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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Have you checked the wiki page on them? It lists their spawn logic, and apparently you can find them during the Uranus boss mission.

    Those are actually a different type of Manic and they don't drop Ash. There's a good video where someone tested various methods to get Manics to spawn and none of them worked. It seems the majority of information is inaccurate.
  2. Lol.

    The thing is, you're literally the only person who made a big deal out of the FBS. Angry Joe spent two minutes on it in a 40 minute review that amounted to, hey this is cool, which it is, from a technical standpoint.

    My only point was, criticize the game for its faults. Don't criticize what it does well as a roundabout way to say it lacks content.

    The Division sucks


    Because it has realistic physics, like you leave bootprints in the snow, tires deflate, and glass breaks in discrete fragments.

    Uh, okay, but why does that make it suck?

    Because they should invested in better gameplay and content!

    Why didn't you just say that?

    I, uh, I don't know, I guess I just felt like making a big deal out of something trivial...

  3. Grineer Manics are a rare, elusive, and dangerous enemy. I saw them during the One Thousand Cuts event, and never again, until yesterday.

    It was on a Survival mission, Cupid to be exact, in a Grineer galleon orbiting above the frozen seas of Uranus. They revealed themselves not right away, but after 15 minutes, when things started to get desperate. Perhaps they could smell our fear, or perhaps they had simply gotten bored. Whatever their reason, they descended upon us with a vicious fury. Our situation went from one of tenuously controlled chaos to unraveling panic. We had to escape before all was lost. But... now I know... I know where they hide, and I am coming for them...

    //Grineer Manics drop the component blueprints for Ash. They are plentiful in the Laws of Retribution raid, but exceedingly rare during normal missions. I had all but given up on finding one.

  4. We don't have the draft system over this side of the pond which I could use as a way to back up my side of the argument ;)

    However I will agree that youtube has had a detrimental effect on cod.

    Do you have a handicap in golf?

    Regardless, it's not about the everyone's a winner mentality. It's simply about trying to achieve some degree competitive parity.

    In real life sports, you have divisions: the pro league, semi-pro, amateur. In college you have different divisions so Clemson isn't playing against East Long meadow Community College. In CoD, players of all levels compete in public lobbies.

    In CoD, the kilkstreak system compounds the advantage that better players already have, which isn't exactly fair play. Introducing mechanics here and there to help even things back out, is just that, trying to somewhat mend a lopsided situation.

    You can certainly argue that all players have access to the same features, thus it's fair, but that's not really case. All players do not have access to the same amount of time to play the game. You've got mlg types and YouTubers that literally play CoD for a living, all the way down to parents with kids and careers with barely a minute to spare. In order to reach the largest possible audience, because money, it behooves the developer to try and level the playing field a bit so that everyone feels like they at least have a chance of doing well once in a while, no matter their circumstances.

    Battlefield doesn't have nearly the lopsided scenario because it lacks kilkstreaks and the killwhore mentality is less prevalent. Over time, we've seen the BF player base increasing while CoD sales decline. I'd suggest that's because as CoD clamps down on the tactics of the peasants (camping, claymores, noob tubes, death streaks, whatever) the peasants jump ship and find they can be more successful in BF.

    Which as all fine if you think CoD should be the game of the elite. I imagine Activision's shareholders do not share that sentiment and I think the elite will be awfully sad without the peasants around to faceroll. After all, you can't be a bully without someone to bully, and CoD is all about being the biggest bully.

    Wow, did not expect to ramble on like that, but the thoughts just kept flowing.

    In BO1 defense I will say that it is far and away the best Zombies experience of any game in the franchise. Like everything else in the game, zombies now is overburdened with complexity.

  5. I've been trying it on PS4, it's actually a good game for sitting on the couch I've found

    I find it a very relaxing game to play, which is strange considering how insanely fast it is.

    What's your psn name? We'll get you added to the clan.

  6. I had a go yesterday on Warframe and I quite liked it. Only played until L4, did the Foundry mission then started having a look at how the mod system works.

    The missions so far seem a little easy but I suppose this is just until I'm fully kitted out.

    Excalibur I think i went for. Has a nifty assault rifle and I've been enjoying stealth kills with the staff. Don't like bows and arrows so didn't choose that.

    Early days but seems a lot better than i remember and i find myself searching levels to break open 'chests' for credits eventhough don't know yet what they buy. Which is a good sign.

    Nice! Are you playing on PC or PS4?
  7. Think you've mentioned this kind of thing before but why help lesser players?

    Is that how they improve by bringing the modern day everyone has to be a winner philosophy?

    We all had to start sometime, is getting your ass handed to you and learning from it such a bad thing?

    One more thing about mw2 and to me the biggest thing was the nuke...don't ptfo just camp for the game winning nuke....that was possibly game breaking imo

    In sports leagues, why does the team that finishes last get the first pick in the next draft? Answer that, and you will have answered your own question.

    As for nukes, in over 300 hours played, I encountered probably no more than 10. For the sake of argument, let's say my memory is flawed, and triple that number. One match decided by nuke every 10 hours played. Doesn't seem game breaking. I still think they're stupid, as I think kilkstreaks in general are stupid, but I wouldn't call it game breaking.

    Camping is a playstyle many people use regardless if they're trying for a kilkstreak or not. I really can't say I noticed more or less camping in other CoDs versus MW2. As for not playing the objective, I lay the blame squarely at the feet of YouTube, the likes of Sandy Ravage, and to a lesser extent the fact that the the end of game scoreboard shows kills and deaths and you can view other players stats in the lobby.

  8. 1) Commando + Lightweight + Marathon with a tactical knife

    2) Noob tubes with danger close and scavenger

    3) claymores with scavenger

    4) Death streaks

    I didn't actually have a problem with any of those things. They were fun and helpful for lesser players. The removal of them I see as pandering to the tryhards who get butthurt when a 'scrub' messes up their streak.

    As for stacking kilkstreaks, again, it helps lesser players achieve streaks they otherwise would not be able to. Good players are going to get their kilkstreaks anyway. The emphasis placed recently on deterring camping with mechanics like Ghost doesn't work if you stay still too long is even more pandering to the run and gun players with good twitch skill.

    *Shrugs* can't make everyone happy

  9. Aside from the fact the lag was out of control, I thought BO1 was decent, but not great. I disagree about the maps; I thought they were mediocre at best. The weapons all sounded like toy guns and as far as graphics and smoothness, it was a step backward from MW2. I feel like it lacked innovation and the biggest thing it had going for it was that it righted some of MW2's perceived wrongs. Ymmv

  10. As of the moment, I have no intention of playing D1 again, simply because there are other games to be played. I am however, keenly interested in how they approach this from a business standpoint, and that in turn may influence my decision to play D2.

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