Would you really put Star Wars or Harry Potter up there? I really enjoy both franchises and their respective other content etc but in terms of actual 'films' I think both franchises are mediocre at best - I think the stories are interesting enough but the big win is the character buy in. And I don't mean execution, I mean we can all relate/empathise with Luke or Harry. However, the execution of those characters is rather clunky and hap hazard.
If you think about Gladiator on your list, it is excellent on so many levels. Russel Crowe is stoic and firm, Joaqiun Phoenix is horrid and cruel. The story is compelling yet relatable. The sets are true to the time period and not over done. The costumes look realistic, the fighting is well choreographed and have great flow.....That is a high quality film with very few things to really criticise. Star Wars on the other hand starts with the shittiest hallway scene known to man (as proven by the do over in Rogue One) đ
In fact, compare the opening scene in Gladiator to that of A New Hope or Scorcers Stone......wow.