I read a YouTube comment last night that said something along the lines of 'the second beta releases Friday'. To be honest, that's not too far from the truth. The final game has 4 more maps, 5 more guns and 6 less scorestreaks and that's it.
I still haven't bought the game and this could be the first Call of Duty I don't ever ever get. It certainly will be the first one I don't have at launch. If I don't pick it up today I probably never will. I really enjoyed the beta but the lack of content off the bat is disgraceful really. Surely you want to keep people engaged right off the bat rather than dangling one extra map in the next 5 weeks that may or may not be a remake.
Treyarch also really piss me off these days - I still regard the original Black Ops one of the best games I have ever played and BO2 was an exceptional package. They are lazy as fuck now and completely out of ideas - all their new maps are shite and in such few quantity, they then have to relentlessly recycle old content. People will probably blame the pandemic and in some cases it has impacted development but let's not forget they had 3 clear years with BO4 and we didn't even get a campaign, only got 12 maps for MP in which 4 were recycled and the zombies community were shafted up the ass for Blackout.
If Nuketown is finished already, why the hell don't they give it to us now? Holding out paid content to ransom is a joke! Infinity Ward were churning out MP, gunfight, FFA and GW maps all year and Treyarch seem to be toying with when to release Jungle for the 39th time in the last decade.
COD YouTubers are at it again too - one minute they are conveying their concerns about the lack of content and how disappointing the game will likely be on release and then 8 hours later they publish a brand new video saying 'OMG NEW PATCH NOETS IN AND TREEARCH R LISTENING TO US' and '2 WEOPANS BUFFED AND DORK MATTER CAMO IS BACK - THIS GAME IS AMAZzzING YO' and then everything is forgiven even though that doesn't change anything about the lack of maps.
I will have to make a choice by this evening - either pay £45, get about 40 hours out of it until Cyberpunk drops and just take what's there or save the money and vote with my wallet. I'll probably have nothing much to play but it'll be a principled move.