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phil bottle

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Everything posted by phil bottle

  1. Something from the back of my head tells me Lewis Hamilton has been involved with the development of this game. I agree, looks very good.
  2. As suggested, Arsenal would be an interesting choice, though I'm also thinking Man City. Mind you, Dortmund are mid table this season so I don't mind where he goes...so long as he doesn't end up at Spurs. There was a lame rumour about him going to West Ham, I nearly wet myself laughing
  3. Ok just give me a shout for when's good and we'll see what we can do. I should be free most of the week the same hours but can do a little earlier, say 7.30pm if needed (except Wednesday when I play football). I notice that the FG teamspeak server now seems to belong to someone else as I just logged in and found a couple of dutch guys on there. Me and Dave were on it a month or so ago but I don't think anyone else has used or paid for it in ages. I can probably find an alternate server we can use.
  4. The only problem with DayZ Commander is that it is using an old version of the mod. You may need to check. I used to be a massive fan of Commander so it's a shame. The current mod version is and Commander has only up to 1.8.3. Also, there's a US 434 vanilla server that has a ping I can manage. Maybe not tonight but from say 9pm UK time to 1am UK time tomorrow I'm available to team up
  5. There's a couple of niggles like the autoloading from the title screen but Rockstar did a patch yesterday and I'm already thinking of buying a bigger monitor just to enjoy the view. I tried online for the first time last night. Fucking epic. I transferred my character over from the xbox360 (though I only made it to level 11 before I sold that version of the game). Either a player was coming to save his game or camping the safehouse but when I exited the building some guy came running up to me. I didn't stop to think, scrolled to my uzi and sent him to valhalla My car didn't transfer over to my garage so I looked around and found a nice motorbike. I then travelled around the map trolling the other players (they all seemed to be death matching each other constantly). I was eventually taken out by an RPG
  6. I know noobsplayground, have been on it myself. I haven't played the mod for ages so I went on last night for a short time to see what's changed. I'm impressed with the work of Razor and the others as they seem to have continued upgrading the mod. It looks really nice these days. Playing on a vanilla server is best as you get the intended experience. A lot of servers let you start with a weapon and some decent gear but I prefer to start like I just washed up on the beach. Do you use steam to find a server or do you use one something like DayZ Commander or DayZUploader? I can be on Sunday night if you're up for it, maybe we can get Dave or James on too!
  7. I've only played 6 hours so far but I like it a lot. I completed on the 360 but I'm redoing the story just to play in first person. It looks and plays fucking great and my little old 770 does itself proud.
  8. I love DayZ mod. I'm more than happy to jump on and give you a few pointers, if you're about tomorrow I should be free all tomorrow night UK time. I'll probably need a break from GTAV and teamspeak is still working last time I checked.
  9. I'm making this my ringtone.
  10. That cracked me up
  11. Marina goes to Barcelona for 10 days from Thursday and I'm planning to try quit smoking while she's away. Then I'm getting one of these^
  12. I'm going switch on ndvidia shadowplay and see how I go, really looking forward to it!
  13. QNIX seem to do cheaper 1440p monitors but I do like my BenQ and I may have a look at some of their recent ones. Yours is Samsung Dave, am I right?
  14. Ha, thanks Dave, well that makes sense, I think I meant 1440p but got confused by the number 4. I can afford (.ie. justify to the missus) around £400-500 which is why I'm looking at the gtx980 but I'll keep my eyes on AMD over the next few months.
  15. So, in August it will be two years since I last updated my pc (other than adding an new Ethernet adapter). I think it's time to have a look at any tweaks I can make and get myself 4K ready. I'm okay with my CPU for the time being still I think, it's as follows: Intel i7 - 4770k Haswell at 3.5Ghz and I've not felt any need to overclock. I have 16GB of RAM and there's no need to add any more. The GPU is another matter. I currently have a pretty decent one: MSI Twin FrozR GTX 770 OC 2GB Dave has been suggesting (pretty much since I got it) that I add a second 770 and go SLI. Now, the only thing with that this is that it doesn't increase the GPU memory to 4GB and ideally I want 4GB. So I'm thinking one of the latest Nvidia cards. I need to wade through the various versions of the 980 but if anyone has any experience of them let me know! I have two hard drives, the primary drive being a Samsung 250GB SSD. I recently installed GTA V which has taken up 60GB all by itself and I think I need another SSD for my online games. My PSU is 750W so I think I'm ok power-wise, I just need to see if it's worth going for one of those 1TB SSDs. It could be an expensive summer so I suppose I better start putting some money aside.
  16. Man Shitty earned their name today. I watched the game with a very happy Rich My season ended last week when we couldn't score against Burnley. Burnely FFS. Yesterday was icing on the cake.
  17. It's all pre-loaded for me and apparently it'll be live 12am UK time tomorrow night. Keeping everything crossed the game will work first time
  18. I'll be in Barcelona in the latter half of August, possibly in July too if I get off my rear end and get my passport renewed. If you're lucky you'll arrive there during one of the many summer festivals/fiestas, this is one of the most famous ones in the Gracia district of the city: http://www.barcelonayellow.com/bcn-events-articles/217-festa-major-de-gracia
  19. I played for a little while earlier and tend to agree. Rescuing or protecting a hostage on an airliner. Each game I played defending, I hid in a room, near the main entrance, nobody bothered to check the room and many were shot in the back as they walked past down the corridor. I did it each game and no-one checked the room ever. Same players too
  20. My email arrived only shortly before I posted above, they seem to be staggering them. Ubisoft should have a pretty thick skin by now
  21. I've got PC access to this, I'll give it a go later, thanks for the review so far james, quality as always.
  22. A much delayed game, I'm loving the latest artwork.....and fate would have it that my missus goes to Barcelona for a fortnight, the day after this goes live
  23. I completed Human Revolution on the XB360 , I though it was good apart from the boss battles. I also got tired of doing stealth about halfway in and just started to shoot everyone instead I bought the director's cut on Steam sale a while ago, might have to give it ago before I lose myself to GTAV.
  24. This game has been pre-loading for me on Steam this evening, I'm 45GB in so far, another 15GB to go
  25. I hear BO3 will be World War 2. I'd like that. I agree they should just release a general COD with all the maps. The maps from MW2 and Black Ops were my faves. Bring back Kowloon please In the meantime: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2015/04/07/did-activision-just-tease-black-ops-3
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