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  1. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Minecraft FG Realm Cross Platform Server - for all of FG   
    Thank you sir @GazzaGarrattI shall try it now in a minute
  2. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Minecraft FG Realm Cross Platform Server - for all of FG   
    Any chance I can get one of them sweet invites to the server?
  3. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Minecraft FG Realm Cross Platform Server - for all of FG   
    Fuck yes. I'm definitely gonna join and add to the town
  4. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Minecraft FG Realm Cross Platform Server - for all of FG   
    Is this still running by any chance?
  5. Love
    TheMuggySpud reacted to TigerBurge in First Impressions MW2 Multiplayer   
    It’s getting roasted by the steamers.  It’s all about who to listen to. Yes they are some glaring issues. These streamers who all basically started playing when Warzone got popular hate it because they have really went back to their roots. This little whiny bitches don’t like the movement. There is no slide, bunny hop, slide 360, claymore knife no scope anymore. It feels more like the old CoDs. When I mean old I mean MW1/2/3. They never played it. Is old fuckers that have been around since then are actually quite enjoying it. Go to Reddit and take a look. It’s both sides of the argument. Old school players are really enjoy it. The new twats that just started hate it. They can’t exploit the movement. They also keep getting wrecked by our old asses for playing smart. How we use to play when these games were great. 
    Personally I’m really enjoying it. Yes I have some gripes. I’ll save that for another time. 
  6. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from Riff Machine in First Impressions MW2 Multiplayer   
    Well, I honestly didn't expect to enjoy the game as much as I did but hey ho. 
    Gameplay is fast, fluid and fun (apart from the usual CoD rage of course).
    Maps seem pretty varied and I enjoyed most of them, even the border crossing map that everyone hates. I just seem to have great games every time I play it. Hate the hydroplant map though, fuck the hydroplant map 😤
    Gun selection is pretty sexy. I have my favourite now which is the one that looks like a SCAR (second AR unlocked) pure shreds without any attachments so can only imagine it levelled up.
    The UI..........I like 😂 bit overwhelming at first but once you explore it a bit, starts to make sense.
    Party system. I'm hoping it can be fixed with patches but you should never have to press 3 buttons to find out who's in your party. Then when you do, you can only see 3 names and then +1/2/3. Like, what? 
    Crashes. If you're in a party with aforementioned +1/2/3 you're almost guaranteed a game crash. This may be hardware limitations connected to being on last gen so unfortunately that's just the way this particular cookie has crumbled.
    Having to level up a certain gun to unlock attachments for a different gun. 
    Just a small one but chosen operator not working it seems unless you bought the vault edition. I haven't unlocked Fender, I don't use Fender, I don't plan on using Fender when I unlock Fender. Why does it say everyone and their mothers use Fender? (Your mum uses Fender btw)
    I can't think of much more just now but again, I had such a fun night playing when I was able to. I'll definitely be back for more every chance I get, issues and all.
    Was also absolutely amazing that it brought me back to friends that I haven't played with in near a decade. Absolute madness.
    I rate it 9/10. Worst game ever ❤️
  7. Love
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in First Impressions MW2 Multiplayer   
    Well, I honestly didn't expect to enjoy the game as much as I did but hey ho. 
    Gameplay is fast, fluid and fun (apart from the usual CoD rage of course).
    Maps seem pretty varied and I enjoyed most of them, even the border crossing map that everyone hates. I just seem to have great games every time I play it. Hate the hydroplant map though, fuck the hydroplant map 😤
    Gun selection is pretty sexy. I have my favourite now which is the one that looks like a SCAR (second AR unlocked) pure shreds without any attachments so can only imagine it levelled up.
    The UI..........I like 😂 bit overwhelming at first but once you explore it a bit, starts to make sense.
    Party system. I'm hoping it can be fixed with patches but you should never have to press 3 buttons to find out who's in your party. Then when you do, you can only see 3 names and then +1/2/3. Like, what? 
    Crashes. If you're in a party with aforementioned +1/2/3 you're almost guaranteed a game crash. This may be hardware limitations connected to being on last gen so unfortunately that's just the way this particular cookie has crumbled.
    Having to level up a certain gun to unlock attachments for a different gun. 
    Just a small one but chosen operator not working it seems unless you bought the vault edition. I haven't unlocked Fender, I don't use Fender, I don't plan on using Fender when I unlock Fender. Why does it say everyone and their mothers use Fender? (Your mum uses Fender btw)
    I can't think of much more just now but again, I had such a fun night playing when I was able to. I'll definitely be back for more every chance I get, issues and all.
    Was also absolutely amazing that it brought me back to friends that I haven't played with in near a decade. Absolute madness.
    I rate it 9/10. Worst game ever ❤️
  8. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in First Impressions MW2 Multiplayer   
    Well, I honestly didn't expect to enjoy the game as much as I did but hey ho. 
    Gameplay is fast, fluid and fun (apart from the usual CoD rage of course).
    Maps seem pretty varied and I enjoyed most of them, even the border crossing map that everyone hates. I just seem to have great games every time I play it. Hate the hydroplant map though, fuck the hydroplant map 😤
    Gun selection is pretty sexy. I have my favourite now which is the one that looks like a SCAR (second AR unlocked) pure shreds without any attachments so can only imagine it levelled up.
    The UI..........I like 😂 bit overwhelming at first but once you explore it a bit, starts to make sense.
    Party system. I'm hoping it can be fixed with patches but you should never have to press 3 buttons to find out who's in your party. Then when you do, you can only see 3 names and then +1/2/3. Like, what? 
    Crashes. If you're in a party with aforementioned +1/2/3 you're almost guaranteed a game crash. This may be hardware limitations connected to being on last gen so unfortunately that's just the way this particular cookie has crumbled.
    Having to level up a certain gun to unlock attachments for a different gun. 
    Just a small one but chosen operator not working it seems unless you bought the vault edition. I haven't unlocked Fender, I don't use Fender, I don't plan on using Fender when I unlock Fender. Why does it say everyone and their mothers use Fender? (Your mum uses Fender btw)
    I can't think of much more just now but again, I had such a fun night playing when I was able to. I'll definitely be back for more every chance I get, issues and all.
    Was also absolutely amazing that it brought me back to friends that I haven't played with in near a decade. Absolute madness.
    I rate it 9/10. Worst game ever ❤️
  9. Love
    TheMuggySpud reacted to GazzaGarratt in First Impressions MW2 Multiplayer   
    I really did not expect to play the game as long as I have on the first day. Nice to see like @techno  says, many of us in the same party but in different groups, solo or up to 4 players. That seemed to be the limit before the game screwed the party for some of us. It also got many different people together again and that was pretty cool too. @datfroggieguy  @Capn_Underpants  @TheMuggySpud  @Misneach_  @Greboth @Luseth  @LordBaguette  @Bluebear to name a few.
    I also think I'm agreeing with you @J4MES OX4D  😄 Mainly because the game itself plays really well. Its super solid and the early guns we all try seem well balanced. I only saw one guy using the X12 handgun that was wrecking us which I didn't feel too bad about. The only annoyance is the lack of usual functions and gamemodes that you would expect to be in the game from launch. That is masking the external news on places like Twitter and rightly so - I just hope people don't pass on this one as there are many plus points already to it.
    We had a laugh last night as it seems the UI divides us all. I really like it, as does @Luseth , but its clear what @Greboth felt about it! 🤣 As did others. The reason why I think its less cluttered is that there hasn't been a CoD game that has been inviting me to understand the Challenges and Objectives I can focus on. They're always really hidden deep in the game. This time round, its a little easier in a logical place in the Gunsmith when you customise them. I think they could make it even easier but this is CoD so little gains are huge imo 😅
    I think the Perk system is still weird. I'm not hugely caring for it or equally not that bothered but I know something doesn't feel right about it. I'm not starting to think that they are trying to get players away from those types of things to rely on all the time and just go back to basics of trying to beat the team with just yourself and the gun.
    I think this shows why I think they are making us not worry about it. And if i'm honest, I love it. Every CoD always brought out the rage in people sitting in the most campiest corner for 15 mins trying to pick people off. Playing slower is the way sometimes otherwise you can get rinsed easily, but to the point where I need these perks. So many people last night in the party were also getting decent scores to the objective and KD so you don't need these perks for the game to survive.
    I hope they add the missing stuff like Hardcore, Crossplay options and in-game stats within the next month - but i'd argue right now it isn't hurting us actually play the game. If I had to have the choice what to have first, I'd vote for more maps to be released over this lot. Crossplay with SBMM shows it doesn't hurt the game, we won 80% of the games still. Games are goign this way and it allows us to play with everyone so I'd start to embrace it now. Last thought would be that TTK is that quick that you don't miss Hardcore....just yet.
  10. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from Riff Machine in Dave or Chris? Chris or Dave? FG decides!   
    Ok I found it on the browser. Dave is now winning
  11. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from Riff Machine in Dave or Chris? Chris or Dave? FG decides!   
    I can't see the poll but I'm voting Dave because the greatest man on earth is a Dave. Oh, and David Attenborough as well as Diddums

    Via the FG App

  12. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Dave or Chris? Chris or Dave? FG decides!   
    I can't see the poll but I'm voting Dave because the greatest man on earth is a Dave. Oh, and David Attenborough as well as Diddums

    Via the FG App

  13. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Dave or Chris? Chris or Dave? FG decides!   
    Ok I found it on the browser. Dave is now winning
  14. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from Riff Machine in Modern Warfare 2(022)   
    Playing with friends always makes it more funerer 100%. I think what turned me off Warzone was the fact that instead of updating and making it fresh, they instead lumped 3 games worth of material into the one and made the previous games guns absolutely worthless. It just doesn't seem fair if you get me. I never owned Cold War so my loadouts that were made from MW weapons were underpowered against guns that were decades older.
    That said, I'll definitely play it again 😂😂
  15. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from Riff Machine in Modern Warfare 2(022)   
    I'm actually excited about this one. Imo there wasn't a good CoD since Black Ops 2 up until the MW reboot. Then after, there hasn't been a good CoD since. 
    I have a feeling ill love this one too as its using the same engine. 
    Couldn't give 2 shades of a shit about the BR mode though unfortunately.
  16. Haha
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from Riff Machine in Survival Stories - FG PS4 DayZ Server Updates!   
    So not really story time but a quick summary.
    I was the only one at base back when the server just started and was waiting for Tad to finish his long long journey from the southern coast. He had finally reached close enough to be in my line of sight.........
  17. Love
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Survival Stories - FG PS4 DayZ Server Updates!   
    So not really story time but a quick summary.
    I was the only one at base back when the server just started and was waiting for Tad to finish his long long journey from the southern coast. He had finally reached close enough to be in my line of sight.........
  18. Haha
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from phil bottle in Survival Stories - FG PS4 DayZ Server Updates!   
    So not really story time but a quick summary.
    I was the only one at base back when the server just started and was waiting for Tad to finish his long long journey from the southern coast. He had finally reached close enough to be in my line of sight.........
  19. Haha
    TheMuggySpud reacted to GazzaGarratt in Survival Stories - FG PS4 DayZ Server Updates!   
    Well well, look who's going to be the cunt of cuntsville.....memory banked, reviewing possible avengeful actions.....
    OMG 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    That killed me watching it too!!
  20. Haha
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Survival Stories - FG PS4 DayZ Server Updates!   
    So not really story time but a quick summary.
    I was the only one at base back when the server just started and was waiting for Tad to finish his long long journey from the southern coast. He had finally reached close enough to be in my line of sight.........
  21. Haha
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Survival Stories - FG PS4 DayZ Server Updates!   
    So not really story time but a quick summary.
    I was the only one at base back when the server just started and was waiting for Tad to finish his long long journey from the southern coast. He had finally reached close enough to be in my line of sight.........
  22. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in New Quiz Available!FG Gaming Pub Quiz No.10 - Nintendo   
    I just completed this quiz.

    My Score 50/100 My Time 174 seconds  
  23. Haha
    TheMuggySpud reacted to GazzaGarratt in Survival Stories - FG PS4 DayZ Server Updates!   
    Afternoon all! A new story thread for us to keep everyone updated on all of our escapades and laughs along the way.
    Finally managed to get onto the DayZ PS4 server on Sunday and it was a nice surprise to see so many of us on it at the same time checking it out @ChaosGladiator  @jordie1892  @Nutcuttlit  @Luseth . I started my spawn in Novyshovo, or whatever its called. The furthest South West on the main land I believe. Sebba started to make his way to me, but within a few houses I felt pretty good finding some half decent loot, a full police outfit that always looks cool and is well insulated, and a couple of sharp things to bop Zombies - a Scythe being the one I ended up using first!
    For once, I felt confidently that I could meet Sebba at Msta, slightly North of my current destination. Probably should've waited for the truck, but anyhow, as I made my way I got caught up in a few Zombie fights. Luckily only got cut once and managed to find Seb's mahoosive truck which we then took to a solid car to swap materials and help go get Jordie considering the biggest vehicle in the game couldn't fit more than 2 people in it - FML 😅
    After collecting Jordie and then Matt, we made our way to check out what the vendor looked like as Nutty was coming from the opposite side of the island at the same time. We got there and it was a like a gold mine! Anything you could need is in there. I think I like @jordie1892 's thoughts that we keep this locked down, and only really use it much later if it gets a successful turn out with FGers and also randomers. It made me really want to get going into the North West Airfield for more loot and kicking some zombies ass!
    It had been raining - tons - since we left Electra where Jordie was, so we needed to get warm and dry our clothes. I rung my top out but saw Jordie next to the barrel fire and doing it that way. Seemed to make sense. I could just stand there and over time i'll get dry. Or so I thought. I stood close to it for a minute and then walked around for a moment but was still wet, so back to the barrel I went. Next thing I knew though, my screen went black. I thought the server needed a reset and we all got kicked off....until Jordie and Matt are laughing their tits off as i'm, apparently, on the floor, knocked out with my foot now dangled in the barrel.
    I have literally no idea what is going on. Everyone is laughing at my still body and i'm looking at a continued black screen. They start pouring water over me, jabbing me with meds, but no response. I start seeing a faint light but falling unconscious again. Next thing I know talk about my clothes and handcuffs comes out. This was what I couldn't see...

    I have to say, I'm just glad my videogame self was packing below, because clearly I was tied up, half naked and somehow losing life whilst lolz continued. No idea how this happened. Must've been getting too hot close to the fire but couldn't work it out. After 5 minutes, the server did restart, but I was then found back at the coast, so it clearly killed my half naked body through my left foot burning.
    I still had time to race into the nearest town, drink some water from a bottle, get sick, and then cut myself so much from Zombie fighting with said water bottle and died a second time. I'm now back in a coastal town, on top of a freight with zombies around me - again.
    Good, solid first day of Survival on the server with FG as per usual! 😅
  24. Love
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Fun little FG Gunfight Knockout Tourney!   
    I'm definitely up for it!
  25. Like
    TheMuggySpud got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Fun little FG Gunfight Knockout Tourney!   
    I'm definitely up for it!
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