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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. For the Record, I really do hope I am wrong here.

    I am a huge SW fanatic. I have more boxes of SW shit than my wife feels comfortable having in the house.

    I just don't trust JJ Abrams, he is on par with M Night Shamalamadingdong

    Was it George who tapped him or Disney?
  2. I think the concept of Light mattering in PvP is flawed to begin with. The whole idea of PvP is about testing skill, speed, and guile against an opponent in fair competition. Imagine the Olympics with level advantages enabled. Joe Blow wins the pole vault because he had a 310 pole. It's plain stupid.

    I think they're floundering around trying to come up with an 'elite' Crucible event, but level advantages is not the way to do it IMO.

    Implement a tournament system or something. Enter IB and the game queues you up until it has 48 players, which it divides into 8 teams of 6. Play round 1 matches and the top 3 players from each team move on. Round 2 the same. Now there's two teams of six consisting of the best players of the first two rounds. The final game is played and all players on the winning team get the max reward, no level advantages, no parties.

    Just an idea. Maybe have a separate tournament for fireteams of 3 and/or 6. Idk, just throwing shit out there.

  3. Only somewhat related, but fuck it. Something that bugs me is Bungie's insistence that the only path to max light is the raid. There are simply too many people who can't get 6 friends online for 4+ hours and who shouldn't be forced to find a PUG.

    Simple solution:

    Nightfall should have matchmaking and drop one guaranteed raid tier item (300+) per week.

    On the Crucible side, Iron Banner and Trials should be merged, we don't need multiple flavors of special events. It should happen once a month for a week and it should provide raid tier rewards. Maybe 2 or 3 for good effort and 5 to 7 for a dominant performance.

    Just thinking out loud here.

  4. Just unlocked the start of the quest. 50 majors plus 25 guardians to go!!

    Run the Undying Mind strike, towards the end of the boss fight, piles of yellow Vex show up bunched together. If you run it with mates, drag out the fight, and you'll get 'er done in no time. Well, the majors part at least.
  5. It should drop stuff at 300. Let the raid and Trials drop stuff at 300+

    Besides for the look of the gear there's no point in it. Like the nightfall at its current point there isn't any reason to do it.

    That's fine, even 290-300. Something better than vendor gear or regular drops is all I'm asking for. Cosmetically the gear looks great, but I don't place enough value on that to spend a week grinding IB.
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