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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. Sounds good James, I should be there. More chance of me getting on at a later time. Will probably still be late lol.
  2. Yeah £75 is pretty steep for a shirt. Prices for everything keeps getting ridiculous. From food to energy bills and football shirts. Is getting beyond comfortable means for everyone.
  3. I never played it, but it sounds cool. The Splinter Cells were very good on the original Xbox, I remember being amazed by the shadowing and graphics back then. In terms of Bond, N64 Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies on PS1 and The World Is Not Enough on the XBOX I think. That's the ones I've played. All pretty decent, mainly because of the Bond Franchise and story kept it interesting and playable.
  4. I get what you mean, for it's time it's incredible. After all those years of consoles and graphics it's going to look and feel old. A remake is needed for sure, the nostalgia alone will get people's wallets out. Yeah start remaking Zelda and it's printing legal money imo.
  5. I remember the old N64 version and it was iconic! One of my friends older brother had an N64 and Goldeneye and we played it a bunch. The 4 player splitscreen multiplayer was just groundbreaking at the time. Fond memories of that game, we had certain rules like Oddjob was banned for use because of how small and hard to hit he was an unfair disadvantage. We sometimes had silly rules like Archives map, throwing knifes and proximity mines only. Pistols only etc, just weird setups for a laugh.
  6. Yeah that's what I mean, quite sneaky. They are good tho. Quite often when people bake brownies there is definitely dark and maybe a mix of milk choc. Like I said I just steer away from the blocks of dark as you stated previously, just taste real bitter and meh. Can't imagine anyone's favourite sweet is a dark chocolate bounty. I hate the normal ones and dark makes it less desirable. 🤢
  7. Happy Birthday @Findmartin hope you have a cracking day. 🎂🎉🎈
  8. I enjoy various different types of chocolate, mostly milk or white. Dark chocolate isn't for me, but I will make a few exceptions. Jaffa cakes are alright and they use dark, also After Eights I will eat from time to time and they are dark as well. Favourite slab or go to? Lindt bars or truffles Galaxy Salted Caramel Maltesers Ferrero Rocher I will eat most chocolate tho, just no fruit. Nuts are perfectly fine. I don't discriminate between cheap and expensive.
  9. It's such an awesome film, it's just the story the mafia life. It really is an epic movie. I actually enjoy his part in the film Blow with Johnny Depp and Penelope Cruz. He plays Depps father in the film. Even in Hannibal, Anthony Hopkins chops off his head and is planning on eating it.
  10. He passed on the 26th of May, a little bit late to comment. His performance in Goodfellas alone is legendary. I've seen many of films with Ray in it, definitely a class actor and he will be missed. RIP.
  11. I'm actually surprised and amazed at the sound this dude is getting out of this thing.
  12. Everytime I think of Artful Dodger I always think of him and Craig David with the classic. Re ee wind the crowd say bo select. Garage and R&B isn't really for me. A bit soft. There are better things to chill to like Reggae and I like various rap and hip-hop. Grime music the subgenre of rap come about from a mixture of Garage and Dance hall Caribbean. It's more a collective of street music from London. Which pre dates Drill music and which is another evolution of the genre.
  13. You can't help what you like my man. Sounds a bit happy hardcore mixed with something else. It's quite in your face. I think I would need about 10 eccies, 3 lines of coke and about half a bottle of vodka and be in a nightclub somewhere to fully enjoy that type of music. It's just a bit much for me on an average day sober. But each to their own. That's why there is so much music out their to suit everyone's different tastes. Don't get me wrong tho I could get down to something like this easily.
  14. Using The 3Line Sniper, Including A Ridiculous Super Kill (x6 Rapid Kills)  All In A Short Space Of Time. 😎
  15. Using The Gorenko On Das Haus With A Smaller Scope Than The Standard Sniper One. 
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