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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. Yeah it's a total PR disaster especially with the announcement coming a mere 24 hours after they once again explicitly stated it wouldn't be delayed which was already off the back of several other statements to this tune in the past 6 weeks. Lots of staff thrown under the bus and whilst the faceless social media team will get away fairly clean minus a bit of Twitter abuse at the company, I feel for any who made that commitment either through interviews or during the livestream as they will face a lot of ridicule even though it wasn't their choice. If they get it out in December then it'll be forgiven and forgotten especially if it's a fantastic game but it seems people aren't convinced by the excuse or confident in the new release either and after what's now happened, I'm also a bit iffy about it. The situation almost mimics that of the original Watch Dogs 7 years ago at the start of the gen - it was due for release as one of the most hyped games in recent memory and a massive launch title for the new gen of consoles and out of the blue it was delayed by 6 months and was nowhere as good as expected. I hope it doesn't repeat with this.
  2. I think the rage that a lot of gamers have expressed (quite a bit childish and extreme in some cases) is mainly born out of sheer frustration after a difficult year but the real aggravating factor that has tipped people over the edge is the sheer amount of lies and broken promises. People have been let down 3 times this year - twice understandable under the circumstances but the third time feels almost unforgivable for some especially when the publishers have expressed countless times that there would be no further delays including an instance 24 hours before the announcement. It's just eroding trust and people aren't confident that the game will even arrive in December - Q1 2021 it may have to be. The other monumental disappointment about the whole situation was CDPR being one of only a few trusted developers and publishers out there and for them to screw up even worse than some common AAA ones, it's a huge confidence dent that could ruin a company for years to come just like BioWare. I am partly relieved that the game is delayed and I'm not as hyped for it as some but the way they've handled it has been shocking really. They would have been better just giving a release window with no promises back in the summer rather than string people along and bullshit them all the way to to the 11th hour.
  3. Fucking disgraceful really. The game has already gone gold, it's being shipped to retailers as I write this yet once again it's delayed despite numerous set in stone guarantees that it would not be delayed again even going back to their livestream last week. This is nothing more than a tactical delay so it doesn't collide with the big releases in the weeks leading up to its launch. I'm not even confident it'll come out in December either because they may then be baited into taking the next gen consoles into consideration based on how those launch and their availability. Looks like I have a window for Black Ops Cold War and/or Destiny 2 at least but this is very disappointing.
  4. Google distanced themselves from him and then his bio immediately changed similar to what their statement indicated his role was. They definitely forced him to do that rather than see him misrepresent himself like many blue checkmark Twitter twats do in this industry. I don't think he ever got ahead with the argument either as he was obliterated right off the bat with his opinion and tone but then just dug a deeper hole for himself. In the usual blue tick hypocrisy that arises with these situations, he went on to Tweet that he'd be streaming Fall Guys in the evening and then everyone piled on him further asking if he'd paid the developers for the licence and their royalties🤣
  5. I think Jose is doing a better job this year than last season because he's finally utilising the players at his disposal properly. Last year there were games where the bus was parked, Spurs were absorbing 70% of possession and playing for a one-goal win - definitely not the type of football you associate with the club or how the players should be playing. Now he's really maximising what's available and is getting the most out of them. It's just a shame points have been dropped at home especially in the manner they were - a pedestrian performance against Everton, should have buried Newcastle way before the controversial penalty and the West Ham capitulation was bizarre. Just need to keep getting those important wins and taking advantage of other teams dropping points. Spurs have a great chance and Jose is in his best form and mindset for years and has the squad to bring success.
  6. Probably not until next year although I will definitely pick it up as I had a blast with Watch Dogs 2. It's a really busy month for games and I don't want to get this and then feel pressured into finishing it or it being left in a state where I abandon it for something like Cyberpunk and then can't get back into it.
  7. I've been listening to some slowed/reverb versions of songs and they really do add a whole new dimension to the music. Here are some examples:-
  8. I was using a controller and switched to keyboard to kill him - only had to use the Ctrl key to shoot without needing to use the other keys for movement thankfully meaning I was able to use my stick to get around and the A button to go prone still. Apparently the port and PC version as a whole can see Mantis defeated with a keyboard no matter what. The only way to get screwed is just using a controller without a keyboard and that's just not gonna happen on PC. Meryl's code I remembered from back in the day but other than guessing or looking it up, I can't see how users got around not having the CD case. The only other difference is Mei Ling @ 140.96 isn't required to save the game - you can do that by pressing the ESC key and saving through a menu option there.
  9. Metal Gear Solid (1998) GOG PC version
  10. Close game for Ajax
  11. A Stadia employee thinks publishers should start claiming royalties from streamers playing their games - this take did not sit well from all sides.. - Publishers get free global exposure of their games and content - streamers and content creators make money for their efforts - the community get free content to watch Not even the likes of EA or 2K want to upset the apple cart with such a move and this is how it will stay. Such an ignorant take.
  12. Ex-Oxford Kemar Roofe with a wonder goal!
  13. Just over a week before Cyberpunk 2077 too!
  14. Beta has been extended by an extra day but I've seen all there is on offer so I probably wont play too much in the remaining 24 hours. Doesn't look like they are adding anything new or improving aspects on the fly which is a shame. The fact snipers weren't nerfed at all is a major concern and could prove a sticking point for the duration of this games existence as I don't think they'll be able to find a happy medium without aggravating a portion of the community. I think the game is pretty good fun to be fair and I'm glad they've moved away from the direction BO was taking since BO3. I wont make a decision about purchasing until the 11th hour though - I don't want to pick this up and stop playing after a week because Cyberpunk 2077 is out. The new Destiny 2 content is also a factor. I will definitely have to see more of what Cold War is offering but if they start releasing old maps to bail out the bad ones once again then I certainly wont get it.
  15. Reached max level 40 this evening and clocked about 5-6 hours in total I reckon. I think I've seen all there is to see but may have one more crack tomorrow. I do think this is more enjoyable that MW2019 despite being less polished and it certainly is more representative of a typical COD game. Snipers still need some serious nerfing though and I really dislike the convoluted scorestreak system - I can't for the life of me work out where I stand half the time and it seems to take forever to earn mid-range rewards even when delivering solid kill and point streaks. I enjoyed using the Krig 6, XM4, QBZ-83 and Gallo SA-12 and there's plenty of customisation on offer across the class. I am worried about the quality of the maps though and I don't want them resorting to classics like Nuketown, Firing Range and Summit for the 50th time. I can't see animations being improved sadly. I still can't work out how good the game is or how much fun I had but it's never going to match the golden era of a decade ago. Treyarch have done well to concoct this under the circumstances though and I'm glad it's not another specialist-ridden game and something a bit fresh instead. I will have to see a lot more in the next couple of weeks before I think about purchasing though and that includes feedback fixes and changes.
  16. This game is huge right now and I was wondering if anyone has played it? I think it's just on the PC but it's up to 4 player co-op where you ghost hunt and it also supports VR Phasmophobia on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM Phasmophobia is a 4 player online co-op psychological horror. Paranormal activity is on the rise and it’s up to you and your team to use all the ghost hunting equipment at your disposal in order to gather as... 96% positive plus it has a huge amount of players and viewers. Great time of the year for a game like this too!
  17. Spurs well and truly blew it - that's even more points dropped at home. They will never compete for the title with results like that. Shocking game management.
  18. The maps are horrific for 6v6 but are more acceptable in objective modes I've found. I had a few enjoyable matches on Miami of Control, Domination and Hardpoint as there was always some action to be had and the matches had great flow. I then played a couple of TDM games on there and it was a complete borefest of limited action, camping and running around aimlessly. Same with Moscow - some really good mospit matches and then TDM is dull as fuck. I still can't get my head round the scorestreak system - I got 8 kills playing Control and still could earn fuck all in that first life.
  19. Got up to level 35 so far on the PC beta and it's much better than what I played of the alpha although more work is definitely needed. The hit-detection is pretty solid and although it feels like you die quick, you can certainly down people with equal ease. The weapons may not look as refined as they did in MW and the handling isn't as realistic but I don't think this is a bad thing as it feels more like a traditional COD title rather than some conflicted middle ground game between a sim and a arcade experience. The guns seem good fun to use and there is a wealth of customisation available. Snipers are still way too OP though. The maps still don't feel like anything special although they do the job especially on some of the objective modes. Some play really well in one mode and then horrendously in another. The original Black Ops had really good maps that were suitable in all modes for instance. The modes available do seem plentiful and interesting especially Fireteam Dirty Bomb which is basically a mini Warzone. Ranking in this mode seems really quick too. You do need to have 3 other reasonably competent players though. Animations are still a big problem though and what you see a player doing from your perspective isn't always true to theirs. You can be looking at a player facing away from you with their gun at their side yet they kill you and on the killcam it shows them ADS'ing whilst looking right at you. Also players seem to move rapidly and skate around at times which makes them hard to track - this seems to be a blend of connection and animation issues. I'll probably play a bit more later and although it's still early days and I'm not sure if I'll get it, Cold War does seem fun in parts and a more casual and enjoyable experience than what Modern Warfare was with its doorfare, safe spaces, shotgun spam, conflicted design and massively sized maps.
  20. I'm gonna give the alpha a go on PC this weekend as it's free. Looks a huge step up in terms of visuals and performance over my base PS4 along with the slick M+KB mechanics. I'm not expecting much especially after my alpha experience and I will be going in blind to all the current feedback of sorts so it'll be interesting to see how it handles.
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