Got up to level 35 so far on the PC beta and it's much better than what I played of the alpha although more work is definitely needed.
The hit-detection is pretty solid and although it feels like you die quick, you can certainly down people with equal ease. The weapons may not look as refined as they did in MW and the handling isn't as realistic but I don't think this is a bad thing as it feels more like a traditional COD title rather than some conflicted middle ground game between a sim and a arcade experience. The guns seem good fun to use and there is a wealth of customisation available. Snipers are still way too OP though.
The maps still don't feel like anything special although they do the job especially on some of the objective modes. Some play really well in one mode and then horrendously in another. The original Black Ops had really good maps that were suitable in all modes for instance. The modes available do seem plentiful and interesting especially Fireteam Dirty Bomb which is basically a mini Warzone. Ranking in this mode seems really quick too. You do need to have 3 other reasonably competent players though.
Animations are still a big problem though and what you see a player doing from your perspective isn't always true to theirs. You can be looking at a player facing away from you with their gun at their side yet they kill you and on the killcam it shows them ADS'ing whilst looking right at you. Also players seem to move rapidly and skate around at times which makes them hard to track - this seems to be a blend of connection and animation issues.
I'll probably play a bit more later and although it's still early days and I'm not sure if I'll get it, Cold War does seem fun in parts and a more casual and enjoyable experience than what Modern Warfare was with its doorfare, safe spaces, shotgun spam, conflicted design and massively sized maps.