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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. I'm still waiting for Battlefield: Bad Company 3.
  2. It constantly hard-froze for me at the beta, turned me off completely from BF4.
  3. Never heard of it, and I'm on teh faicbuhks quite often. :s
  4. I've been waiting to use this one, but no one is being a dick. x)
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pkVLqSaahk
  6. Feel kind of weird posting this here after all of the above music... x)
  7. Stop freaking posting pictures of your Black Sabbath concert on dA, you're making me jealous! x)
  8. Just when I got over Batfleck. Seriously. Who's pole did this squirrely, no-talent weasel smoke to get this role? Have you seen this? What a complete cockbag, to borrow an amazing wordsmith's words. No, of course, goes without saying. x)
  9. Why...why would you bring me down like this, spectre? xD And his explanation for picking that god damn Social Network guy made it even worse. I'm beginning to think this guy has no f*cking idea what he's doing or that he even knows who Lex Luthor is! Make ME director, I'll give you the best damn superhero movie you've ever seen with your own 2 eyeballs! F8ck this guy and the horse he rode in on.
  10. http://gamerant.com/titanfall-dlc-confirm-electronic-arts/ Already announced. x)
  11. There's speculation that you'll have to stream said games. Hope that's not true, as not everyone has super-MLG internet speeds.
  12. A desperate move to try to regain the love from it's fanbase, 'spose. Would Activision even let it get that far, though?
  13. And seeing as I probably won't get the game until WAAAAy later, I'll hold you to that. x) Always a gamble now that last-gen is on it's way out. But idgaf about pretty graphics as long as it delivers on every other front. So far, it looks like it does (including graphics)...but so did ACM pre-release... :s
  14. Least DICE can do, eh? x) Kind of like how Bioware did by releasing all multiplayer DLCs for ME3 for free after their debacle. Hmm, both controlled by EA... Conspiracy? Or just crappy EA practices?
  15. Anywhooooo... Isn't the entire PPR section locked from viewing by non-members? I doubt that people have the time to say "f*ck it, I have nothing else to do, might as well create an account on this forum just to snoop on fuhgawzzz" (unless your friends are horrible people :s ). So don't think you have to worry about friends and family viewing the stuff in your ppr, especially now that the link was deleted.
  16. Ah yeah, I was on a time limit yesterday... x) Here's the complete picture...
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