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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Gary, I hijacked your thread and changed the title, hope you don't mind.



    So, noob raid part deux, let's make it happen. We have members of this community that have yet to slay Oryx in the ascendant realm; this is unacceptable to me.


    Plumber Dave, please discuss with your noob crew and come up with a 3-4 (or 6) hour time slot that works for you and we'll go from there. Any other noobs want in, give a shout, we have room for two more. Precedence will be given to those who have not completed the raid, followed by those who helped last time, followed by any warm body willing to play Destiny.  :D


    This is a fresh, normal mode, King's Fall raid.

  2. I'm sorry but imo it's nowhere near a full price buy for the amount of gameplay content.

    I believe you also said once that you don't pay full price for single player games.

    I don't and in fact I payed zero for Heavy Rain as it was a gift. And when I put it on my Christmas list, it was only $20. Having played it, I would say that the experience was worth every penny of $60. I'd say it's worth every penny of $100. That's not hyperbole. In hindsight, I would pay $100 for the opportunity to play Heavy Rain, no questions asked, it's that good.

    I've long felt that some people play games and some people experience them. I'm definitely in the latter group, and I'm pretty sure you're in the former. If it was just playing a game to you, then clearly you do not experience games in the same way as I. Nothing wrong with that, it's just fundamental differences in personality. There were multiple parts of that game where my heart was in my throat, my hands were sweating though I felt cold and I was sitting, literally on the edge of my chair.

    As for content, I prefer quality over quantity. I never understood the notion of justifying a game's price based on hours played. If I had to choose between Destiny or Heavy Rain, there's absolutely no question it would be Heavy Rain despite the fact that I've got like thirty or forty times more hours in one over the other. There's just no comparison in terms of the quality of those hours.

    Obviously you're free to disagree, just as I disagree with the notion that it isn't worth full price. *shrugs* Tommy strikes me as a pretty emotional guy, I think he'd really, really enjoy it. I've never recommended it to Doc however, because I'm not so sure he would. Different strokes and all that.

  3. [*]Mass Effect: Andromeda- It's a single player game, but I still may take a crack at it.

    Curious, seeing as Mass Effect 3 is my favorite multiplayer game ever... [emoji6]

    Seriously though, you have a PS3? I'll play ME3 anywhere, anytime, say the word. I have like 700 hours in on the MP alone and when I turned my bud lepercolony onto it (you see him hear now and again) he went and put even more hours into it than me. This after the game had already been out for like 3 years. So yeah, I'm always down.

  4. Every time I hear about Heavy Rain, I think about you.  I remember you talking it up a lot.  I'll have to check it out when the price is right.  

    Yep, problem is, it's impossible to describe and not at all like any other game out there. It was without a doubt the most riveting and intense experience I have ever had from any game, TV show, or movie, ever and I seriously doubt anything will ever top it.

  5. If that's what Sony needs to improve, then they're doing pretty f'ing good. None of those strike me as really glaring issues that need to be addressed now or even ever.

    Buy games on disc and delete the ones you're finished playing, simple as that with respect to storage space. The fact that you can upgrade the internal storage drive at all amazes me, to ask for external drive support is quite a stretch.

    The fact that they have all the sharing options and communities is great and not something I expected when I bought the system. Seeing as it's a fantastic and unexpected feature, I can't see complaining about lack of categorization.

    Backwards compatibility isn't happening given the total change in system architecture. Over time, many old titles will get updated, but that's it, time to get over it. Sony did right IMO by moving away from their cell processor, making life much easier for developers, but lack of backwards compatibility is the price that must be paid. I've never expected it of a console, sometimes we have to let go in order to move forward, I'm okay with that.

    Some of the other stuff would be nice, but not game changing by any stretch.

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