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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Just started season one. Only one episode in and I'm digging it. One question,does Agent Coulson continue his roll through out the series? I like Phil

    Warning, the first three or four episodes are pretty weak, so stay with it.

    Coulson stays around the whole season.

  2. Just finished season 1, omfg, what a last episode. Floored right now, gonna have to watch it again. First few episodes were meh, but then the show hits its stride and never looks back. Then the Hydra shit drops and raises to a whole nother level. Bravo Marvel, bravo. *standing ovation*

  3. War Attack Rules

    First 18 hours you can attack your opposite and/or attempt to upgrade an opponent that a ) has already been attacked and b ) is within 2 of your rank.

    Last 6 hours is a free-for-all, get whatever stars you can.

    Just to emphasise: In the first 18 hours, everyone ALWAYS gets first crack at their opposite if they so desire.


    The provision that you can attempt to upgrade someone who a ) has already been attacked and b ) is within two levels of you is simply there so that you don't have to wait until the last 6 hours to use your second attack or even your first attack if you don't want to attack your opposite. The restriction of within two levels should prevent higher players from dropping way down before the last 6 hours.


    I'm number 8 and I attack my opposite.

    Tommy is number 7 and he attacks his opposite. There's no reason to wait until the last 6 hours for Tommy to try and upgrade my 2 star attack. Or for me to try and upgrade Tommy's. However it would be inappropriate for me to use my second attack to upgrade number 12, since someone lower should have a go first.

    Example 2

    Chris the Great wants nothing to do with their number 1. Plumber has a go against his opposite at number 2 and gets one star. There's no reason for Chris to wait until the last 6 hours to try and upgrade Plumber's attack. However it would be a bit early for Chris to be dropping down to upgrade number 4 or 5.

    Makes sense? Hopefully that explains my thought better.

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