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Posts posted by Horrible_Hector

  1. 26 symbols is a bit overkill. Getting used to the official names is rough after a full day of using what we came up with. 

    Week 1 raid complete was fun! Stressful at times and sometimes even the littlest things can end a run, but definitely a good time with pals. 


    Hardest bit is definitely the encounter before boss. I won’t say much for those looking to stay blind, but it requires everyone to do at least 1 thing besides add clearing, which means more opportunities to wipe! 
    But that just means it’s all the more sweeter when it gets done. 

    GG to my week 1 clear team, to the remainder of my day 1 attempt team. 

    Can’t wait to hop in with everyone else when we can!

  2. Preload info and looooong downtime. 
    Some cool stuff in there about weapon crafting.



    To prepare for the launch of The Witch Queen on February 22, Destiny 2 will undergo scheduled downtime from 7:00 PM PST (0300 UTC) on February 21 to 9:00 AM PST (1700 UTC) on February 22. 

    dmg04's note: As this TWAB is running pretty long, we’ll do the math for you. That’s Fourteen hours of downtime. We hope you can use this time to get some sleep, prep some tasty food, or do whatever your heart desires before diving into The Witch Queen. With the announcement of one million Guardians already having pre-ordered, we’re also expecting a bit of a queue as things open up. Please stay tuned for additional details. 

    Pre-load for The Witch Queen is planned to become available on all platforms beginning at 9:00 PM PST (0500 UTC) on February 21. Stay tuned for further updates as we get closer to launch.

  3. I'd say a full on 2v2 crucible tournament, double elimination, could be sick. 
    With 8 teams it could be so fun, especially if someone goes in to spectate and streams them all. 

    Obviously people have jobs and what not, so it could take a while to accurately schedule it all. But if people commit to making time for it, I can see us getting it done over a weekend or two. 

    We can even have it be a bit silly with weapon restrictions or something like that. 

  4. For the life of me I cannot remember your old PSN. 

    You made the SilentHawkk account down the line. 
    I only recently deleted some accounts and I deleted that one and kept SilentHawkk added. 

    Hulkum maybe? Or was that someone else. Ringing a bell. 

    Here's a screenshot from one of Kyle's old videos. 


    That's Kyle who, on his second alt account, almost aced our friends. And me on the other team as well, no kills that round. (Red Team)
    The other Kyle, Seba, Jacob, You?, Mark, and I want to say that's Cal?. (Blue Team)
    Fuck, man. Ten years ago. 

    Edit 2.
    I texted Kyle and turns out Hulkum was the American Joe. You're the UK Joe. So many shared names in this dumb community. Still, I know you had a name before this one.

    Edit 3.

    Found it. I'm good. 


  5. 14 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:


    I've missed CoD SnD. We used to play so much back in BO3 days. I'd love to try it in a group again at some point actually to see if its improved the experience as MW is likely far too slow for SnD for people here.

    Would love to play SnD with you old fuckers. Set up some night, Lee. You know you have to do everything. 

  6. I don't like it. Why even call it prestige if all you're doing is continuing to level up without anything changing. 
    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy there being progress after you reach the initial cap but they should have just called it something else. 

    I guess I was just hoping for the same old: prestige, lose everything, do it all again. Wasn't broken, why change it. 

    On average I get about 10k a domination game, sometimes more sometimes a bit less. So w/o 2x XP, it's going to be about 3 games per level. Eh.

  7. I also had no intention of buying this one, despite buying two of the last three. 
    I don't particularly enjoy playing these games alone. 

    But I've been enjoying this one. It feels really good, and there's plenty of gun viability. 
    I've only been playing Domination, both Core and Hardcore and I feel both are in good places. Maybe will step into SnD, but playing this one not in a party kind of sucks. 
    Most of the maps are solid, despite there being less than ten. I only really dislike maybe one or two and not by much. 

    And zombies. Oh man. I've been playing zombies since the first Treyarch game and while it is a bit different it's still so good. 
    The fact that you can earn level xp, weapon xp, and zombie camos while playing means I can play multiplayer until I get a bit frustrated then head into a round of zombies, then back to mp without feeling like I'm losing progress. I'm so glad they did it that way. 

  8. The new player experience is seriously an issue.
    DE, the developers, plan on reworking it soon as to be more appealing and not as complicated for new players.

    At the moment, you sort of have to play with the wiki open. Or be playing with an expert and not afraid to ask questions. 

    But these trailers are gorgeous. The introduction trailer specifically. They do a great job of showing off the three starter frames and making them look.. cool. 
    The Duviri Paradox is indeed the new open world, but the things they are doing are amazing. A huge new lore heavy cinematic quest, this open world, a new expansion with spaceship battles. 

    To top that off, consistent new Warframes, awesome guns, and awesome events.  It's F2P done right. I've never spent a dollar thanks to in-game trading, but I definitely will purely to support the developers. 

  9. Hi, yes. 
    Borderlands, best series of games ever.. ish. We don't talk about the Pre-sequel.

    I will definitely be investing hundreds, if not thousands, of hours into Borderlands 3. 
    I have poured years of my life into Both Borderlands 1 and 2. I bought all the DLC for both of them. They could sell me a cardboard box and I would buy it.

    They know their audience, and they know how to make a good game, fun loot, ridiculous story, good co-op. It's a fantastic formula and it doesn't look like they're messing with it much.  This is good.
    A lot of people might think they're playing it safe, or making a mistake by not innovating. But the style of this game is what the players love. If they had made drastic changes, like the Pre-sequel, it wouldn't be as popular.

    All in all, 9/13 cannot come soon enough. 

    I was almost tempted to buy B1 Remaster, but I have played it too much and would rather starve myself of anything Borderlands until B3.

  10. On 3/28/2019 at 2:08 AM, NCA-Paendrag said:

    DE have started a revamp of the melee attacks, phase 1.

    Now you don’t have to switch to melee to use the stance mode. 

    How do you like the change @Horrible_Hector?


    I like it, but had to remap the controller first though, as it's a bit backwards to use O for melee. 

    I thoroughly enjoy it. It definitely feels very smooth and like it always should have been. 
    It's very good especially when you're running around with a melee weapon and a nullifier shows up, it's good for popping their bubble and then getting in there.

  11. I am, in all honesty, a Supergiant Games fanboy. I will defend anything and everything they do. 
    Bastion, Transistor, Pyre, and now Hades. I loved the ever-living hell out of Bastion and Transistor. 
    I have yet to play Pyre, but you can rest easy knowing that I have listened to it's soundtrack many.. many times. 

    The beauty of games made by Supergiant is unmatched, in my opinion. Their simplistic and yet somehow intricate gameplay is something to be admired. 
    Their storytelling may not be the best ever, but when you are playing the game it is all that you want.
    The music.. god don't get me started on the music. Oh you're curious? Okay!
    Darren Korb, the mastermind behind all of the music used in all of Supergiant's games is just that.. a master at his craft. 
    When playing these games, the music is entrancing. It.. makes you feel. Happy, sad, like a badass when you're mid-fight. The music isn't just a backdrop, it isn't just something you pay attention to in passing. 
    It has embedded itself into every aspect of the game, including the story. It helps move it along, it helps tell the story if you listen to the vocals. (Some by him, and some by Ashley Barrett.)
    I have spent countless hours listening to the OST's of these games, and I will for many years to come.


    But let me actually talk about Hades and why I am more excited than before.
    Hades was announced this past week at The Game Awards into immediate Early Access. I do not have a PC to play this, so I am sad in that aspect. 
    But the fact that it is in the works, and that there are plans to bring it to as many platforms as they can leaves me hopeful and anxious. 

    Hades combines two of my favourite things when it comes to video games. Supergiant Games, and rougelike RPGs.
    This is Supergiant's first venture into a rouguelike and I have utter faith that they will do it well. (I'll be refraining from watching/reading anything on the early access product.)
    I am excite, guys. I've been listening to the Hades OST, found on Supergiant's yt, ever since they announced it and I'm filled with so much hype that I had to share it with people, even if they don't care.


    If anyone has any interest, Transistor/Bastion/Pyre usually go on sale for 5 bucks every so often from their price of 20 bucks. Or if you own a PC and have the 20 to spare, get yourself that Hades Early Access. 
    My favourite in the series is Transistor, definitely. Followed closely by Bastion. I recommend looking up gameplay first, as these games are likely not for everyone. But if I can convert someone into a fanboy then I'm all for it. 

  12. I'm a bit late here, as I've been swamped with work as of late.
    But I did want to come here and say thank you to everyone. 

    I've always been one to putting other's needs before my own and helping in any way I can.
    I figure, I better use these skills I have before I grow up and lose them like the rest of you.
    Jokes, obviously. 

    I embrace my new last name of Morales, and hope to help you lot in any way I can in the future. Because this place is home to us all, and we're as annoying as a family. 

  13. Event Title: Last Wish Raid, but also make fun of Lee in a Party Chat the whole night
    Event Author: Horrible_Hector
    Calendar: Destiny Calendar
    Event Date: 11/14/2018 09:30 PM

    Pretty much

    Last Wish Raid, but also make fun of Lee in a Party Chat the whole night



    N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.


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