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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. Server situation is completely unacceptable right now. Was really hoping to pick it up but there were apparently hundreds of thousands of users who couldn't get in all weekend and the servers were also overwhelmed with AFKers clogging up the joint. Server capacity was also capped at 450,000 yet Steam had a peak of 330.000 accessing the services. If they are going to go down the live service route so they can attach their shitty microtransaction plague of a store then they really need to cope with the demand or keep the game local only with P2P and basic online service access. Servers in this day and age for a game of this nature should be expecting between 2-5m active players so capping at less than half a million is a joke and it's not like it's release weekend either. Very poor showing.
  2. Apparently ship boarding is also a cutscene which bloody tragic! You can do this in every game of this nature including Assassin's Creed Black Flag.
  3. I quite like the look of this and may grab it sometime. Had some early woes and the microtransaction controversy but seems to have come through with solid and enjoyable gameplay.
  4. Yeah it definitely looks more authentic than I was expecting and doesn't drift away from the originals too much visually or mechanically. I definitely may grab it when I get a chance.
  5. Dead Island Riptide Definitive Edition FREE on Steam Save 100% on Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM Welcome to the zombie apocalypse experience of a lifetime – more beautiful than ever. Caught in an epic zombie outbreak on the tropical island of Banoi, your only thought is: Survive!
  6. You can switch between the new and classic graphics so hopefully the latter will have modern support for higher resolutions too. Looks more like AI upscaled than a proper remaster I must admit although I don't mind that they haven't drifted too far from the aesthetics and style. Not sure how the gameplay will hold up overall though
  7. This is a good watch $30 for coloured portals lmao!
  8. I've heard it's only Silent Hill by name and everything else is pretty lame. Pity because the PT demo we had a decade or so ago was epic! Silent Hill 2 remake has also raised some surprise concerns that the developers (who are not very popular for numerous reasons) have missed the point and are trying to turn it into Resident Evil.
  9. This is a great little game that's coming out in a couple of weeks on the 20th to Steam and Playstation. Basically a roguelike deck-builder poker game where you strategically play hands, earn power-ups and other elements to increase your multi and defeat the blinds. Played about half hour yesterday and it works pretty well and its nice to see a poker game especially one with a unique twist.
  10. If this happens then it’ll be the final nail in the coffin for Microsoft surely in competition terms? It would destroy the entire point of owning an Xbox and the game pass on its own is just not sustainable or attractive enough plus the machines are technically inferior. The fact this has even been considered is just insane and it will kill any future credibility they have with ‘exclusives’. They were already desperate enough as it is with such few options. Makes you wonder if they will abandon consoles in the future and just do streaming as previously suggested. This situation is very similar to the Sega saga. The Bethesda acquisition has been a disaster so far and the Activision takeover isn’t going to change anything other than where the profits are diverted. Microsoft are incredibly boxed in right now and running out of options. Microsoft mulls major Xbox exclusives Starfield, Indiana Jones for PlayStation 5 - reports WWW.EUROGAMER.NET Major Xbox console exclusives such as Bethesda's Starfield and the upcoming Indiana Jones and the Great Circle are...
  11. Baldur's Gate 3
  12. There's really not much new in this space aside from the above. I'd probably say Remnant 2 which is a cross between The Division and Bloodborne.
  13. Leaked footage of Neversoft's cancelled Call of Duty title has emerged. This was due for release in 2013 but replaced by Infinity Ward's Ghosts who then went on to make their own space game in 2016 with Infinite Warfare. Looks like they produced a few campaign missions plus there was a lot of MP groundwork completed before the project was binned off. Hopefully more footage will be posted soon and I wonder if modders can get their hands on it and make a playable build..
  14. What a finish!
  15. Embarrassing performance from Spurs last night. 1 shot on goal all night compared to Man City's 18. Players spent most of the evening playing high-risk balls around their own area which almost resulted in 2 goals shortly before City scored from a set-piece. There was some nice attacking play at times especially from Johnson, Udogie and Werner but the final ball was absolutely shocking and Porro's inability to clear the first man from dead balls is a persistent problem. Spurs did defend really well for most of the game but the majority of attacks City had were easily preventable with more direct football and they cannot keep playing the same high-risk football against top sides throughout the 90. The sheer lack of anything up front made for a very frustrating night and clinging on to a replay would've served no benefit whatsoever either.
  16. I don't think they have a leg to stand on but they will certainly use IP violating mods as an excuse to target the game and many have been taken down already. In terms of the core concept, I'm not sure if Pokemon can protect itself that much. Most of it is probably down to the usual Nintendo salt on top of the fact Pokemon has been hot garbage for many years now. A game upstaging it overnight and being immensely popular was never going to go down well with them.
  17. I think more and more people are jumping on the bandwagon as the game gets more exposed. Hard to tell when it'll finally peak as there's still a lot of people interested in it who may not have the funds to buy it right now or may jump in on the weekend. I'm more surprised at how many players jumped in on the first couple of days with the game seemingly going under the radar. The likes of Among Us and Lethal Company really took a while to get going but this is flying right off the bat!
  18. Those free rewards are still financed by income generated from PS+ revenues whether the user has bought it or not. The rewards given away don't grow on trees - Sony have to subsidise the likes of EA in full on the contents given away exactly the same way how someone like Epic pays developers an install sum for the games they give away for free through their store. If I spend £50 on a Playstation Store game and then get a free £5 voucher and buy an indie game for £5, they don't get paid in a free voucher - that £5 has to be generated somewhere in real money so the indie developers can get paid for their game and the only ones that can do that is Sony because they provided the voucher. If Valve gave away a £5 voucher to every active account on the Steam platform then they would have to find £450,000,000 in real money so the recipient of the products bought actually get paid because they aren't going to give away their stuff for free or at a discount just because a provider decided to give away free vouchers out of thin air. This model only really works if the store owns its products and can dictate pricing and distribution. Sony probably owns about 1% of the digital stock sold in the Playstation Store and the majority that sell their stuff demand to be paid in full especially if they are already relinquishing 30% for the privilege on the cut alone.
  19. Tesco sell their own wholesaled goods whereas Playtation sell other people's products and take a cut. Playstation Rewards are facilitated as a perk by PS+ revenues so what people think is a sweet offer is actually based off the back of their own money in the first place. It's a carefully measured offering where they do not lose any money. If they had to subsidise a digital resell or revoke market out of their own pockets for other people's products then that would cause a devastating knock-on effect for either developers or Sony like we've already seen with microtransactions when they were first introduced to combat the preowned resell market. Sure, companies like Sony could offer a digital revoke points system but it'll essentially be coming out of their own pockets and be going against their own terms of service. The likes of Tesco use Clubcard to drive and reward sales and consumer loyalty but a model like this cannot be transitioned so simply into a completely different business framework. Everything Tesco sell with a Clubcard price is their own product so if they want to take off 30p on beans they can do that but if they tried to apply that to non-wholesaled products that they sell on behalf and take a cut then they will have to pay the difference out of their own pocket and/or waive the cut and further pay some of the difference.
  20. The trouble is who would subsidise the loss against the new product? You could buy one AAA game for £50, withdraw the licence and then claim such points against an indie game for instance. The developers of that will then either have their income reduced or someone like Sony or Nintendo would have to foot the deficit created by the points generation. The beauty of digital gaming for the likes of publishers and developers is that they have no physical media and shipping costs plus more importantly the purchase is set in stone where licences cannot be sold onward as second hand. A similar thing came up on Steam recently regarding Steam Points where someone suggested that these should be converted into vouchers to spend in the Steam Store. This was not feasible because these points are generated out of thin air so if someone spent £50 on a AAA game, got £5 in return and used that to buy an alternative product from a different developer, Valve would have to pay it out of their own pocket. Based on my estimations, if each active account earned just one voucher on average per week, it would cost Valve £2,000,000,000 a month which is 25% of their annual income that would result in a yearly loss of -$16bn. Digital games and optional DLC were partly designed to combat against the second hand market but it's now become the ultimate income stream especially with production and shipping costs further reduced or in the case of Alan Wake 2; removed altogether.
  21. That's my biggest issue with the gameplay these days. FIFA was so much more authentic back in the 08-12 era with far more realistic ball physics and less animations. Since they moved to frostbite, the animations are so wonky and they've spent way too much time on fancy moves that look ridiculous and can be spammed to hell. The ball often has no realistic weight and often simply travels in straight lines with a consistent speed. I watched a major e-sport match a while back and they were just pulling off the most silly moves plus every pass was in a straight line and being darted around like an ice hockey puck. The final score was 8-6 or something. There was nothing wrong with FIFA a decade ago and it used to be a lot of fun trying to break down an opponent from a tactical standpoint. EA seem to think children will get bored if they actually try and create a simulator. Apparently 14 goals a game, skill spam and endless rewards based on spend and play is the best way forward and whilst that's true for their income, it's made the games so much worse.
  22. When even IGN say the game is shite you know it's gonna be bad. They'll still probably give it a 7 to avoid upsetting the publishers but rule of thumb with them is always deduct 3 for the real score🤣
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