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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Two invasions going on right now that drop Orokin Cells.

    The invasions are on Europa and Neptune, which I can't get to yet. No Orokin Cells for me unless someone is around to carry my ass.
  2. Warframe apps on Android



    Warframe: Official app from DE. Very sleek, does a lot, but does it very, very slowly. Allows you to sign in and view your inventory, current loadout, and monitor foundry progress. You can even start a construction project. Includes the news feed, codex and alerts.


    Warframe Alerts: Rubbish, don't waste your time.


    Warframe Mobile Codex: Best app for quickly looking up basic info. It provides a bit more detail than the codex in the official Warframe app (or the in-game codex for that matter) and runs much faster.


    Wikia: Warframe: Good for when you need the more in-depth information provided by the wiki, but slower and clunkier than Warframe Mobile Codex.


    WarDroid: By far the best app for alerts, that's its specialty, and it does it extremely well. You can turn notifications on or off and customize them to an amazing level of specificity. You can filter alerts by game mode, planet, material, blueprint, etc.


    Warframe Utility: Has a codex, but not as good as Warframe Mobile Codex. Has alert notifications, but not as good as WarDroid. Has a beta Damage Calculator that's pretty cool. Has a Forums button that doesn't seem to do anything on my phone. Has a Foundry button that doesn't work because there's no API. Has a hacking practice game, but I think it's old hacking, because it doesn't look anything like the hacks I've done in the game.


    So there you go. If you want to keep app installations to a minimum, then I say go with Warframe Mobile Codex for info, and WarDroid for alerts. If you want to be able to view information specific to your Tenno, then add the Warframe official app to the mix. If you want maximum information, then install Wikia: Warframe. It will make Warframe Mobile Codex a bit redundant, but personally, I'd keep both. Make sure to only activate alert notifications in one app!

  3. Those are some good tips, especially the bit about matching polarity slots.

    Also try to get the main damage mods for the weapons asap. Also redirection is a must for most frames.

    How do the radar mods work, it seems like some enemies are on the radar and others not. I equipped the mod that buffs detection, but I have no idea what that means to have +3 Radar or whatever.
  4. A thread for helping out complete noobs, post stuff you think may be useful or share your own wisdom






    Ten Tips for Getting Started in Warframe in 2015
    Warframe is a free-to-play third person shooter available on PC and console. It's been out for a little over two years now, but there is no better time to get started than now and to help with that, we've got ten helpful tips for starting out.
    Warframe has gone from a barebones alpha to a full fledged contender to Destiny in the few years that it has been out, so if you never tried it before, there is probably no better time than now to take a look at it. I've compiled some tips from my two years of playing that should help you kickstart your way to one of Playstation 4's and Steam's most popular F2P games. 
    Before we begin, if you don't know much about Warframe, here's a quick video of some of the early game gameplay on the PS4:
    Mastery of the Frame 
    The game has a very in-depth tutorial, but it doesn't touch you the specifics of each warframe. At the start you can pick one of three warframes, but there are many more available. Understanding how to play each specific warframe is all-important to overcoming the challenges that Warframe throws at you. Some frames are designed for heavy melee combat while others are designed for ranged gunplay. For instance, Excalibur focuses more on melee than Volt, which focuses on ranged "magic" play.  
    Stealth Can Be Rewarding 
    When you stealth kill an enemy, it doesn't really matter how much health it has - it's gone. Some enemies, like Wardens, have substantial health pools that can take a lot of melee and gunplay to take down. Stealthing is crazy easy, just crouch and sneak up, enemies often patrol in rather simple patterns, so wait until their back is turned and take them out. 
    Stealth can work for gunplay. In a room, especially heavily fortified rooms, search for the strongest enemy in the room (heavy > medium > light) like a Grineer Naplam or Comannder and then unleash hell with your gun on them. Heavies don't take cover and with the strongest out of the way, the rest become much easier to deal with. 
    A few things about stealth - there are control panels everywhere that'll stop an alert, this is good or bad, depending on the mission since you can clear out other rooms in one single room with the alert. They can be turned off very quickly. Stealth attacks do insane damage, as a percentage of your weapon damage (1200% to 2400%) and for high level missions will not one hit kill enemies. Stealth gameplay is considered MUCH harder to do on a full map, but taking out lone enemies is often recommended. 
    Secret Caches & Tiles 
    Warframe maps are randomly generated with various tiles glued together with entrances / exits connecting one tile set with another. You'll run across the same tiles over and over again as you play Warframe, but the entrances and exits will usually be different. In addition to the random tile sets, often there are secret rooms / compartments with loot inside of them. 
    These rooms often won't show up on the map and may contain special lockers with rare loot inside, but more often than not you'll find 3 or 4 crates with loot, credits, health, and energy inside. 
    Tileset Confusion - Follow the Marker 
    When playing online you'll undoubtedly see someone run in the wrong direction for no reason (no loot, no enemies) and get lost often. The issue with random tilesets is that they're glued together randomly, so you have to follow the marker on the mini-map to know where you should go. Don't forget that you can have a room that's absolutely huge with all kinds of doors, but the only place you need to go is where the marker is. 
    Leave Enemy's Behind 
    Enemies will rarely move between rooms unless an alarm has been sounded and even then, they have to be within range of an alerted enemy / doodad in order to come running. Often you can just skip over combat by taking a zipline or stealthing to the next segment. Combat is important to farm experience, but it also can bring risk - if you die, you don't get all of the rewards from the mission and a quest will fail (meaning you have to restart the map). 
    This only works in solo play, when with other players the right thing to do is work together, if everyone wants to kill everything, it's easier to help, and the XP is good too. Sometimes though, running is more tactical, especially if there is a timer on your escape. 
    Don't Let the Store Intimidate You 
    For new players, you may immediately see the things for sale for platinum the premium currency, but most everything in the game can be crafted and the entire fun of the game is completing random missions where the maps are different each time to farm components, mods, resources, and blueprints to make really cool things. 
    You use the premium currency to hurry things up, like getting into the warframe you want really badly, but otherwise I wouldn't even look at the store. There is ways to conserve platinum too, some players buy components stacks from the store for platinum to help get them too their new warframe faster. 
    Remember - the fun of Warframe is after you've finished the 12 planets, it's all about farming new gear for the challenge worlds (accessed through keys and events). Embrace the grind. 
    Starting Weapons Suck 
    Once your starting weapon is level 30, sell it off and replace it with anything, or if you can afford too earlier on, buy something else to replace it. Remember that everything expect some cosmetic items can be farmed / crafted, so after the first tutorial, start planning on crafting a new weapon for yourself. The game becomes so much easier after that new weapon. Starting weapons are only for the start, there is a lot cooler and more awesome weapons out there. 
    Weapon blueprints CAN be bought with credits, so again, remember that's a major component of the game and acquiring new / better weapons is critical. 
    Mastery Rank != Level 
    Your mastery rank is the collective level of everything you have leveled. Don't focus too much on it at the start, you'll want to focus on leveling your warframe and your weapons. Mastery unlocks access to specific weapons, increases the number of extractors, and is used in matchmaking to find players at around your progress in the game if possible. 
    At the start just focus on leveling your items, then focus on expanding past that. 
    Don't Fret on your Starter Warframe 
    Which warframe to pick? Excalibur is suggested for everyone, but both Mag and Volt are great starters as well. You'll craft additional warframes as you play through the game and can either buy Mag or Volt for 75 platinum OR craft them for some rather cheap resources. 
    Polarity is Important 
    Matching mods to polarity is important. You learn a little about this in the tutorial, but basically each mod slot has a symbol on it (maybe). The cost of a mod is reduced by 50%, meaning if you match the polarity then you can get much higher leveled mods in an item. Later on in the game you can use Forma to switch polarity. 
    Have Fun! 
    The entire point of the game is to have fun blasting away in a co-op space adventure. As you go through the game you'll learn lots of cool tricks and techniques. Hopefully these have gotten you started on an adventure through the solar system and beyond. 
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