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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. I've put a note up in the in-game chat that suggests:


    First attack is your opposite number

    If you know you can't beat him then WAIT

    when the timer hits 6 hours to finish it's a free for all


    This gives the lower level guys a chance in the first 18 hours which should cover all the time zones


    I think we should try this then fine tune when everyone is used to it


    Any thoughts peeps?

    I think it's a damn good idea. The only adjustment I might suggest is that rather than making everyone wait until the last 6 hours to use their second attack we could do like:


    Last 6 hours is a free for all. Before then, you have two options 1) attack your opposite or 2) attack someone within 2 up or down of you that has already been attacked by his opposite.


    Same basic premise with a little less waiting around.

  2. Watched, very good, then I went on to watch his episode on food waste. And I'm proud to say I don't toss milk after the date and when it starts get skunky, it's relegated to cereal, and if at approaches a critical state, well then it's cereal for every meal until that shit is consumed. Booyah

  3. Great video, i agree with the guy 100%. in good movies, you just can't tell. There are backgrounds in The Lord of the Rings I was positive were CG. Nope, they were real. And yet the entire film is digitally graded to have a certain look.

  4. IMO, they're using the wrong carrot to entice play. I can't be arsed to play the same content over and over and over in the hopes of getting new gear. I'd much rather use the same beloved gear over and over while exploring new content. Gear in general is far too easy to get. The game I thought Destiny was going to be is something like this:

    A gobsmackingly massive, always changing, cross-planet freely explorable world forms the basis. Something like Fallout on steroids. We as players would spend countless hours exploring the solar system, rooting out pockets of evil, finding long lest tech, meeting NPCs, discovering side missions, enemy fortresses etc. The world has dynamic weather, NPCs, and events which occasional and permanently alter some facet of the world. And every once in awhile, during the course of your adventures you'd find some amazing new piece of kit. Exceptional new gear would be few and far between and it would be unique, because only people who explored a certain area at a certain time would find it. Every Guardian would have samey powers, but completely unique armor and weapons that truly reflect their adventures, their legend.

    Overall power should be tied to experience and skill, things under the player's control. Gear should serve to make each Guardian unique by offering special perks and bonuses, allowing each Guardian to carve out their own niche. Transitioning from one piece of gear to another should be a significant event in a guardian's career, not a daily occurrence. The vault never should have needed an increase, because gear should have never been so plentiful.

    That's the game that I honestly thought I was getting based on Bungie's descriptions.

  5. Bah, sequel, remake, it's a terrible idea. Ghostbusters is legendary, and much of it had to do with the chemistry of the cast. Take away the cast, you take away the Ghostbusters. This stinks of money grab on name recognition, not to mention lack of creativity.

  6. this has to be the worst remake ever conceived. I reject it, and refuse to believe it is happening. I will take shelter in an imaginary world where Ray Stantz is President of the Unitied Stats, Peter Venkman is the Secretary of State, Egon Spengler is the head of Nasa, and Winston Zedmore is white house chief of staff, offering Mr. President advice in times of crisis.



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