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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Ash - Grineer Manics

    Atlas - The Jordas Precept quest, Jordas Golem archwing assassination

    Banshee - Tenno Lab

    Chroma - The New Strange quest from Cephalon Simaris

    Ember - Tethys, Saturn

    Equinox - Titania, Uranus (2 sets req'd)

    Excalibur - Hades, Pluto

    Frost - Exta, Ceres

    Hydroid - Oro, Earth

    Inaros - Sands of Inaros quest from Baro Ki'Teer

    Ivara - Spy missions (1 part per tier)

    Limbo - The Limbo Theorem quest

    Loki - Psamathe, Neptune

    Mag - War, Mars

    Mesa - Mutalist Alad V, requires Patient Zero quest and assassinate key

    Mirage - Hidden Messages quest

    Nekros - Orokin Derelict assassinate mission

    Nezha - Sortie

    Nova - Naamah, Europa

    Nyx - Phorid Manifestation

    Oberon - Eximus enemies

    Rhino - Fossa, Venus

    Saryn - Merrow, Sedna

    Trinity - Iliad, Phobos

    Valkyr - Themisto, Jupiter

    Vauban - Alerts

    Volt - Tenno Lab

    Wukong - Tenno Lab

    Zephyr - Tenno Lab

  2. I seem to recall you being a bit late to the ME3 game after SOMEONE was telling you it was awesome.


    Truthfully, I only bought Destiny and Taken King to play with you since we hadn't had a game in common for awhile. I don't think I've done anything since the Iron Banner we played together.

    If I get anything you've talked about lately, it'll probably be Witcher 3. Right now I'm not trying to get into anything that's a time sink, though, so it'll likely be next fall/winter before I start anything new.

    You know what, you're absolutely right. I should have listened and played ME3 with you sooner. I've regretted it ever since. Why do you want to make the same mistake I did?

    Seriously though, I understand wanting to avoid a time sink, but you don't have to play a ton to be at end-game level. Just focus on one or two frames and a hand full of weapons. The grind, if you want to call it that, mostly comes into play if you want all the things.

    Really I'm just selfish. I want to play with you right now, in the game of my choosing, becasue it would make my life awesomer. [emoji8] [emoji173]

    Edit: we can also give you mods and stuff to speed things along. There's a trade system.

  3. This is the greatest thread ever. It’s what I’ve been wanting to say but was too worried about other peoples’ feelings to drop a 10 megaton truth bomb on them. I try to confine my fanboyism to my ppr, but no more!! Some folks clearly didn’t want to hear it when I was promoting ME3 and everyone was still over the moon for Destiny. Now it’s Warframe and The Division. People seem to get insecure about their game of choice when they hear others praising something else. Whatever, get the fuck over it.

    The Division is dead. The last two posts in The Division whatsapp chat are on March 31st when Chad left the group, and April 1st when Chris left the group. No one has had anything to say since March 28th. Destiny was mostly dead, but apparently it’s good again since The Division turned out to be a wad of suck*.

    By comparison, the Warframe chat on whatsapp will blow up my phone if I don’t check on it at least once an hour. The enthusiasm is incredible. So it’s not just me drinking the kool-aid. It’s a fantastic game that the more you invest yourself in it, the better it becomes—exponentially. Try it, play it, keep at it, start asking questions, and watch as a universe of infinite possibility unfurls before you.

    It’s free to play, but obviously if you get into it, you will want to spend money and in some ways, you’ll feel like you have to. So don’t go into it thinking it’s free forever. Go into it thinking (if you like it) you’ll spend about the same amount as you would on any other game plus dlc, but with the advantage of total control over how much you spend, when and on what, without it ever affecting your ability to team up with mates.


    *My own personal feelings on Destiny are that it was a great game, deeply flawed in some respects, but fun to play regardless and good times were had by all. At this point, I’ve had my fill of it and I’m not a fan of the direction I see them taking the franchise.

    /Bart – I believe there are just under 800 different mods…

    //The neighbors counting toes comment was great.

  4. I understand it's a business, but my whole thing is that this shit is losing strategy in the long term because it will alienate players and when an alternative comes along they will jump ship. Perfect example is Witcher 3, made by independent studio CD Projekt Red and distributed by Warner Brothers. Those fuckers did it right and now have a massive reservoir of goodwill and postivie press. I will buy their next game, cyberpunk 2077 the day it drops full price no questions asked because I trust them and want to support them. That's the strategy for long term success and ultimately more dollars IMO.

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