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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. I'm gonna probably get this package over Black Ops Cold War. I am a bit disappointed with the amount of stuff being taken out of the game but hopefully the new content will feel like an entirely new one.
  2. This game looks decent in early access - it released without much fanfare but it seems very promising already. Imagine Kingdom Come Deliverance fused with a survival game
  3. Lying is Todd Howard's job😂
  4. I'd say unlikely - if anything, it could delay the game further for improvements. We still don't know how far along Bethesda are on this game or what Microsoft are looking to add in the short term regarding ongoing projects. Development may just continue as normal with Microsoft taking a backseat and collecting the cash or there could be internal changes to personnel and their hardware. There is already a huge disparity between the tech Microsoft have at their disposal and what the Bethesda staff have been using. Hopefully more information will be revealed about TES6 but I probably wouldn't expect to see this game out until at least 2024. Starfield seems to be their main upcoming focus right now.
  5. It just works though. Also 16x the detail😎
  6. They've confirmed that all future releases from this deal with be on the game pass day one although I am more likely to buy their games individually rather than access them this way.
  7. Sony should just go and buy Xbox and then we can call it quits😎
  8. That's a huge move as they will now own the likes of Doom, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Dishonored and Wolfenstein. Hopefully that'll be the end of the shitty Bethesda platform and the dogshit microtransactions. Maybe they'll also have access to better technology instead of clapped-out crap from 15 years ago still. I can't see these brands suddenly becoming Xbox and Windows Exclusives though as they bring in the dosh on Playstation but it could lead to some shit going forward such as content and platform timed exclusives. Microsoft buys Skyrim and Fallout company Bethesda | GamesRadar+ WWW.GAMESRADAR.COM All of ZeniMax Media is becoming part of Xbox
  9. We're top if you have the table upside down😎 Horrid luck so far - about 7 first team players injured and several unfit, two tough opening fixtures in an already cluttered schedule and were absolutely skint! This season will probably be a write-off for most teams and most will be happy just to survive financially.
  10. Man Utd 1-3 Crystal Palace ROFL! So much for United being title contenders...
  11. Played on the ship map which seemed ok but boats are very OP. Got spawn trapped on the Moscow 6v6 map which was a joke. Terrible map but that just made it worse. Also when you’re playing objective modes, the announcer won’t shut the fuck up and it’s really hard to keep track of your scorestreak progression. Frame rate is dogshit and the animations are a massive issue - I keep getting killed by players who are not facing me but shooting sideways from my POV and everything seems so basic compared to MW. I haven’t enjoyed a single minute so far so I removed the alpha altogether and don’t want to waste anymore time on it. It’ll be much better on PC and next gen with performance but there’s just too many flaws in the gameplay and design IMO.
  12. I've just played a handful of matches and although it's too early to make a proper judgement, I don't think this game is all that good so far. The visuals are really showing their age on my old gen PS4 and there are some nasty chromatic effects in play. Some of the maps have really muddy textures so it can be very difficult to spot enemies at times and the bullet tracing effects look horrendous. One massive departure is the weapon animations - they look so basic that it feels a big step back compared to MW2019 and it makes you appreciate how solid the guns were in that game. Cold War just feels tacky and unrefined in places. The Ground War type mode also seems flawed as you can't choose your spawn so you just spend most of the match looking for vehicles or going over your footsteps to push forward. I haven't played on the boat map yet but the snow one is awful. The 6v6 maps aren't great although the Miami map is really good looking and plays pretty well. Maybe a bit too big 12 players though. The desert one is horrible with spawn-trapping and camping and the Moscow one feels like any other COD map we've done a million times over. It's still early days but this doesn't feel like a proper COD game - it's more like a spin-off or F2P-type game that doesn't do anything new. I'm gonna play a bit more tonight and if I haven't uninstalled it, over the coming days but I don't think my opinion will change too much. I'd even say the MW2 Remastered campaign felt more refined and mechanically satisfying.
  13. In a shock twist, Gareth Bale joins West Ham on loan for the season!
  14. 2-0 AC Milan in the end and Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored LMAO! That's like Messi scoring against some like Forest Green
  15. FM2020 and Watch Dogs 2 FREE on the Epik Shtore
  16. Shamrock 0-0 AC Milan after 3 minutes. They just need to hold out for another 87..
  17. That's very kind of you Phil! If it's still available I'll give Void Bastards a go cheers!
  18. Download complete but for only 25gb it took a long time! Content servers must have been hammered. Looking forward to giving this a try tomorrow and through the weekend. Seems like there is a good bulk of content being made available also.
  19. Shamrock Rovers v AC Milan tonight😎
  20. Some bloke called Gareth Bale. Never heard of him.
  21. I remember playing the Dreamcast the day it was launched at Toys R Us and I was blown away so I got one for Christmas. Definitely a big step up over the N64 at the time and especially the PS1 which was the most popular console at the time.
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