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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. It is slow, but you get crazy mad damage reduction while in the animation. Last night we were flying en masse into primes, pyros, hunters whatever and alternating between biotic charge and heavy melee. The three of us would gang up and put a beat down on a prime without firing a single shot. It was epic.

    My favorite guns for him are the reeger, piranha, and wraith all with the omni-blade attachment. Those three shotties are fairly light.

  2. You can kick Jason in the nuts for choosing Collectors last night. It's ok, everyone wanted to. :D

    Hey, I asked, Collectors or Cerberus. Patrick said ....................... And I'm sure you said something flip, I don't know, I wasn't paying attention. xD

    The Asari Justicar is just so rubbish versus Geth. :(

    Apologies Patrick, Collectors on Gold is no way to ease back into ME3 multiplayer. It wouldn't have been as bad if lepercolony hadn't bailed on us to do "laundry". Pfft

  3. Aren't the cells volatile? My understanding is that each cell has a finite number of writes in it, so Bart is saying that Minecraft requires a shit ton of read/writes for every little thing you do in Minecraft which will shorten the life of your drive.

  4. I've been doing a little research on how to defend against all dragon attacks at th7. This reddit discussion was pretty interesting. My big takeaways were positioning storage buildings within AD range because they're the structure equivalent of meat shields, and that we should be using all dragon attacks against th7 enemies in war.

    Last war I only had 1 dragon barracks, now I have 3 and almost enough elixir to start the fourth.


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