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Posts posted by Horrible_Hector

  1. Just saw on reddit that the hive disruptor perk works on omnigul. So your raid weapons will do more damage to the slut.

    That shouldn't be true as it says majors and she's an ultra, but hey what do I know.

  2. I would give it a go but hate the fact it's only a week long thing, I would have to spend all weekend grinding it probably but though I like crucible that's just too much grinding and wouldn't be enjoyable.

    Does the nightfall buff help?

    The Nightfall buff does not count. But all the class items and the tempered buff makes playing the last few days more worth it than not.

  3. The Shotgun and Scout Rifle for sale have god tier perks.

    The shotgun already has good range but it comes with field choke, hammer forged AND rangefinder. So much range and decent impact. Get it. Great for PvP, borderline cheating.

    The SR has Outlaw and Firefly which are great perks. I have those two perks on my Dead Orbit SR and I love it. I only wish mine had explosive rounds.

    Get one or both. You don't even have to waste motes this week.

  4. Lol, you guys do remember that the Queen's Wrath wasn't new content, right? Story missions with the epic modifier and some bounties that were even more grindy than normal, all for some mediocre gear. What was so special about it?

    It was something fun. Burn modifiers on missions was cool. The Sniper Rifle I got back then, I still use to this day. The armour helped a lot of newbs like it would these days. Also the xp on the bounties was useful.

  5. I has become very apparent to me that Bungie 'DO NOT' listen to gamers. I mean seriously, how hard would it be to increase vault space!? Yet you nerf all the good weapons, both VOG and Crota raids are 'still' full of glitches, and as you mentioned, WHERE THE F@CK IS QUEEN'S WRATH!?!?

    Read the weekly updates. They're working on the vault stuff. Queen's Wrath is being reworked. They are aware of the glitches.

  6. The bs is this... You have to do the raid to get to level 32..... But you can't complete the raid unless you are level 32... Not strictly true I know but close enough

    Not true at all, bud. The only part that is 32 in the normal raid is actual Crota so you can get all the armour minus the helm. So if you have a exotic helm, you never have to kill Crota.

    Even then, Crota can be taken down by a 31. Optimally, in 3 swords. But it can be done in 4.

  7. You shouldn't be doing glass strategy if you're doing normal. Far more hastle.

    Stay on the left and have one guy on boomer duty at all times. Simple as that.

    If you have a really good 32 swordbearer it can be done in two swords. Takes 13 slams from a 32 so if he can sneak 4 hits on one of the rotations then it is done in two swords.

    Staying on the left stairs is better because you and the swordbearer are closer to crota.

    The only tricky part is sometimes the swordbearer in the middle is a dick and likes to hide to make you miss a rotation.

    Good luck!

  8. Multiplayer on PS3 is shut down. It used to run on Gamespy and that is no more.

    X360 ran(and still does) on live and PC was patched over to Steam.

    I'd say focus on new PS4 stuff. There's a remastered version on the way anyways.

  9. What's a bit worrying in grinding this is that the iron banner bounties don't seem to be resetting on a daily basis. Hope I'm wrong but I'm sure they didn't reset from Tuesday to Wednesday. That's going to make levelling hard

    Since the bounties are the same everyday, if you have one in your inventory from one day to the next then it carries over(progress and all).

    Another side effect of the same bounties all 7 days, you actually have to sign out to get a new day's bounties. So no bounty glitch.

  10. more great signature Bungie awards.. I got 11 energies for my new Warlock run last night... thanks to Babb and Stretch... still a slight bummer though that's for sure..:)

    At least you won't get less than nine coins.

  11. +2

    He's an acquired taste. I know who you're talking about just from these two comments and the thumbnail.

    He makes good content, simple as that. Also he's a "no fucks given kind of guy" and that is needed when everyone always says shit about his voice. I like him.

  12. Guess I'll just have to rank dead orbit I'm sure some shitty vanguard cloak will be handed down by rngesus soon. :)

    You dont need a vanguard cloak to level vanguard. Just anything that doesn't belong to another faction.

  13. Very sad to see you didn't enjoy the new raid. I absolutely loved it. And the new raid gear has a tattered feel and look to it which I like, looks nice.

    But if you don't enjoy it anymore, you shouldn't play it. Even if these guys make strong points for you to come back, bottom line is that it isn't fun for you anymore and it really is time to move on. There are plenty of games out there, as you've said.

    I still look forward to reading your ppr on anything that makes you excited. Because that's what video games should do. Make you excited.

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