal.


    There is no limit to the number of times a frame (or anything that takes mods) can be polarized. Sounds great yes? Because it is! But it is also a rather advanced activity that you can only take advantage of if you have a collection of high level mods.


    Let's review the sequence in which you upgrade gear

    1. Acquire gear.

    2. Rank it up to level 30. (You now have 30 mod capacity.)

    3. Is it something you really like? If yes, stick a potato in it. (You now have 60 mod capacity.)

    Note that there is no way to increase the number of mod slots you have, but by increasing mod capacity, you can equip mods that have much higher cost or drain as it is referred to in game.

    4. Have you consumed all 60 mod capacity and find yourself wishing for more? Use Forma to polarize a slot to the same polarity as the most expensive mod you are using.

    5. Rank gear back up to level 30 and return to step 4.


    The possibilities are truly endless.

  3. FYI - You still have to supply the Sentinel (Helios) with Codex Scanners to use. You also get a tiny smidge of affinity for every scan, not enough to matter though. Really you're just doing for the Codex and OCD.

  4. Yeah, it's easier to pick up your phone and hit the wiki than go back to your ship and navigate the Codex. Scanners really are good binoculars though, try them out just for that. I used them a lot for that purpose when I was stealth soloing missions early on. There's a separate type of scanning you can do to get rep with Cephalon Sidaris, 2nd floor of a relay, on the right.

  5. I did at first, now I just let Helios do it. The Scanners are actually pretty useful just as x-ray binoculars. Try for yourself, buy some Codex Scanners from the market, they're 500 credits for 25 scans IIRC. Every enemy can be scanned as well as different things in the environment. The more scans, the more details pop up in your Codex. Most things can be scanned a max of either 10 or 20 times. Stealth scans count double.

  6. I genuinely would love to own a pair of Astros but if I can buy 4 to 5 AAA titles for the same amount i just can't justify it. Not yet anyhow.

    My official Sony do the job amd they seem pretty decent on battery life still too. Is there masses of difference between A40s and A50s?

    A40s are wired, open back ear pieces (which means you can hear ambient sound a bit better, which may be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your situation, and the audio will have a bit more of an 'open' quality that's more natural sounding), and the controls are on the mix amp, not on the headset. Construction and comfort should be pretty much the same, the A50s are a tad heavier because of the battery and controls on the headset. Can't go wrong either way. I've never owned the Sony's, so I can't offer a comparison.

  7. All damage in Warframe has a ‘Type’.

    The physical types are:





    Weapons, abilities, etc. can and usually do inflict multiple types of damage.

    For example:

    Karak rifle (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8)

    Paris bow (Impact: 9, Puncture: 144, Slash: 27)

    Skana sword (Impact: 5.25, Puncture: 5.25, Slash: 24.5)


    There are also elemental damage types that could be intrinsic to an attack or applied via mods.






    Applying elemental damage mods to a weapon does not alter the existing damage types, it adds an additional type.

    For example:

    Karak rifle with max rank Cryo Rounds mod (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8, Cold: 32.4)


    Got it? Good, because shit’s about to crazy.


    You can combine multiple elements to create a combined element.


    Electric + Toxin = Corrosive

    Cold + Heat = Blast


    Going back to our Karak example:

    Karak + max Stormbringer (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8, Electric: 32.4)

    Karak + max Infected Clip (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8, Toxin: 32.4)

    Karak + Stormbringer + Infected Clip (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8, Corrosive: 64.8)


    Let’s keep on going

    Karak + Stormbringer + Infected Clip + Cryo Rounds (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8, Corrosive: 64.8, Cold: 32.4)


    Note that combinations are formed in the order pairs are encountered from left to right.

    Karak + Stormbringer + Infected Clip + Cryo Rounds  + Hellfire (Impact: 21.1, Puncture: 8.1, Slash 6.8, Corrosive: 64.8, Blast: 64.8)


    Mods that increase base damage, like Serration, will increase the damage of all elemental mods as well.

    Karak + Serration (+100%) + Stormbringer + Infected Clip + Cryo Rounds  + Hellfire (Impact: 42.2, Puncture: 16.2, Slash 13.6, Corrosive: 129.6, Blast: 129.6)


    The combined elements are:

    Cold + Electricity = Magnetic

    Cold + Heat = Blast

    Cold + Toxin = Viral

    Electricity + Heat = Radiation

    Electricity + Toxin = Corrosive

    Heat + Toxin = Gas


    Different defenses can be neutral, resistant, or vulnerable to different damage types.


    Here’s a summary of what’s best to use versus the different enemy types:

    • Grineer: Puncture, Cold, Heat, Toxin, Corrosive, Radiation, Viral
    • Corpus: Impact, Cold, Electricity, Magnetic, Viral
    • Infested: Slash, Heat, Corrosive, Gas
    Corrupted (Void) are special, because corrupted are made up of all the enemy types, so require specific combinations:

    Impact + Viral

    Puncture + Magnetic

    Slash + Corrosive + Cold


    None of this is necessary to play and have fun, but if you want to succeed at the highest level, you need to invoke the most powerful weapon in all of Warframe: knowledge.


  8. I'll wiki this, because I have no idea what you said.

    There are several quests that you kick off by buying a blueprint and building the key. They're in one of the market tabs, forget which, but it's not terribly obvious.
  9. Common mods that you'll get early and should start ranking up straight away:



    Redirection - More shields

    Vitality - More health



    Pressure Point - More melee damage

    Reach - More melee range

  10. Any given project has limited time, talent, and treasure. A dollar and an hour spent on tire deflation is a dollar and hour not spent on something else.

    Disagree. It can also be a dollar an hour not spent at all, in which case, I'll take the fluff along with the same amount of content I'm getting anyway. It's obvious Ubi's plan is to meter it out a little at a time.

    People/Companies do what they are rewarded to do and stop doing what they are punished for doing. If good reviews and good sales follow pointless fluffy bullshit, then pointless fluffy bullshit sells games and we'll continue to put time/talent/treasure into pointless fluffy bullshit. If no one cares about pointless fluffy bullshit and instead review and purchase based on, say, good voice acting following a well written script for a compelling story line...then that's what you'll get more of.

    Your catch-all pointless fluffy bullshit phrase is meaningless. To many people voice acting and even story are pointless fluffy bullshit. It's completely subjective. The only way to evaluate a game is as a whole. The lighting in Witcher 3 is incredible. This has to be pointless fluffy bullshit by your definition. To suggest that the lighting does not enhance the experience of playing Witcher 3 is silly. It's a phenomenal game because the sum of its parts make it so. It has a shit load of content, over 300 hours worth, it wouldn't benefit in he slightest from additional content. But the lighting... Is everywhere, there in all that you do, making those 300 hours even better and more immersive.

    Details are good. Content is good. Details + Content = Even Better


  11. Twitch Shooter: any game in which faster reflexes and better coordination almost invariably results in victory over another player when squaring off in an even showdown style gunfight. Non twitch shooters generally allow the slower player a chance to escape or enough time to win with wits such as throwing C4, pulling out a shotgun, popping a super, etc.


    Twitch shooter has significantly faster TTK.

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