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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. Man City 1-0 up at Spurs and Villa already 1-2 down to West Brom. Sunderland also winning
  2. If Scotland goes independent; does this mean I can hate Andy Murray without feeling guilty about it when I'm at Wimbledon next as he'd be technically foreign? I wouldn't want Scotland to depart Britain but in all honesty; I couldn't blame them!
  3. Anyone own it and is it actually any good? Ta!
  4. Unedited footage of Taylor Swift being attacked at the Grammys. Shocking but she kept on playing unfazed. What a trooper
  5. I bloody love it! http://video.uk.msn.com/watch/video/deport-justin-bieber-campaign-grows/2guuln2u
  6. Schweet http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2014-ps1-ps2-games-heading-to-ps4 Separate to the upcoming Playstation Now service; this could be another major plus for the PS4.
  7. Well there sure as hell ain't gonna be a EA appreciation month anytime soon Full credit to them for doing this. The community had to put up with quite a lot of significant issues for the first few months and did provide some important feedback to DICE to help them sift through the countless problems that were identified. I think overall the relationship between the fans and the developer has been pretty effective with only EA really experiencing the huge wrath of the customers and the media scrutiny. DICE were certainly to blame for a portion of the chaos but thankfully we've moved past that onward and upwards. You'd never see Activision doing this without having to pay a premium! Even with all the support for COD and the billions it's brought them; they will persistently hold the community to ransom for even the smallest content.
  8. I'll definitely be up for this! I've put the Standalone on ice for a bit after my character was wiped but will pick it back up shortly when I get a chance and hopefully we can club a few people together for a meet
  9. Very interesting night in the Prem. Liverpool destroy Everton and Southampton hold Arsenal 2-2. The Gunners were apparently beyond awful in the first half and the Saints could have been 4/5-0 up at the break. City or Chelsea could be top tomorrow which could make for a frantic finale. Looks like Wan Matter had a good start to his Man Utd career too!
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25927844 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-25922569
  11. Whenever DLC is mooted; half the community want maps brought back and half want new ones so the devs can never seem to win and at least 50% of people will be pissed off when the content is announced I enjoyed Treyarch's revamped classics in Black Ops 2 and was pleased to see Terminal return for free in MW3 although I was gutted we didn't see more MW2 maps return. I still feel the current offerings are a bit stingy especially as I doubt i'll be indulging much in extinction. I could go on and play Counterstrike: Global Offensive and download 20,000 user-created maps for free and no disrespect to Infinity Ward but most of the maps I see created in that game and in other mod-enabled titles are streets ahead of the premium content DLC I see in Call of Duty these days. Some of the designs are smart, well balanced and ooze experience in terms of the creator being familiar with the genre and FPS MP games. I am stumped as to whether I commit to buy this DLC although admittedly a couple of maps do look very decent.
  12. Dying Light is something I have my eye on It's like Dead Island combined with Mirrors Edge!
  13. Looks pretty good! Apparently made by the Total War team; Creative Assembly which is quite a step in the other direction for them. Just hope they can improve on the forgettable Colonial Marines (made by Gearbox) but that shouldn't be too hard. The only negative about this title seems to be the PS3 and 360 release. This probably means the next gen and PC versions are just forward-ports jazzed up. If it's non-linear and has a good backbone; it could be a great title nevertheless which is something we haven't seen in the Alien series since AvP back in 97!
  14. Ex COD devs + EA cash whores = a game once a year for sure Also expect a string of DLC before the year is out too!
  15. Ignition Containment Bay View Fog Extinction: Nightfall
  16. I am gutted that this game is basically a forward-ported 360 game though. 6v6 is sooooo 1999 and having bots as opposed to real players is just like shitty squads mode in Ghosts. I was really pumped for this but it just doesn't seem to have the scale and ambition I thought it was destined to have. Still think it could be a blast but any whiff of Call of Duty and I'll be uninstalling it immediately Apparently an alpha/beta/gamma/rodeo or whatever it's called version may hit PC soon just as did the Xbox One last week so we may get a sampler before blowing our money on EA once again
  17. I'd be happy with just a bloody unicycle this moment in time! I read a recent update that the vehicles are in progress and could appear very soon so that's very encouraging.
  18. Baines signs a new deal at Everton so Man Utd should probably have a look at Luke Shaw as a good candidate to replace Patricia Evra. I don't think Alex 'I can't believe it's not' Buttner is up to it.
  19. It's rare you see a game that makes Battlefield 4 tinpot tiny! After seeing this; I'll never look at Battlefield the same way. In fact, I am going to refer to it as Battlebackgarden from now on.
  20. I love the Winter Olympics! This is my personal highlight:
  21. It's only a matter of time Google buys all the toilet firms in all the world so they can keep track of your pissing and shitting activities. I hate all this modern fucking technology.
  22. I always use my 360 game pad for the likes of sports games. The PC has been shunned with the next gen versions of NBA 2K14 and FIFA 14 which is massively disappointing as the new engines are quite a considerable leap. I am not sure how the other sports titles fare on PC this year but playing with a pad I find more comfortable and less cumbersome than the MK setup.
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