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Posts posted by FallenDark200

  1. Honestly coming from someone who just finished a pc build, the market for gpu's is rough. You can get maybe a 5700xt and still play 1440p but higher resolutions might be a problem. 60fps at 1440p or higher at around 1k is do able just gotta know where to look. I'd say if you can find a ryzen 5 5600 for mrsp but it's litterally like finding needles in a haystack. Also depends on the games your trying to play as well. Like nothing fancy the mobo and storage psu won't be a huge deal.  I wanted a system to play anything at high res. At 1440 so I went with a ryzen 5900x and a rtx 3080 so most things will be fine at 1440p but that combo right now your looking at paying around 2k alone. Best thing to do is your research and maybe actually look at forums and maybe join a couple pc groups on Facebook as well. If you want any other help let me know. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, RenFengge said:

    Oh, we will be on lol. Definitely in the afternoon for me. I'm about to get up to get ready for the gym and other things. @TurboR56Mini  might be on while I'm out doing my healthy stuff this morning. 

    I need to get back on that healthy quick just can't seem to do it but I won't be on until mid afternoon definitely want to get some gaming in with you two and maybe others if they decide to jump on. Was also thinking I won't make it to the event at noon tomorrow I might have to kill the stag on my own in my own world 😅 I have a hair cut appointment at eleven and the woman is getting her hair done as well so I won't be home until probably 1 or 2. Hopefully today we can get some exploration and decent loot pulled out.

  3. @TurboR56Mini  yeah I didn't have much time to be on so I went exploring and found a decent amount of those cores was going to build a smelter and stuff at that base but im not sure where to place them quite yet maybe if you and LA are on tomorrow we can figure it out and go exploring and maybe setup up smelters and stuff at each base to prepare for sunday?

  4. I think people are going to be surprised when they hop on Sunday. Litterally when we take them to all the bases and outpost and get them the items they need. I don't think we have takin over I think we have made ease of use for others who can't play as much so they can come in and experience a good time and maybe influence more to jump on by seeing a lot of @TurboR56Mini  @RenFengge  hard work. I have been more of get on run and collect materials build a little and get off with my schedule. Also Carl did you end up seeing what I did to the merchant base today?

  5. Not every game is for everyone but it's so much more fun with friends watching them getting fucked by little gobos of chopping trees down on them and killing them. The world is fun but definitely not the best graphics but the lighting is top notch imo but I agree with Lee return it when you have a chance 

  6. @RenFengge  @TurboR56Mini  thanks to both of you for helping us out today and especially me with my goofy server issues if anyone else in the U.S. has issues let us 3 know we have figured out a way to join the server because it's gated off ping for the U.K. guys and gals. So I say we are definitely getting somewhere for sure and I think if we are all on Sunday @GazzaGarratt @phil bottle maybe we try and take down the Elder as well since we have made it so far in our adventures. It will allow us to open up more things and allow us to keep pushing our skills to make our bases and homes homes much better but thank you again for all the hard work game is really great!

  7. @RenFengge love the fact that you and Carl are going hard at this! It was fun playing with you both this morning! It's crazy how fast we are getting stuff done and it might not feel like it to you but I'd say you two got a lot of accomplishment done in 2 days. So I say after our we beat our first boss we definitely we be good to go then! You two keep up the amazing work and can't wait to play more with you two!

  8. I got about an hour half in to be attacked by bees trying to build my first crap hut. Got a little valley im gonna build a nice house on but definitely need more time in game to get it where I want it. Vision is there but execution is far from 🤣 I want see what the co op is like because right now I'm still running around with the bare rags you get to wear so going out at night is like going outside right now butt ass naked and jumping in some snow🤣 I wish I wasn't working these hours or I'd be on with all of you.

  9. I love all the feed back we are getting here. I'm hoping for something to come out that will really draw a lot of people in, I know thats a lot now a days to ask for. Also getting involved in a different game means new connections also different interactions. I'd love to have things scheduled out like Lee does but we all know things don't always pan out that way. I think I'm gonna try and talk to Lee about maybe having an open discord page where we can just jump in and out if anyone is on. But thank you all for replying means a lot.

  10. @phil bottle @RenFengge  I would love to setup a calander event for Valheim. I know me being a console player for so long its been really weird getting back into pc gaming. I have been stuck on Destiny for about a year no other games and its like a hole breath of fresh air. My schedule right now is very messed up. I'm working 13 days straight and 1 day off. So I get 2 days off a month right now so gaming is far and beyond. I love helping and just having a good ol time and to be fair I'm still fairly new to all the new fancy pc stuff lol a lot has changed in 13 years to be fair same layout just way different. So I'm fair to try any games even if it's a little dated or isn't the graphically intense. It's about the experience, that's why I was stuck on Destiny for so long. So I'm excited to break away and start anew. @GazzaGarrattmaybe we can make this happen even if that means I gotta chip in posting stuff up.

  11. So I know I have been here for about a year but only met maybe only a quarter of you. Lee might have mentioned it to maybe a couple of you or you have seen that I have recently built my first pc build. Coming from console after 13 years back to pc gaming is a hole different world. I'd love to chat and game with some of you guys on pc in certain games. As of late I have been playing hallow knight and the new call of duty. I also made a thread a week or so ago about outriders and playing that with people if they were interested. I saw a topic on the game valheim and the game looks very interesting and up my alley, also talked to Lee about maybe getting into 7 days as well. I'll post my info and from what I understand it's more in game friend request then just steam friend request so I'll just post my steam friend code at the bottom if anyone is interested in maybe getting some games in or chatting about other games as well. Im also In the discord so feel free to hollar at this ohio hillbilly im sure ill message ya back.


    Friend code: 1147067361

  12. I think im going to pick this up as well just to add another addition to my steam montage at the minute need more pc games to play with more people with my crazy hours right now so let me know if anyone wants to play im on Lee's friends list on steam if yall want to add me

  13. I'm currently running my machine in the middle ground. Not pushing it to hard I want to get the longevity out of it. Taking care of my investment I think will be the best case scenario but anyone looking to upgrade like everyone else, I'd say wait. 

        1. Invidia is planning on the 4000 series cards already set to release next year.

        2. Amd is also set to release other forms of newer cards this year as well making the population of cards go wild. I feel the market will be flooded by the end of the year.

       3. Think about your all around build sure my build is capable of 4k and doing monster workstation and rendering but think about how the market works for pc, just like consoles they will always improve on a new generation rename it and make more off it so be patient and get deals worth your money and time not just your wallet, you'll be more happy with it in the long run.

  14. So I have been doing some pc monitor lurking for a hot minute because at the minute I use a msi 27 inch curved montior for my ps4 and pc but my pc is a monster compared to my ps4 and if you want a 4k setup but also to be able to use all 3 your going to have to wait. I'll explain there is maybe one monitor on the market at the moment that will support high refresh rate 4k gaming for pc but it does not have hdmi 2.1 only hdmi 2.0 To get 4k on a ps5 you must use a 2.1 hdmi setup and there is no such monitor yet. They are coming 2nd quarter and 3rd quarter of the year from the bigger companies. So if I was you being in the same boat I'd wait. Save your money because these monitors will not be cheap as the one monitor that I explained earlier the mrsp on its $800 use. Oh and also curved monitor on fps doesn't take away my fov I feel it actually makes areas stand out more imo

  15. I used the ps4 vr for a little while and I didn't seem to care for it as well because of the way it worked at the time it might been me or what but since I have a pc now I thought about other vr games but I know the rift has been evolving over the years becoming better and better so clive if it was me I'd just break down and build or buy a pc😉😉😉

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