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IRaMPaGe last won the day on December 13

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  1. Black Ops 6, I don't play an awful lot of games or variety.
  2. It's when bones gets bummed by hitmarkers galore.
  3. I like a lot of their stuff, but yeah it's the ultimate banger.
  4. I do feel for Spurs and Ange. At times they play great attacking football and score goals. But leaking goals, giving away leads and losing to lower opposition far too often. And the most unluckiest injuries, I mean losing the main goalie and vital key defenders. Richarlison doesn't count, but he is injured more often than fit. Not exactly missing much when he is available either. Things don't look good for Ange, but I mean who ELSE are they able to get? Spurs need to win a cup, even if it's FA or carabao. Then start again next season for top 4. Spurs don't have the budget of city, Chelsea, Utd, Liverpool etc. The season is a bit of a right off, but a trophy of any sort would lift spirits and keep the wolves at bay so to speak.
  5. Fair play man, fairly shredding through those diamonds. Do you play normal Hardcore maps, or do you favour the face off maps for the grind?
  6. You can be spawn trapped on most maps. Skyline can be awful sometimes. But I don't hate the map. You can break a spawn trap tho.
  7. I understand the Nuketown, doesn't feel like the older versions. Especially with all the omni movement. But Babylon, Subsonic and Payback are literally my 3 favourite maps. 😜
  8. I'm surprised you haven't heard it until recently. It was massive over a year ago.
  9. Sounds like awesome progress, I'm barely getting anywhere recently. Keep trying a few different guns, but not really getting close on anything. Nice stats as well dude.
  10. Sounds like amazing progress Lee! Headshots do just come more naturally. I mean longshots can happen in core, but you end up fishing for long angles and get sniped or bum rushed up close. It makes you play different and essentially get bored. It's mostly the SMG's that longshots were tougher, you have to build the guns weird as well.
  11. A funk trio from Edinburgh. Superb playing.
  12. Once DLC is added, you can do them instead of some base guns. Like if they add an AR you can skip one etc.
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