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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Personally, I upgrade everything including walls before upgrading Town Hall, others aren't quite as patient. :D

    As for the town hall placement, try it both ways and see what works best for you. I used to protect mine, but was getting pummeled with attacks and even though my defense would win a lot, I'd lose significant loot every time. Now I get attacked once, lose 1000 gold/elixir and that's that until I decide to break shield. YMMV.

    I'd say don't worry about donating to guys more than 3 town hall levels above you. I just pulled that out of my ass, but it seems rightish.

  2. The Taken King might, probably won't, but might raise the level of content up to what I would have expected with the base game day 1 for $60.

    You can't blame Bungie or Activision though, look in the mirror, that's the problem. If most people buy TTK, no matter how much the community cries foul, no matter how much bad press they get, Bungie/Activision will consider it a success and it will incentivize them to carry on with these practices.

    In contrast, CD Project Red has blown me away from the initial content and quality of The Witcher to the free DLC down to the foldout map, soundtrack CD, lore pamphlet, and stickers included with the game. I will sing their praises from every mountain top and even though I'm generally content to let game prices drop before I purchase them, I may pay full price for their next title purely to reward this behavior. Bungie will not see another dime from me.

    They may have made a deal with the devil when they signed with Activision, but it's not like Activision owned them. Whatever shitty terms they agreed to, it was their choice, it's on them.

  3. Clash of Clans – Getting Started

    First and foremost, do NOT spend gems to finish construction projects. Stockpile gems and use them to get additional builders. Occasionally, a gem box will spawn that you can dismantle for 25 free gems. Removing vegetation also has a chance to give you up to 6 gems. I forget if the rocks do. You also earn gems by completing challenges/achievements. To follow your progress click on the red-head in the lower right corner. Lastly, you can buy gems with real money. You can spend gems on a variety of things, but I wouldn’t spend them on anything except builders until you have at least three builders.

    There are three main facets to the game: campaign, multiplayer, war.

    In the campaign you go up against an increasingly difficult sequence of goblin bases. You earn loot doing this, a shit ton of loot from the later levels, and gems at certain milestones. (See Get those Goblins! Achievement.)

    Multiplayer is where you attack, or get attacked by, other players of similar trophy/base level. You don’t have to attack anyone, but you cannot opt out of being attacked by others. When your defense loses however, you get a 12 or 16 hour shield depending on how badly beaten up you got. Having a shield simply means you won’t get attacked by other players. On the flip side, attacking other players breaks your shield if you have one, but is a good way generate resources, particularly when you’ve run out of things to upgrade with elixir and are in need of more gold. Successfully attacking people also earns you trophies and progress on various achievements. Plus it’s fun!

    Trophy count is one of the main ways the game ranks players for matchmaking. So having a high trophy count will pit you against tougher opponents. Tougher opponents may or may not have more loot; it’s certainly no guarantee. I’ve found that if you leave your town hall unprotected but regularly make successful attacks, your trophy count will slowly but steadily climb.

    War is the most fun part of the game. It occurs when as a clan we decide to declare war. Matchmaking will find us a suitable opponent clan and then the two day war process commences. I will not try to explain it other than to say it’s awesome.

    To break shield or not to break shield? When you attack another player (not the goblins) you break your shield (if you have an active shield). This just means that when you go offline, you’ll get attacked again, but that’s fine. Just make sure that every time your shield is expired, or you break it, you take the opportunity to attack someone. You can spend most of your time hiding behind shield and letting your collectors gather resources, or you can aggressively keep breaking shield and attacking people. Both ways are profitable. I tend toward the latter simply because it’s more fun and in general, upgrades require more gold than elixir. So attacking bases costs elixir for troops, but if you chose enemies with lots of gold, you can essentially convert elixir into gold. Note that when attacking other players, you can opt to pass on a target for a small sum of gold. This allows you to cherry pick targets to a certain extent.

    When battling other players, there are three levels of victory denoted with stars. You get one star for taking the town hall, one star for 50% damage to the total health of the villages structures, and the third star for completely wiping a base (except for decorations and walls). More stars means more trophies won or lost. The amount of loot available for the taking is a percentage of what the defender has in their storage and collectors. You gather the loot by destroying those structures.

    You can upgrade shit in whatever order you want, but here are some general guidelines.

    Upgrade collectors early, so you start getting more resources to play with sooner.

    Upgrade resource storage only as necessary.

    Upgrade defenses: Mortar > Wizard Tower > Archer Tower > Air Defense > Canon > Traps > Walls

    Buy all the walls you can right away, but you can wait to max upgrade them

    Upgrade army: Laboratory > Spell Factory > Camp > Barracks

    Upgrade Lab early, because you can then use it to upgrade other shit while your builders are all busy.

    Upgrade Town Hall only after all other upgrades are complete. (If you want to skimp a bit on walls, that’s okay.)

    As far as farming resources, it’s best to keep your town hall outside the village walls and away from defenses. This way, attackers will generally pop your town hall and move one, leaving the rest of your base alone. This costs you a small amount of gold and elixir, but grants you a 12 hour shield from additional attacks. Far less costly than having someone steam roll your whole base. There really is no reason to protect your town hall unless your aggressively trying to move up the rankings.

    As far as base design, your options are limited in the early going, just try to place mortars near the middle and surround your defenses and loot storage with walls. It’s best to subdivide your base into compartments and only protect the things that matter: defenses and storage containers. The least important structures are the camps, builder huts, barracks, lab, and spell factory.

    I should go do some actual work now.


    Ask questions! And veterans please feel free to add to, modify, or suggest alternatives to what I've written up.

  4. Not to derail, but I don't think any of the guys in the clan spend much if any real money. I spent a little just to get a fifth builder, but I was happy to, considering the bazillion hours I spend on there.

    There's chat within the game, so we bullshit all day long. Me, plumber, tigerburge, both barrels, jbr Kiwi, diddums, tronic hector, kylebees, Mrs diddums, et al. Lee just joined too. It's a blast, especially clan wars. You can spend a little time or a lot, doesn't matter the way the game is structured. Don't want to spend time and/or money then stay at town hall 6 or 7 forever. You'll get matched up against people of similar level. If you're more dedicated, you can move up the ladder.

    Sorry, didn't mean to derail my first day as a mod lol. If you're interested come to the Clash thread. I was skeptical at first, but it's a blast.

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