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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. A pony shaped like a guitar. ​Ingenious.
  2. GG I can NOT, for the life of me, draw more on the realistic side. My sh*t always comes out cartoony. It's awesome you can.
  3. People will b*tch regarsdless. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.I wonder who'll be the first Dev to ditch the campaign completely...
  4. Try to quickscope me with your Lee Enfield while I blast you in the face with my f*cking laser cannon! I really don't mind if the series moveas into the sci-fi territory. People always whine that the series needs a fresh concept...well, bud. That's it right there.
  5. Pssh, that's what I meant. x)If it's jumping from timeline e to timeline, then that means a diverse range of weapons.
  6. The part at the end of The Haunted Mask with the flying heads scared the sh*t out of me when I was little! xD
  7. A WW1 CoD, you say? Hmm... I'm all for that, and just the thought of trench warfare is giving me a CoDrection, but...WW1 wasn't exactly know for it's variety in weapons. It was barely the drawing of the modern firearm. But if you take that WWW1 setting and couple that with the pic on th OP, then maybe it's gonna be a timeline jumping CoD like Black Ops 1 and 2 were? I'm down for that.
  8. A birthday present for a man with terryfing encyclopedic knowledge of anime: I suck at drawing humans. I drew for Christmas: Aaaand, drew this for...a person. Because of certain things.
  9. Oh god Is that Mothra Please say yes
  10. Sorry for the pony post, but holy sh*t, what. This looks lewd. Whether this was intentional or an oversight by the animators, we will never know.
  11. I'm gonna need the sign-in info for the vid I'm gonna upload in a bit. I'd ask Cal, but I don't know if he's the owner, not sure. Help, friends. I'll make you feel good. With compliments, ya f*ckin' perv.
  12. Great, friends. Gather around. Now we can all suffer in next-gen.
  13. "Yes, they deserve to die, and I hope they burn in hell!"
  14. Yeah, and Bioware discredited almost as soon as people started adopting it as their headcannons.They basically came out on Twitter and said "Shepard dies in the end, no matter what you do, deal with it". It would explain why Shepard breathes in at the end. But it's not true, apparently. So why does Shepard breathe in then. :I
  15. Ghost sucked top-shelf a$$; fully expected, thanks to Infinty Ward. I'm pumped because I'm eager to see what Sledgehammer can bring to the table. Will it be good as a 3ARC CoD? Who knows? It certainly can't be any worse than an IW one...
  16. Please no ME4, I'm barely getting over the endings, my little fanboy heart can't take it... I'd only consider getting it only if it has that bodacious MP I still play. The SP universe is dead to me. I hope the Aliens Isolation gameplay is panty-droppingly awesome. It better not turn into what ACM did, or I will fight someone on the side of the street. Also, ALL EYES ARE ON YOU, SLEDGEHAMMER.
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