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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. I suppose the more you have the more you spend. A lifestyle that most average folk can't fathom. I know you can spend a shitload on cars and yachts and mansions and a helipad to house a spiffing chopper. What I can't get is how he went from money to no money. I mean if it was me, surely there is a transition period where you would be like I better go to Aldi for the shopping instead of buying the overpriced stuff. It's hard to imagine for me. I get it and understand how money can be spent so quick. Where is the self control and reigning back the spending to survive. That story is Wild man. 15k and wasn't even used and it was nothing at all. Felt like pence to them. It just shocks me how wreckless some people are with money. Especially a lot of money. Think of all the good things you could do with it to help others. I do remember Boris had a big divorce settlement in the early 2000's. It just blows my mind how wasteful rich people are. 😳
  2. Yeah it's ridiculous how how life has turned. Hard to believe. Surely he has a party lifestyle of hookers and a raging cocaine addiction? How does all that money go?
  3. Elephant footsteps with no ninja or dead silence yuck.
  4. Will reality live up to expectations? Probably not. The hype will be there, but if there is no maps like High rise, Terminal or Favela then it will disappoint. I'm curious to the gun selection and perk balance as well. If the game looks and plays good then it will be a monster hit on all fronts. Really has the potential to revive the corpse of COD and bring some diehard fans back. *holds breath patiently*
  5. I couldn't afford to buy actual shoes for that price nevermind an NFT of one. It's getting beyond silly now James. 😳
  6. Happy birthday Sarah, hope you have a terrific day! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‚πŸŽŠπŸŽ
  7. Happy Birthday Gary @techno you sexy beast!
  8. I don't have a PC, but funnily enough June the 2nd is actually my birthday. I might get a PS5 if I'm lucky, still an upgrade from the PS4 I have. πŸ˜€
  9. Yeah I think the numbers stayed up over the last couple of years due to lock downs etc. I'm not surprised people stopped playing Warzone in particular because of cheaters and a few stale maps to choose from. The Tradional 6v6 MP has been neglected since and including MW19. Offering 2v2/3v3 10v10 Ground War etc. Party style fun game modes. They just split the content and players apart further and further over time. Bugs, glitches and lag and many things included to contribute to this decline of interest. People are just done with the franchise. MW22 has to be unbelievable to keep those numbers up or they have had it. The integrations between 3 games in WZ also break things and ruin the experience for some.
  10. Mmmmm It's A Lot Of Fun Merking Folk With These Badboys. πŸ˜‚
  11. Just a Ridiculous Display Of Luck.Β 
  12. Burn Them All!  Ultra Kill, Kill Chain 😎
    Excellent control there Paul, I'm impressed πŸ˜‚
  13. I look at other people's profiles and look for cool ones that I feel are achievable. I really enjoy receiving a new one, especially one I have been working towards. What can I say I like a grind and receiving shiny new badges are gratification and a dopamine hit for myself. πŸ˜€ Maybe some I will never get due to attending an event e.g Destiny or Fifa etc or something I don't play. However I have achieved Mastery Camo in Multiplayer in the last 3 Cods and will make it 4 once I've eventually finished Vanguard. But don't create a medal just for me and my own self indulgence Lee, as I know nobody here is crazy enough to earn them and I would be the only one. Haha. β˜ΊοΈπŸ˜πŸ˜‰πŸ˜πŸ˜Ž
  14. Happy Birthday Mike, hope you have a cracking day bud.
  15. I'm sure it will be good, F1 just isn't my bag tho. I like the style of those games. In terms of football manager games I've played a few. The classic Championship Manager, Football Manager. Even the old school ones On Xbox/PlayStation like Premier Manager and LMA Manager. Good times. πŸ˜€
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