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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

    Good to get some games with you guys.
  1. That's hilarious, I genuinely don't know what's the bigger slip up. Classic! Bush should rejuvenate his career and go into standup comedy. The man is built for laughs.
  2. Running about like a nutcase slashing everything in sight. Got to love it. 😂
  3. On Shipment lol, actually quite insane! 
  4. I totally understand tho bro, you want to help friends as much as you can. But most customs scrutinise foreign packages more and might think it's something else like Fentanyl tablets and bin it without testing etc. But what I mean is every drug has different effects on different people. A high or low dose might vary between people and different tolerance. It could affect different organs potentially like the liver or kidneys and mess them up more. Now if they have had vaccinations etc it will help. If they get seriously bad with Covid they will end up in hospital and ventilated etc, intensive care. Most people unless old or have a supressed immune system should be able to fight Covid off by themselves. I just think trying untrialed drugs to combat could end up in more damage or some serious side effects.
  5. I would get them to purchase it officially themselves to avoid the package being intercepted and disposed of. From what I just read about it, I agree with @Teenwolf25 It sounds highly experimental and very unsafe to use. You have experience with family members having success with it. It might not react the same on everyone. I would be highly cautious with it's use as it's more for livestock and high doses in humans is toxic, just from what I've read.
  6. @Leeesh13 When your talking about "The Good Stuff" what are we talking about here weed? Just curious to what we are on about, I mean you have found a cure for Covid here and not letting people know. 😀
  7. What's actually sad in Vanguard is I think in Season 2 it was they took away the deaths from the livescoreboard in game in all gamemodes except TDM. They claim it was unintentionally done and were trying to fix it and it was a bug of some sorts. I think it was purposely done for player retention and to stop people leaving if they are getting whipped. I would imagine it would suck the most in SnD especially. Say you join a match and the team are 0-1 down and a guy on the other team has 3 kills, but you can't see his deaths? Now is he 3-0 and 1 kill from a spy plane? Or is he 3-1. These things have a huge bearing on non respawn game modes. It works in TDM but only in 1 game mode? Surely they would all be broken or all work? Hmmmm right sure.....
    Just realised I never noticed or knew about ratings and reviews at this time. Only 2 years late on my own montage 😂 Excellent job Rich on editing and superb music choice. Gotta love the Beastie Boys. Top notch Rich your a legend!
  8. I agree with a lot that's being said here. Especially @techno for the game should always be about connection rather than ability. Was great way back in MW2, BO1 and 2 when you built up a nemesis and trying to top the lobby when it didn't used to disband after each game. Felt like something else to play for like a side or mini game. James makes some excellent points about SBMM. Having played a lot of the recent Cods and experiencing affected gameplay. I remember on Cold War in particular doing really well and I swear this is not bullshit. Playing really well at the start of the game and then dying. That's not the part, after respawning after death I charged back for a revenge kill. And this particular incident happened 2-3 times on separate occasions. I remember launching a semtex and I swear as I threw it the aim gittered off at the last second and hit a wall and nearly got me killed. I wanted to blame it on stick drift or give the benefit of the doubt, but it happened in a few selective circumstances after I was decimating the other team and then suddenly I don't know how to use a semtex. I can launch a semmy on raid across the map and stick people successfully and consistently off the rip at the start. I'm well aware of aim and distance, but just these incidents were extremely fishy. Other times I've noticed aim or bullets going off for no reason at all, or losing a crucial gunfight I thought I was going to win 100% Definitely a lot of manipulation going on to stop you having "Too good a time". I think I noticed it in Cold War the most out of the last 3 titles. I don't mind getting whooped if I deserve it, but please don't punish me for doing well... That's beyond ridiculous behaviour!
  9. Yeah it is hard for the setting and time frame to suit the game. I dunno a playable Winston Churchill slide cancelling with an MP40 would make me piss my pants laughing. Herman Goering? 😂
  10. IRaMPaGe

    Dream Car <3

    You have been done my friend. Although I will say if that kinda thing interests you why not make a topic or thread yourself? I mean your a respectable member of the forum and definitely have more credibility than a robot. 🤖😁👍😀
  11. IRaMPaGe

    Dream Car <3

    I saw the initial posts on Friday morning when they posted and almost choked on my coffee. The 2 way conversation between them looks absolutely absurd. One of them got into the F1 section and made a reply, it almost sounds semi human. Thought the exact same thing, Phil likes to groom the bots.
  12. They just set the scene so wonderfully. Was so eerie, that school and hospital the first time to see it your like what dafaq. I still remember the description of the kitchen knife. "Hard to use, but better than nothing" The game just captured that grotesque horror style. I really enjoyed Resident Evil as well, but somehow I felt Silent Hill felt more disgusting and had more of a disturbing edge. Don't get me wrong tho, in terms of story etc Resident Evil>Silent Hill 100%.
  13. I only played the first couple Silent Hills, the real OG ones. Damn they were good for their time.
  14. It does actually look pretty good. I agree with James, those older batman games have such a murky and dark atmosphere. Totally perfect for Gotham and the style it's trying to portray. Time will tell if it's a good attempt or a forgotten failure. The video makes it look decent tho.
  15. Happy birthday @Rumelylady hope you have an awesome day and get spoilt and pampered.
  16. Kinda old news now, wondering what people think of Snopp Dogg as an operator in Vanguard and Warzone. Hardly a realistic WW2 setting throwing Snopp Dogg etc into the game 6 months in. Anything that can sell it's a bundle in the shop. https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2022/04/call-of-duty-vanguard-warzone-snoop-dogg-operator-bundle-details#:~:text=Snoop Dogg can be leveled,unlock sizable Operator XP rewards.
  17. Does sound a tad ridiculous, was bad enough with Krampus. So are Kong and Godzilla going to have interaction with the punters? Are they going to be mauling or attacking you whilst your trying to put on armor plates and look for a load out?
  18. It was only during Halloween time on Cold War, I dunno if they completely removed it or if it's on custom games. Would be fun for FG tho definitely. Always feels intense when playing it.
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