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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. Seems refunds are being rejected despite the promise from CDPR. Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Promised Refunds It Couldn't Actually Guarantee - IGN WWW.IGN.COM Cyberpunk 2077 players are discovering refunds aren't guaranteed after CD Projekt Red said customers unsatisfied with PS4 and Xbox One performance can request them.
  2. Yeah definitely. The Witcher 3 had some issues that required work post-release but there was no pressure or expectation on that game and if anything, it exceeded on release and then got better. This game however will go down as being in development a very long time, massively bankrolled, heavily marketed and ultimately disappointing a huge amount of gamers with technical and conceptual issues. CDPR's reputation as being one of only a few trusted developers left is well and truly shattered and I'm not sure if they'll ever recover no matter how many copies they sell or how much money they make. To date, I'd say The Witcher 3 is their only good game that is proven and deserving of its success. I regard it as my favourite of all time so it's a bigger shock that they've ballsed up with Cyberpunk not just technically but from a RPG standpoint too. With many gamers being let down relentlessly by publishers and developers these days, the disappointment here is even more exacerbated.
  3. IGN have released a separate review for the PS4/XB1 versions and it's pretty savage
  4. They (the publishers) deserve all the flack they are getting for sure. My experience on PC hasn’t been half as bad as some have seen on the old gen consoles but even so, I am astonished at the amount of bugs and lack of polish in many regards. Let’s not forget this game was supposed to be released in April BEFORE the new consoles were even released so this is actually an old gen title. The base PS4 version seems almost unplayable and when it does run, it looks like utter dogshit and extremely inferior to even the PC version running at barebones settings. This vid sums it up
  5. I don't understand the mentality of these big companies always picking on smaller content creators - this will reach the big ones faster than any negative publicity generated by the small YouTuber associated with the product. It's a PR mistake that keeps on being made across many domains. Let's not forget how many gamers were screwed over my Nvidia's retarded supply chain where thousands upon thosands of units globally ended up in the hands of scalpers rather than established partnered retailers. Amazing how all these multi-billion dollar companies get triggered by tiny things.
  6. Even more Cyberpunk
  7. Cheers! I didn't take many on my PS4 because the button is just so damn clunky and when I do press it, I somehow take a video😂
  8. Arsenal lost at home to Burnley AFTV tonight will be funny! I think everyone dropped points this weekend who should've probably won
  9. It's like a Ubisoft game except the other way around😅
  10. Inspired by Left 4 Dead and made by the same people, Turtle Rock Studios. Looks very promising indeed. I'm just gonna pretend Evolve didn't exist!
  11. Yeah that's definitely happened to me loads - I finish the first half with practically an erection and then the the second half I get buttfucked🤣 I once think I got 42 kills in Nuketown DOM in the first half and ended the match with just 49 and most of those came from killstreaks! It was like the opposition completely flipped a switch yet we had B in both halves so the second should have been just as routine to dominate. I was expecting to break my record of 60ish kills and I couldn't even get 50! I barely rage quit any matches and I wonder if that's down to all my 'assisted' comebacks...
  12. I've noticed so many instances where I've been going something like 2-9 and then suddenly finished the game with 40+ kills and less than 15 deaths. I have also been in situations where I've started brightly on a hot 10-0 streak let's say, and then finished the game with a score of 16-14 or summat. Other times my aim has been off or I haven't been able to kill someone easily and in others I have been able to melt with minimal effort. Suddenly all the bullshittery begins to make sense. I would love to see how EA do it for FIFA - ''player not allowed to win the match so even if the ball is on the goal line, their shot goes over the bar''
  13. More Cyberpunk
  14. Soundtrack was awesome too even compressed plus it was probably one of only a few games on the N64 that had voice acting due to the cartridge capacity. The lighting effects were amazing too even to this day.
  15. Not sure if this is a remake or a new game but hopefully it’ll be better than the last. The original on the N64 was magnificent for its time and it was great to revisit it again on the 360 arcade
  16. J4MES OX4D

    PS5 Pro

    SLI definitely wasn't viable on PC - many users who took this route usually started with one GPU and instead of upgrading to a new card, they'd buy the same one again cheap and gain more power that way. Although it worked to a degree, at its peak it wasn't even supported entirely by all games. It could however work for a console especially if they want to get closer to 8K or push frame numbers up - it's not like they are going to upgrade GPU's mid-gen so further mass producing current PS5 cards will make AMD easy money and Sony wont have to worry about further RnD or seeking a new card for a new model of the same console. The amount of space required in the unit could be a big problem though on what is already a stupidly big console. Although it could work, I'd rather Sony just sat tight and see if there was an alternative way in time. Many developers may not even support or maximise such a feature either.
  17. Just finished a mission which had quite a bit of combat in it towards the end and I must say it was an absolute catastrophe. The aiming is wonky as hell, gunplay and bullet effects are terrible, AI is laughable and the mechanics feel very clunky. Jackie also kept getting in the way when I was shooting and wouldn't shut the hell up talking. My character kept colliding/clipping with bodies and debris on the floor which was very frustrating. The AI spams grenades so even in cover you aren't safe but this is also a pretty effective (and cheap) way to fight rather than wasting bullets. This aspect just feels so dated and poorly implemented.
  18. Performance seems to have improved in the seemingly more demanding areas which is very weird. Game itself has also got better but there are definitely a lot of bugs particularly with NPC's. Combat is pretty woeful and not too indifferent from Deus Ex Human Revolution. The menu interface is very convoluted and needlessly complex - takes a lot of getting used to along with all the items and their functions. Seems like they've tried too hard at times. Anyhow, I've gone more into the city now and it looks staggering at times The story is very weak - I seem to be doing things and I don't know why. The characters are also pretty bland and I'm not really sold on the writing either. Jackie seems good but I feel like I've missed something. At the start of the game it advances 6 months but the mistake they made is not communicating anything from this period because it's clear a lot of it is relevant to what I'm doing now.
  19. Done just over an hour so far and it's way too early to judge however as Chaos said above, the UI is way too busy and had similar performance issues to Phil but those improved once I toned down the shadows. Disabling chromatic abboration, film grain, depth of field, motion blur and lens flare also makes the game look far cleaner - I really hate all these headache-inducing post-process effects. I also must have pressed the action button 200 times already and I'm not too keen on the writing style so far. It does look great though and I'm sure I'll get into it. Cannot wait to see what the bugs are though🤣
  20. Nvidia Game Ready Driver just been released. Make sure you download that shit before playing. AMD drivers also out earlier I think.
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