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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. I have no problem with supers in PvP, especially since streaks aren't a thing. If you get smoked by Hammer of Sol, it's not like you just lost your MOAB or anything.

    I also think Hammer of Sol is intentionally OP and is meant to give Titans a moment in the sun so to speak.

    Overall, balance in the Crucible seems pretty good to me, the lag is the biggest issue.

  2. I know a lot of us have WhatsApp, what if we create a forum group and whenever you need someone to raid with it's a piece of cake to fire off a message to everyone.

    You can turn notifications off so that your phone isn't constantly chirping.

  3. Is there nothing that man can't do?

    Want me to crochet you a hat?

    I think Diddums is talking about the calendar integrated with the forum software. I don't know much about it. A while back I created an off-site community calendar that we used with modest success for a short time.

    I'll scrounge up the link.

  4. That wasn't the point though. The point was I was in the party chat, everyone could hear me, when the topic of a raid came up, I said I'll be back in 20 and when I got back, the raid had begun. The people involved even said see you shortly.

    That's what pissed me off. I could've understood if I wasn't 100% sure that I made my intentions clear and they were understood, but the fact that I then got my hopes up only to get the finger really grated.

    And the thing that fucks me off even more is that I always go out of my way to help others. I might have a gob as big as Paris Hilton's snatch, but I'm always there when the going gets tough, I never get impatient or lose my cool, never pull out when the shit hits the fan and never leave a man behind. Ever. Pity it was a different story when the shoe was on the other foot though. Ah well, live and learn and all that.

    Well that's not good. Let's have it out then. This seems like the sort of thing that could fester beneath the surface, turn into gangrene, and next thing you know, an amputation is required.

    Right here or in PMs makes no difference, but Dave obviously feels slighted. There should be an explanation and/or apology. Make it so people.

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