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phil bottle

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Everything posted by phil bottle

  1. Speak to Dave, he knows the game pretty well, I've played on Planetside2 with him on servers with an incredible amount of players!
  2. I think (hope) they've learned some lessons from recent history but I agree, this article seems like they're going in the right direction!
  3. Ha, I gave your comment a like, I think most of threads were, as usual, pc v console wars Specs-wise I'm glad I invested in a decent rig but as with Watch Dogs, it's all about the optimisation, and Ubi do not have a great track record on that score.
  4. This and GTA V on PC are my two main hopes for next year. New article in IGN today: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2014/10/24/how-the-division-is-combating-the-weight-of-expectation
  5. It's laughable really. They're still making massive profits. It's not like they're going under or losing money. What's not laughable is that we're supposed to give a shit and that we're suppsoed to panic because they're not making as much profit as they suggested they would. Incredible. What a stupid world we live in.
  6. There's a good article on pizzagate in the bbc website (I'm on my phone or I'd link it..on my phone and lazy). That rivalry between you and United has been intense at times. Viera and Keane are on ITV4 right now! Tonight Spurs won 5 -1 and Erik lamela scored goal of the decade so I'm a happy bunny.
  7. I think Brady and the like get locked up in Broadmoor which is a classed as a hospital, though I believe Brady has always tried to maintain he's not insane, which he clearly is. Regarding Doc's point, killing someone, whether its 'lawful' or otherwise will always sit uncomfortably with me. It's a poor reflection of a society that resolves it's problems in this way. Self defence I understand, otherwise it's murder in my eyes. Particularly the inhuman way state murder is often conducted. And that's pretty much how I stand on that particular issue.
  8. Possibly, I don't know if anyone in this country has ever been incarcerated for so long, so maybe they didn't know what to do with him. Tax payer funded funeral?
  9. Podolski is a cock (just sayin') What is it with gooner players these days? They hate us more than the fans do, I love the banter, but it's the players representing these days. Rather than the middle class fan-base who haven't got a flippin clue COYS
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-29734816 They used to sing songs about this chap at football matches back in the day. I won't share the song as it's a bit naughty. He killed 2 policemen in the 1960s, he then went on the run in Epping Forest. He was sentencd to 30 years for this but has been kept in prison for nearly 20 years longer than the tariff because he has always refused to say sorry. He is quoted as saying it was nothing personal, they were doing their jobs, he was doing his. Most of the media reaction to the release is 'keep him locked up and throw away the key'. I doubt he would be able to cope in the outside world after half a century behind bars so it's a strange decsion to release him now.
  11. It's a team game, I wonder what they think Balotelli is, superman? A month ago he was Jesus All the 'calm down calm down' lads at work were saying at the beginning of the season that they weren't going to 'to a Tottenham'. Personally I think they have out-Tottenham'd Tottenham. In Spurs only CL season we made it to the QFs and we gave Real Madrid a proper game.... unlike last night. We're still a pile of wank as well at the moment so I'll leave it there
  12. I'm hoping for a decent Steam Halloween sale, I'm particularly looking out for Dark Souls 2 to come down in price.
  13. I felt it more natural to go to Highpool at first but that's the beauty of doing a second 'proper this time honest guv' playthrough. I'm more prepared on this run as I now know some basic things I didn't realise (e.g. you need demolition for some traps). I wasn't going to admit that I also didn't bring Angela Deth with me on the first run. I'm paying a lot more attention to detail now
  14. It was quite nasty and true to form to see Harry scapegoating someone else when he thinks his job's on the line. He son Jamie needs to wind his neck in too.
  15. This is horrific, poor bloke, I'm shuddering just thinking about it. It was a sliding knee celebration that destroyed Ledley King's knee ligaments in his breakthrough season at Spurs. A real shame, he was better than judas* in my onion, the dodgy knee cost him big, it was amazing he was able to play at all. *Sol Cuntball
  16. My first five hours or so was a practice run, to get the feel of the game and see what kind of stats I wanted for my rangers. On this run I went to Highpool and had a fight with Jackhammer.... and I think that's as far as I got. I've started a new run today (annual leave FTW) and I'm currently in the AG centre battling giant slugs This game is more dangerous than Civilisation.
  17. I use G2A sometimes though it sometimes feels like a dodgy website It was the ranger edition with extra Wasteland 1 added as an extra. I'm really enjoying Wasteland 2, I'm 5 hours in and I may be up late tonight. You did a good review in steam by the way
  18. I saw this going cheap this afternoon for £9.79 and thought I'd try it out. I've played for 4 hours already
  19. DayZ (PC Arma 2 Mod (not the standalone, at least not yet)) Civilisation V (PC) Modern Warfare 2 (360) Oblivion (360) Black (PS2) GTA San Andreas (PS2) Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube) Goldeneye (N64) Super Mario World (SNES) Football Manager (Commodore 64) An almost impossible task to find 10 favourites so I've gone with those I think I have played most. I've tried to include at least one from each generation I've played.
  20. Yeah, I've pored the internet and tried a few solutions but yes, a fried motherboard seems the only conclusion. I've seen a pluggable USB Ethernet LAN network adapter for less than £20. May try that out. Cheers.
  21. Dammit. My desktop pc is Ethernet only and ever since a really fierce lightning storm over my house at the end of last week I've been unable to access the internet. But via Ethernet only. Wi-Fi on my laptop etc has no problem. I thought it might be a problem with the router but I received a new one today and same problem. I've tried three different Ethernet cables, including one brand new today. I suspect this means I have an issue with my Ethernet port. So my questions: Do I need to replace motherboard? Has anyone ever tried a USB netword adapter? Should I just bite the bullet and get an wireless adapter? I'm missing my big beautiful beast so any ideas, suggestions, insults all appreciated
  22. The Queue: it's telling me DOTA2 is in my Steam library, it isn't
  23. I hate it when supermarkets change where their stock is stored and when I go to the cat food shelves I find myself looking at baked beans. It's worse when they change the store layout and I turn a corner expecting an aisle only to walk into a precariously balanced display. Steam you bastard, if you're going to change something make sure it works, please. Having said that I've only given the new Steam page a cursory glance so I guess this'll be my knee-jerk reaction
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