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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Rather than try to advise you, I’m just going to relate my own experiences and let you decide if you think they’re applicable. I’ll do it in chunks.


    Regarding stressing about things that don’t matter.


    This was a real problem for me. Stupid, insignificant things would bother me to no end.  I had a very particular way of making coffee, and one time my wife made the coffee. I didn’t like how she poured the water into the filter, so I dumped it out and made it over. Stupid. It was fine. If things didn’t go exactly right, I’d be useless the rest of the day. Like if I made breakfast and the pancakes didn’t come out right, I wouldn’t do anything the whole rest of the day. I wouldn’t get nervous or angry about these nagging little things, but mostly apathetic. If things didn’t go exactly right, then I didn’t want to do anything, fuck it, I’d check out mentally and just do nothing and be grumpy all day. It’s not depression, or rage, more like extreme moodiness, but getting into these down moods opens the door for the beast. (The beast is my alcoholism, he lives in my subconscious and is trying to kill me, but that’s neither here nor there.)


    First, I recognized this behavior. That’s key. You’ve no idea how many people drift through life without consciously examining their emotions and trying to figure out why they feel as they do. So I saw that I had this disproportionate reaction to trivial issues, I recognized that it wasn’t healthy or productive, and I understood that it came on as a result of various triggers. So I discussed this behavioral issue with my doctor and we talked about ways it might be addressed. I already knew counseling wasn’t going to help, I’ll talk about that in a future post, and there was nothing I could do to avoid the triggers since the trigger could be any unexpected obstacle. That left drugs along with more exotic treatments like hypnotism. I hooked up with a Psych Pharm nurse and it was the best thing ever. This is a person who’s sole thing is prescribing medications to fix/alleviate mental issues. She wasn’t a shrink or a counselor, but she had a very caring/motherly personality. We started every session with a hug sort of thing.


    Well, we tried a variety of protocols and I finally ended up taking Bupropion (Wellbutrin) and Citalopram (Celexa) and the combination has worked very well for me. I’ve been taking them for about, shit, 8 years maybe? Dose hasn’t changed. The drugs never had a strongly noticeable effect on me, I never didn’t feel like me, I never felt strange or high or anything else. But over time, I found that I had a much easier time letting things go, letting little things roll off my back. I have a much more relaxed attitude now and more stable moods. I’m taking anti-depressants, but I don’t suffer from depression, but still, my quality of life is much improved because of it.


    The drugs also help me deal with OCD tendencies. Now, I don’t have OCD, and it bugs me when other people joke about being OCD, because they’re not. Real OCD fucks up your life in a major way, like fixing the tassels on the edge of your carpet at 3:30 in the morning kind of shit. I never did that. But I do obsess over things. Like I’d use a ruler to make sure the box of Kleenex is square with the edge of my desk, and if I didn’t do that, I’d be thinking about it the whole day. Now I don’t have that so much. I’ll still get anal about certain things, but not nearly as extreme as I used to.


    Thus ends this installment of Inside the Skull, by JsinOwl

  2. Very interesting, we have a number of things in common. I'll ponder and try to give some advice. I/we are not medical professionals though, so with grain of salt taketh.

    For now I'll say that choosing not to drink is an excellent choice! Had I never touched the stuff, I would not have nearly ruined my life and come within a hair's breadth of dying, or at the very least going blind. Unfortunately there's no sure way to know if you're an alcoholic in waiting until it's too late.

  3. I love Wayne's World soooooooo much. It came out when I was in high school, I think I saw in the theater with various groups of friends five times.

    Edit: the original that is, think I've only seen WW2 once or twice.

  4. I linked my google account to my game account, and it loaded up my old village.

    also it booted me from the clan lol

    Good riddance! :D

    Alright, I'll go change the clan settings so you can find us again. (We keep it closed because otherwise we get spammed with random requests to join.)

    #FG Warriors

  5. For FPS, normal feels more natural to me and for flight sim, inverted feels more natural. However, switching between the two takes significant adjustment time.

  6. That was actually quite interesting. I do not play inverted, however I did play inverted on flight games like tie fighter back in the day. It took me a while to break that and get used to not inverted, but now I find it very awkward to go back.

  7. dc3454494b95ae36f30cf8d5d332af3b.jpg


    Red X -  Suspected double giant bomb

    Blue X - Suspected giant bomb or hidden tesla

    Black X - Drop a giant to lure CC troops out

    Black Arrow - After CC troops out, lure them towards the BK

    White Circle - Hit CC troops and BK with lightning

    Whte Arrow - lure whatever is left further away and clean up with BK and barbarians. If a hidden tesla pops, drop a giant.

    Gold Circle - Notice all point defenses in a ring accessible from outside the walls. My plan is to blitz from all around and quickly take out all those point defenses and wizard towers, leaving just a spread out army versus the interior mortars.

    Gold Arrows - Each gold arrow is an attack group of giants and wizards. Haven't decided the exact composition yet.

    Red Arrow - Direction I'm NOT attacking from. COollectors have decent health. I'm afraid if I attack from that direction, my wizards will get hopelessly distracted.


    My CC will have reinforcement wizards to backup wherever needed.

    I'll try to save a few giants and wizs to deal with the shit in the corners, could be tough though.

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