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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. From what I gather, some people have weapon parts coming out their ears and some live hand to mouth. Bungie has been trying to figure out how to balance that. That said, I don't see what the problem is with some people having excess parts they can exchange for a negligible amount of faction rep.

  2. You do from xur

    Didn't even realize you could still buy them from Xur. Why would you though? Better off buying three of coins or buying Exotics to dismantle into exotic shards. Or buying legacy engrams to unlock their Y2 versions.
  3. I should be on tonight, if you want to run PoE a few times.

    I don't know if you have any keys or not for the large bathtub at the end

    I have a half dozen keys that I don't know what they're for except that it involves PoE.
  4. Just a shame we can't convert marks to heavy synth packs...or to for heavy synth packs

    No, but you can convert marks to Bad Juju which you can use to produce glimmer for heavy synth packs.


  5. Glad to see I am not the only one. Its expensive to get all 15, but for a brief period on Wednesdays, I can upgrade a gun almost fully

    It's not a bad deal really, converting glimmer to marks, the weapon parts is an added bonus.

    /I've still never done PoE and I hear it's good for parts farming.

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