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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Bart/Lee it's 6 hours to Battle Day, make sure you've got your war bases sorted.

    Kind words Lee. Your base is really your chance to exert your individuality, so you should play around with it and experiment. What I tend to do is search the web just to see a bunch of images of what others have done, I take the ones I like and make my own modifications. I think that's what most folks do. But I'm more than happy to share my thoughts.

    I'll type up some principles and apply them to a th4 base just to give ideas to work with.

  2. Owl, which of my base plans is better - my village setup or the war base i just messed about with?

    Your war base is the same as it was yesterday, but your village has changed. When you use the layout editor, make sure you use the war base tab. By default it opens on the regular village edit tab.

    Your village looks much better, you just need to make it your war base. The layout editor has a copy function, so you can copy your regular village, go to the war base tab and paste it in.

    There's not a whole lot for you to do with such a small base. Protect your town hall, try to centralize and block direct access to your mortar. You can search webz for base ideas.

  3. That's fantastic Mr Owl! O.o

    I'll do my best to do that and hopefully my archers will stack up okay against whatever is in the cc.

    I can feel the pressure already building...

    Whatever comes out, you'll out number 2 to 1 or better. Just make sure to surround them. Don't drop all your troops on one spot because wizards do splash damage and will take out all your troops in an instant.

    The reason you're attacking from the Northwest is to take out the mortar as soon as possible. It's a solid plan of attack, but still only a suggestion. You free to do what you want.

  4. Lee, here's a diagram of the strategy Chris suggested. Mainly I just felt like practicing making diagrams.



    Your army compost would be something like 2-4 giants, a couple wall breakers, and the balance archers or a mix of archers and barbarians. Your clan castle will have three max giants (lvl 7).

    You need enough archers/barbs to take care of whatever comes out of the clan castle which will likely be archers, wizards, or possibly a witch and a couple archers. You don't need to worry about a dragon popping out.

    Lure those troops away and surround them. Otherwise they will fuck up your giants in a hurry and your giants won't fight back. Giants will only attack defensive structures until they're all gone, then and only then will they attack other shit.

    The three lvl 7 giants in your cc can probably wipe the whole base by themselves, you just need to take care of those enemy cc troops.

  5. Are winning all those attacks? As soon as you lose you get at least a 12 hour shield from further attacks. If your defense keeps winnings, then take your town hall and stick it in the corner away from all your other shit. Let attackers take your town hall, which will grant you 12 hour shield. If you're lucky, they'll leave the rest of your base alone.

  6. Yoooooo




    Here's a nice FAQ about Clan War for our new friends. It's a bit out of date; particularly the bit about how your war village reflects your regular village. That's not the case anymore. Get to that in a sec. Everything else I think applies. When we declare war, it's not our whole clan, it's only those members who want to participate. There is a setting in your profile to 'opt out' of clan war should you want to use it. If you want to see who in the clan is opting in or out of war at any given time, go into the 'My Clan' screen, you'll see all of our names with either a red or green shield around the number ranking. A red shield means that player is currently opting out of war. Not all that important for you guys, but a little FYI.


    In the center of your screen, all the way to the right, just above the red head. There is a button with a hand and two arrows. That is the layout editor and you can edit your regular village and war base separately. The main thing to remember is that once preparation day is over, any changes you make to your war base will not take effect until the following war. Any shit you have being upgraded will be available for war at the level it was prior to starting the upgrade.


    There is no vegetation or rocks around the war base. Your collectos aren't collecting anything in the war base. Your war castle gets filled upseparately from your clan castle. The troops in the war castle, defend your base during war, they are not used to attack. When attacking during war, you can use the troops in your regular clan castle like usual.


    War is like Las Vegas, whatever happens there, stays there. It's like an alternate universe separate from the regular goings on of your village. When battle starts, we can help you select the best opponent and give you some attack strategy tips, so don't worry about that.



    As for base design, there are basically two types of bases in clash: farming bases and war/trophy bases. Farming bases are designed to protect your loot. War bases are designed to minimize the number of stars an attacking player can get from you. The most obvious difference is in priority. A war bases prioritizes defense of the Town Hall, a farming base prioritizes defense of loot storage.


    Base building tips:


  7. Played a short bit. First impression was kind of meh. Part of it though is that I'm just not that into PvP anymore. ME3 may have ruined me for life. I like co-op so much better.

  8. I'd say yes but my TH will be only at lv4 by end of today.

    It doesn't really matter Lee. The way matchmaking works, it'll try to find an opponent clan similar to ours from top to bottom. If you're in, then the enemy clan should have a peon as well. :D

    So you are more than welcome to partake in the action!

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