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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Went after a double bomb with 6 hogs and didn't drop a heal because I didn't think it was needed. Yeah, it was needed and it messed up the rest off my attack . Lost by 1

    If you don't mind me asking, how big is your clan, what range of town halls are you, and what is your Clans approach to war as far as who attacks who?
  2. Can't listen to the video right now, but scrolled through it quick. If it's an open world puzzle game, and from what I saw quickly in the video, it reminds me of a Myst type of game. That would be pretty sweet.

    That's exactly what it is: Myst inspired. There are other videos of just gameplay, but this guy here talks about being a small developer, the freedom of choice that brings, and how making money would be nice and they hope to, but it's not what is most important to them and not what drives their decisions. He may be full of shit, but pretty refreshing to hear.
  3. Where would be the best place to look?

    Try searching for threads started by Sennex and/or keywords like lore and grimoire. They're in this subfrom, just drifted back into the past.

    Such a shame that this stuff isn't front and center in the game.

  4. Honestly, you're over thinking it and worrying too much about not getting more of a response. Just post your thoughts on whatever the topic is. Some of your posts will fade into obscurity with no reaction and some will get someone to post back. This is the easiest place in the world to share your thoughts, just relax and speak the words that come to you. Over time it will come more naturally.

    Perhaps you feel like you don't get the love that some of us receive and dish out on a daily basis, but that's just because we've been building these relationships for years. Literally years, I joined the first incarnation of the forum, I believe in 2010. I know it was sometime between MW2 and Black Ops. The relationships develop over time, just be yourself and it'll happen organically.

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