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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Tbh Jason, I know I like similar games to you so your recommendation helped me suggest the original game today. The video looks decent and I like the different style of play to most other RPGs. Thanks for sharing.

    It's currently my sixth favorite game of all-time.  :D



    Caveat: Half the thrill is in the story and characters, so if you're not the type to get emotionally engaged with such things, then this title may not be for you. I, on the other hand, absolutely love it. I can recall times where it was physically painful to stop playing because I wanted to know what was going to happen next. Had the PS3 version had trophy support, this would have been one that I'd go for the platinum on, just to give it more longevity.

  2. Added some info to the original post.


    @Corey - I have XCOM 2 but haven't gotten around to playing yet, definitely looking forward to it.



    @Lee - It's just the original game and this new sequel. Valkyria Chronicles 2 and 3 were for PSP. I cannot sing the praises of this game loudly enough.




    Here's the original Gametrailers review, plus some boob's annotations. (It doesn't seem to be on the GT website anymore.)


  3. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/valkyria-chronicles-ps4-remaster-trailer-is-full-o/1100-6433854/


    Sega has released a new trailer for the PlayStation 4 re-release of Valkyria Chronicles, which will be available in Japan from February 10.
    The trailer, which you can watch above, sets up the game's war-torn world and introduces a few of the key characters. It's all in Japanese, but it's pretty easy to get the gist of what's going on.
    The remastered version of Valkyria Chronicles will feature improved visuals, include DLC, and Trophy support.
    No information yet on a US or EU release date.


  4. Well fuck me, first the Black Spindle fight, now this... Lack of knowledge about the mechanics is killing me. I had no idea the adds didn't spawn until his gaze was lost. I just assumed they were on a timer. Given this new understanding, big G is gonna get wrecked.

  5. Nice thread Owl. Have you tried Zhalo Supercell in comparison to Bad Juju? I find that the linking damage to neaeby enemies perk is fantastic and beats scout rifles when being overrun.

    Also, I agree that firefly is a great perk, however wasn't it found ages ago that firelfly has a lower DPS shot than a normal crit shot? It's just you get extra damage to other enemies from the splash?

    I've used it but not extensively. My Titan is my auto rifle character and I still haven't played him a ton.

    As Chris said you're thinking of explosive rounds, which I think are of dubious value.

  6. That makes a lot of sense. I always thought it was weird that there was no penalty for using an 'off' element. Kinetic would remain the most versatile option and still better than the wrong element.

  7. Some weapon testing results:

    No Time to Explain, Bad Juju, and Red Death are all basically the same gun in terms of damage output. Red Death hits a wee bit harder than the other two, but fires slower. NTTE hits a wee bit harder than Bad Juju out of the gate, but once String of Curses activates, they are basically identical. Bad Juju fires a cunt hair faster but is a bit less accurate, so a wash. That said, each of these weapons performs better than the others in certain situations.

    If you find yourself frequently going down or almost going down, then Red Death is likely the best option since it kick starts health regeneration with every kill. The flip side is that if you’re doing low level activities, it’s a wasted perk. It is spectacular in PvP, since gunfights will often leave you with only a sliver of health remaining. Versus mobs of garbage, nothing outperforms Bad Juju. You can lay on the trigger and never let up until you decide to use your super (which will be quite frequently). You’ll also not be running out of ammo. With every kill, Bad Juju gives you a little bonus super energy and refills your magazine from some magical other dimension (as opposed to your reserve). NTTE’s special ability is that precision hits are immediately returned to the magazine. This is great for mobs, just like BJ, however it lacks the super boosting awesome. Versus a boss however, it’s fantastic. If a boss has a relatively easy to hit critical location, you can lay on the trigger and not have to reload for… well if you’ve got decent aim, 100+ rounds is reasonably achievable. For example, I easily took out the taken zealot Dornu (sp?) in the Divide on Earth, solo, using just NTTE. I reloaded probably 4 or 5 times. End result of my testing, is that I carry all three of these exotic beauties, since they excel in different applications.

    I recently reported that Ace of Spades poops all over the First Curse, which is does, in Spades, but Hawkmoon—not so much. First of all, if you hate hand cannons, try them on a Gunslinger using Chain of Woe, that’s when they’re at their best IMO. Also, increased HC ammo armor is practically a must for PvE. If you’ve got yourself properly set up, then hand cannons will hang with all the other weapon types just fine, but I digress. The Ace of Spades has Firefly, which provides a serious bump to total DPS. I believe it is far and away the best perk for a hand cannon, but I digress again. That said, Hawkmoon does about 25% more damage with a regular shot and considerably more with the three bonus damage bullets. Whether you prefer the extra damage of Hawkmoon or the AoS with Firefly is up to you. The latter is better versus piles of garbage, but the former is better versus yellow bar enemies as well as your fellow guardians in the Crucible.

    So far, my favorite legendary hand cannon is The Vanity, vendor version, available from Future War Cult. It comes with Firefly, Luck in the Chamber and Extended Mag. I love the feel of it and rather than try to break down the stat profile, I’ll just say that in play, the thing works, and works very well. My current legendary pulse rifle of choice is The Villainy. It’s another Future War Cult piece, however, this one was a drop with some different attributes that I like. This particular one has Rangefinder, Perfect Balance, and the Ranged Lens RLR5 which I really, really like. Range is the king stat in Destiny, as talked about at length by one of the devs prior to the big December rebalancing patch. Perfect Balance, Rangefinder, and the high mag scope make this particular Villainy extremely effective at ranges far beyond the capability of other pulse rifles. Prior to the Villainy entering my life, I was happy with a Hawksaw that also had Rangefinder. However, when I tested them side by side, I was one bursting dregs from a long ass distance with the Villainy and couldn’t land hardly a single critical with the Hawksaw due to its leftward pull and it’s not like the Hawksaw pulls hard either. I’ve spent a lot of time messing about Hakke pulse rifles, but thus far, they all seem to fall flat for me in one way or another.

    As a lead in to my next post, I’ll say that I’ve recently come to really appreciate the gun sights. I used to look only at stats and perks; then I’d stick on whatever the least offensive sight was and use the gun. Not no more. I’ve found that there are some sights which drastically change my evaluation of a weapon, to the point where I prefer my drop Not Like the Others to the Hung Jury vendor version. OMFGWTF!

    Share your thoughts on anything related to the weapons of Destiny.

  8. I'll have to put some thought into it, but I differ in at least one regard, I say no to elemental primaries. It would massively diminish the value of secondaries and heavies and render all non-elemental primaries completely useless. I think weapon variety is quite good. If you choose to stick with a certain few, that's your choice, but it doesn't mean there is a lack of options. Anyway, don't want to derail, we can start a separate weapon variety thread if people want to discuss it.

  9. I think the best scenario would a bubble titan, a sunbreaker and a nightstalker plus 3 raze-lighters. Hit him with shadow shot, then scorch, drop bubble with armor buff proceed to uppercut until he's dead. You really need to get him on the first assault. If you have to respawn and wait for your supers to recharge, you're in a deep hole.

  10. I don't know enough about the technical aspects of DDoS attacks to judge whether Sony is doing a good job fighting them or not. On the one hand, it goes down occasionally, on the other they seem to be a favorite target of hackers, and it only goes down occasionally. I don't know what to make of it. A data breach on the other hand, totally unacceptable and they better have gotten their shit together since 2011.

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