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Middle Class Caveman

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Everything posted by Middle Class Caveman

  1. In the end I went to CEX and traded in my old iPhone 11 (which I upgrade this week to a 13) and use that credit to grab a second hand PS5 (disc edition) and a copy of MW2! Got a great bargain as I only had to part with £300 of my own money!
  2. I’ve seen some really good deals in game etc so push comes to shove I’ll grab one from there
  3. Hey gang, in May I am going to pick up a PS5 (once the exams are out the way) so I would love for you to post any deals you see online etc in this thread. I'm after a disc version please as I want to use it as a dvd/blueray player also as the wife and I own a large collection. Oh, i'm after COD and Hogwarts too! Also, do normal headsets work on the PS5? I have a USB Turtle beach set i've had for a long time, is that going to be ok? Thanks Elliott
  4. Some well deserved winners there! Congratulations to all!
  5. You’re spot on here @GazzaGarratt, you and I had many conversations about struggling when Maddie was born and we dropped to one wage with multiple mortgages etc! You have to pick and choose your moments. I love kicking out direct debits! I’m always surprised at home much goes out each month that I’m not thinking about.
  6. This is exactly it @Docwagon , I’m a teacher - I don’t make a lot either but it’s about making and plan and sticking to it!
  7. @phil bottle @techno @J4MES OX4D i get what you’re saying, I actually skipped Cold War. I bought it and played for a little bit but literally put it down before Xmas. So I think I’ve had my break from cod. Fortunately for me, this one doesn’t ‘feel’ like any of the others where as Cold War just felt like MW. By all accounts they’ve done a good job, the maps are good, the guns handle well and have up to 10 attachments, they’ve made changes to the game modes so you can play up to 10v10 on all of the different game modes. It’s no Black Ops 2 but then no game ever will be.
  8. @G_dub52 this one is much faster paced than Cold War. The time to kill is rapid.
  9. Yeh I know what you mean mate, I was having this conversation with my wife the other day. In order to get to a place to put money away you have to strip your life right back and the. Build from there but it’s hard my man. Let me know if I can help you at all, I’m a bit of a money nazi and can often see things others can’t!
  10. dam, I’ve been rumbled!
  11. During the first lockdown both of my portfolios saw a negative return but you have to take the rough with the smooth and ride it out!
  12. Wel I played last night for an hourX first impressions are good. Very fast paced, great actions, nice maps. I like it.
  13. Hey all, seeing as I’ve not played many games since Maddison was born it’s been hard to really contribute on here. So I’ve decided to do a post about money instead because I’m a shallow husk of a person and that’s all I can really talk about 😢 In all seriousness though, as we make our way out of what has been a really tough time for most people I felt like this might be a good time to offer some advice or at least my experience when it comes to securing financial freedom. There are so many ways to do this and I could go in for pages and pages but today I want to share what I’ve done for Maddison since her birth. I’m a fan of the low and slow investment method and I’ve been using a company called Wealth Simple for almost 5 years now. When Maddison was born I set her up a JISA for stocks and shares, Wealth Simple do the investing on my behalf. Essentially any money you put in goes into the big pot of everyone’s money and they invest it into a diversified portfolio for you based on a little questionnaire you take when you register about your level of risk. They manage the first £5k free and then it’s a 1% fee each year for any monies after that. The picture below is of Maddison’s account I started when she was born, I put in £500 to start, £50 each month and then £100 for Xmas and her birthday. You can see over the last 19 months her account has grown by 12.7%, which in simple terms is about a 9% return each year. You won’t find that in the bank. For some perspective if her account continues to grow at 9% and I continue to put in £50 a month her account will be worth £29,000 when she is 18. This is a speculative figure of course but imagine being able to hand over £30k to your kid at 18 to help them along their way. I have my own account too (as well as a lot of other investments on other platforms) but I use wealth simple for my pension fund as I don’t intend to touch it, it’s growing at 9.5% a year. If you are coming to the big FG meet up, why not use wealth simple to save up for it? £10 a month in there over 10 months and you could have £109 rather than just £100. Obviously with any investments there is risk but the longer you invest for the smoother the edges become and the better the returns. For reference I’ve been ‘investing’ in my long term plan for over a decade now (on Vanguard platform first, now wealth simple) and even the lows of the last recession and COVID haven’t stumped my growth. Here is my link to wealth simple, if you register with it we both get some more cash managed for free! Wealth Simple
  14. yeh I’m the same, although I’m going to have to get it on PS4 and by all accounts that’s not the best console to play it on, still the game looks good and is what we expect from a decent COD
  15. Gimme ya money bitches!
  16. FITNESS PPR DATE: 13th March 2021 SESSION: Week 5 Day CALORIES: 2890kcals Atlas stone 3x3@65/75/85kg Paused Bench Press 3x6@112.5kg FEELINGS: Wow this week has kicked my arse. Going back to school was real difficult and by Friday I was wiped. I actually went out to my gym, sorted out the atlas stone stuff and nearly fainted on the first set. So some sleep, good food and a friend to help me the next day and I was ready to rock and roll! IMG_1431.MP4 IMG_1432.MP4
  17. Yeh it's essentially a strongman competition but with stone based events! Very fun
  18. DATE: 10th March 2021 SESSION: Week 5 Day 2 CALORIES: 2890kcals Bench Press 1x4@130kg Bench Press 2x6@120kg Deadlift 3x3@192.5kg FEELINGS: Wednesdays are alway a bit of anti climax as I have to train in the morning (I start later on a Wednesday) and I just never feel as energised. Hard to get too many meals in before hand. However, everything moved well today and I’m feeling strong overall. Need to think about how I’m going to program myself for the competition because it’s not powerlifting so movements like bench press and squats aren’t going to be super useful. IMG_1393.MP4 IMG_1394.MP4 IMG_1395.MP4
  19. DATE: 8th March 2021 SESSION: Week 5 Day 1 CALORIES: 2900kcals Squats 1x3@165kg Overhead Press 3x8@65kg FEELINGS: 2 things. 1, I’ve signed up for my first competition since Maddison was born. It’s a comp based around stones, so atlas stones, dinnie stones, shot put. Very cool! 2, My knee is proper fucked. I couldn’t even do my back off sets because of the pain. I might need to get some physio. IMG_1369.MP4
  20. I find this so strange. People look at you everyday. A video is you. You don’t look any different. It’s you.
  21. DATE: 6th March 2021 SESSION: Week 4 Day 4 CALORIES: 2900kcals Bench Press 5x5@75kg+44kg Chains FEELINGS: Had a lovely session today. Nice upper body pump, nothing crazy but was lovely to get the blood flowing and feel some weight in my hands. IMG_1354.MP4
  22. I had my logo that @Greboth made into a flag on Ali express and it’s now pride and place in my gym. thank you friend!
  23. I have quite a bit of Bitcoin now, I usually buy when it dips. It’s going to continue to grow so it’s not a bad mid-long term bet. Still not as reliable as a decent trust fund etc. I can share my codes here if you’d like to hope in? We both get some free Bitcoin if you buy using my app link
  24. or we could just see a picture/video of you!!!!
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