Yeah definitely. The Witcher 3 had some issues that required work post-release but there was no pressure or expectation on that game and if anything, it exceeded on release and then got better. This game however will go down as being in development a very long time, massively bankrolled, heavily marketed and ultimately disappointing a huge amount of gamers with technical and conceptual issues. CDPR's reputation as being one of only a few trusted developers left is well and truly shattered and I'm not sure if they'll ever recover no matter how many copies they sell or how much money they make. To date, I'd say The Witcher 3 is their only good game that is proven and deserving of its success. I regard it as my favourite of all time so it's a bigger shock that they've ballsed up with Cyberpunk not just technically but from a RPG standpoint too.
With many gamers being let down relentlessly by publishers and developers these days, the disappointment here is even more exacerbated.