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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. It's mainly all the YouTube people who make it worse, they just buy everything and show it off etc for more views and content. I totally get it's their income. I just refuse because we are literally paying like £60 for a game. Some people must spend a small fortune on extra cosmetics. The gaming companies take advantage of this tho.
  2. This ^^ Also some people have disposable income to burn it seems. Or they just really want certain cosmetics. I on the other hand can't afford MTX, so I just avoid them.
  3. With Akimbo Double Barrel Shotties On Das Haus. Barebones Playlist, No Killstreaks. 😜
  4. What a Start On Das Haus, PPSH feels OP when I use it. 
  5. That's absolutely amazing amount of money raised. Always nice to read something positive.
  6. I mean we are talking about a game that doesn't even exist yet, buying into something that's not there. Is silly that's what they open with, no gameplay or screenies? Just consumerism and cash grabbing and the promise of helping to build the game. Imagine a car manufacturer, we want money upfront but we haven't actually made it yet. What if it's shite? No mention of which studio is taking this on yet. Seems rather dodgy.
  7. Just absolutely ridiculous James, I barely have words to describe it.
  8. Happy birthday guys, must be an honour sharing a birthday with Diddums. 😁
  9. Looking pretty good to be fair. Not much of an art guy myself, more of a stickman kinda guy. 😂
    Eventho I sucked, it was excellent and fun. 😀
  10. I just completed this quiz. My Score 58/100 My Time 125 seconds  
  11. It's incredible looking, looks better than real life.
  12. I remember buying GTA 1 on the PlayStation 1 with the birds eye view, I played GTA London and every single GTA and completed them all. The franchise is a masterpiece and hours of fun over all the years. Rather than milk and remake versions, give us a new one. People have been desperate for a new for years. That's what we want really let's be honest with ourselves.
  13. I had the problem of picking the wrong models, but getting the right manufacturer on at least 2 questions. I don't know a lot of the fine details of cars unfortunately.
  14. I'm sorry dude, what's Cals forum name? You must have similar names, at least your Irish and I got something right 😅
  15. Just noticed your clips Cal, nice shooting. The game doesn't look all that bad to be fair. It's just a lot slower than what I'm used to, never really played much or got into Battlefield. As long as your enjoying it that's what matters. I'm sure it will keep improving as time goes on, sad it wasn't in better nick at launch.
  16. No worries, just helps with timezones and arranging times to play with people. I'm from Scotland myself. 😀
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