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Middle Class Caveman

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Everything posted by Middle Class Caveman

  1. That is not a fragile lady
  2. Pictures! We need pictures dammit. Right now all I’ve got is an image of Lucy Lui in my brain!
  3. DATE: 5th March 2021 SESSION: Week 4 Day 3 CALORIES: 2900kcals Squats 4x6@145kg Stone to shoulder 3x3@70kg FEELINGS: Much pain. Bad knee has gotten worse. Send help. IMG_1342.MP4 IMG_1343.MP4
  4. DATE: 3rd March 2021 SESSION: Week 4 Day 2 CALORIES: 2900kcals OHP strict/push press 3 sets 3/3 @72.5kg FEELINGS: I backed off the strength and chased a pump today, Monday was a hard session so I just did some dumbbell work today for chest and back. I did do my 3/3 press session to try and stimulate some overhead gains but nothing major. Got a great pump and some serious cramp later in the day! Winner. IMG_1311.MP4
  5. To be honest it's not until you fight ultimate weapon that you get free reign of the map. Even the open world stuff has a clear 'sequence' and you can't really go anywhere than where you need to go. The first bit after Midgar is going to the chocobo farm, catch a chocobo and cross the midgar zolom pit......
  6. The key's to success: 1. Find foods you enjoy and can rotate around that work towards your goal. Lean proteins, fruits and veggies, carbs and fats. 2. Find a way you LIKE to train. There is no right or wrong way. Movement is movement. Do that a lot. 3. Measure your steps, the easiest way to burn excess calories is with steps as everyone can go for a walk. Want to burn some more calories and shed some fat, increase your steps by 1000 a day for a week and watch what it does. Easy.
  7. Yeh I saw the adverts and I just don’t get it. Why waste your time developing this stuff when we could be catching chocobos or up in the golden saucer....literally a massive money grab 😭
  8. DATE: 1st March 2021 SESSION: Week 4 Day 1 CALORIES: 2900kcals Deadlift 1x2@210kg Deadlift 3x3@180kg Squats 4x4@105kg+44kg Chains FEELINGS: Today was a great day, hit up a rep PB of 210kgx2 in deadlifts and it was silky smooth! More and more of that to come! IMG_1303.MP4
  9. FITNESS PPR DATE: 26th February 2021 SESSION: Week 3 Day 3 CALORIES: 3300kcals Squats 4x4@105kg+44kg Chains Bench Press 4x4@60kg+44kg Chains FEELINGS: I cannot wait to go back to work! All this sitting around is making me so bored and tired! IMG_1248.MP4 IMG_1249.MP4
  10. FITNESS PPR DATE: 24th February 2022 SESSION: Week 3 Day 2 CALORIES: 3300kcals Deadlifts 4x2@192.5kg Bench Press 1x6@125kg Bench Press 2x8@110kg FEELINGS: Dam I felt tired today, trained in the morning and it took me ages to get warmed up and moving. Still 125kgx6 on bench press is a rep PR so really happy with that. Deadlifts moved sharp so we are rocking and rolling IMG_1233.MP4 IMG_1234.MP4
  11. DATE: 22nd February 2022 SESSION: Week 3 Day 1 CALORIES: 2700kcals Squats 1x8@145kg Squats 2x6@142.5kg Overhead Press 3x8@65kg FEELINGS: I forgot to put Saturdays session up! Apologies. It was nothing special just accessory stuff. Today was hard as program sent us back to squats and my knee is still destroyed. However, everything moved really well and had no pain thank god. Overhead press was real hard, ran out of energy but powered through. IMG_1208.MP4
  12. DATE: 19th February2021 SESSION: Week 2 Day 3 CALORIES: 3200kcals Squats 3x6@140kg FEELINGS: The problem with half term at a heel is I become very sedentary. Playing lots of computer games, watching TV with the baby etc and that has an impact on my knee as my hips start tightening up. Today hurt. A lot. My left knee has had issues for years but today was the most painful session because I was unwilling to not get the work done. Stupid really. You can see that my squat looks shit too. Silly sausage. IMG_1188.MP4
  13. I think the problem with coaching in today’s age is that a lot of them are trying to fulfill the ‘want it now’ culture and so a timed weight loss goal is rather appealing to some. However, that isn’t how the body works. That’s just my opinion.
  14. DATE: 17th February2021 SESSION: Week 2 Day 2 CALORIES: 3000kcals Bench Press 1x2@135kg Bench Press 2x6@117.5kg Overhead Press 3x4@72.5kg FEELINGS: Loved today’s session, hit some great bench press with Maddison watching and got a nice pump. Still struggling with a niggle in my left shoulder but it’s not really affecting my major movements so I’m just cracking on. IMG_1166.MP4 IMG_1165.MP4
  15. Well, this is tricky because what I’m reading from you is some ‘misconceptions’ around how macros work and how the body itself works. Also, you need to know that I’m a Strength and Conditioning coach so I work with clients who have specific goals and body recomp is sometimes one of them. Fat Loss in the body works on a ‘per need’ basis. What that means is the body will burn fat only when it needs to. So you have to provide it with the stimulus to do so. That stimulus is quite simply, a calorie deficit. How it’s achieved isnt important. Could be excess calories burnt or not enough calories consumed. something to consider is that Fat is 9kcals per gram where as carbs are 4kcals per gram. So if you want to create a daily caloric deficit of 200kcals you would need to cut 50g of carbs or 22g of fat. 22g of fat isn’t going to make you feel full. 50g of whole food carbs will. Also, like carbs, not all fats are born equal and some are much harder to turn into energy than others which is often why keto isn’t good for performance as the body struggles to turn them into energy. My advice? Work out your TDEE and take a 20% deficit, eat a balanced diet and take the ‘punishment’ out of it.
  16. DATE: 15th February2021 SESSION: Week 2 Day 1 CALORIES: 2400kcals Deadlift 3x3@180kg Squats 4x4@110kg+44kg Chains FEELINGS: I forgot to weigh myself this morning, so hopefully tomorrow I will have some good news and I’ve dropped a bit more weight, although my dinner is going to be late today so maybe not. Deadlifts moved lovely and squats were ok, quads are sore from multiple sessions last week but that’s by design. IMG_1151.MP4
  17. Slowly chilling away mate. 4lb down in a couple of weeks but not sweating it too hard as it takes time to do it properly!
  18. Is the low carb really working for you? Fancy trying a different way?
  19. How you getting on @RenFengge ?
  20. DATE: 13th February2021 SESSION: Week 1 Day 4 CALORIES: 2700kcals Paused Deadlift 4x2@170kg Paused Bench press 3x5@112.5kg FEELINGS: A really successful week lifting, I’m down 2kg too from 110 to 108, happy with that and happy with how my eating has gone in general. Next week should be good as I’m off from work so can take my time to eat solid meals and recover well! IMG_1136.MP4 IMG_1137.MP4
  21. DATE: 12th February2021 SESSION: Week 1 Day 3 CALORIES: 2670kcals Squats 4x4@110kg +44kg chains Bench press 4x4@65kg + 44kg chains FEELINGS: Although I’m going back through the program I wrote I am trying to make some changes to address my weak points. Using bands and chains this time round once a week will hopefully help me get through my sticking points. Plus they look cool! IMG_1120.MP4 IMG_1121.MP4
  22. DATE: 10th February2021 SESSION: Week 1 Day 2 CALORIES: 2300kcals Deadlift 3x4@175kg Bench press 1x3@130kg Bench press 2x10@102kg FEELINGS: Not many calories consumed today because I fasted until 11am, not for any reason - it just went that way. Deadlifts went good, feeling strong. Bench went amazing, repping out my old max 😎 IMG_1102.MP4 IMG_1099.MP4
  23. The weather makes such an impact on our mood and appetite that's for sure!
  24. DATE: 8th February2021 SESSION: Week 1 Day 1 CALORIES: 2800kcal COMPOUNDS: Squats 1x5@150kg Squats 2x8@140kg FEELINGS: Ok, after a well earned rest week we are back! Started the same program again as I thoroughly enjoyed it. Squats felt better and tonight was all Rep PR’s. I’ve never squatted 2 sets of 8 reps with 140kg and I defo had more in the tank. Loving life. IMG_1087.MP4 IMG_1088.MP4
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