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Posts posted by Horrible_Hector

  1. Everything they talked about was.. perfect. 10/10.

    I don't even know where to begin!

    New ways to spend/use/trade-in old materials

    Every.. EVERY purple or higher weapon can now be upgraded to 365 w/out Xur(and upgrading them does not reset progress anymore)

    Permanent reforging of new purples

    Telemetries for sale always at Gunsmith

    New gun models/perks

    No longer need the newest raid gear to be 34, you can have an assortment of different gear because of new upgrade path

    And of course my favourite.. you DO NOT need the new dlc to hit 34 it will only take longer because of fewer activities

    I have all of the excite in me

  2. Fuck sakes.

    I'm no programmer but I can tell you that each and every single one of those things they did took no longer than an hour. This is what a good dev would call a Weekly Update, not a fucking quarterly.

    Adding to this the fact that I refuse that the vault space thing was due to hardware limitations and that the new "xpac" is what any other dev would call a pre-order bonus or a free content patch, and Bungie can go fuck themselves.

    I still enjoy the game as I've paid for it, but I won't be purchasing any more shite from them any more, this level of piss taking is pathetic.

    Wow. I disagree or cannot relate to every single one of your points.

    Hope you can continue enjoying the game, bud. It's fun, try not lingering on the bad things.

  3. So what did you guys think about the season finale?

    By the way, anyone know who the actor is that's playing as Marco? I can't find his name anywhere, he's seemingly uncredited for his role... Why would you want that?

    I have a theory though, maybe I'm crazy but...

    I think Steven Ogg in a fat suit. With an extraordinary make up job.

    I have compared their voices, accents, eyes, mouths, ears, teeth, facial expressions, the way they talk and their mannerisms, everything for more than an hour now... I still think Ogg when I see him.


  4. I followed the brackets but unfortunately didn't have time to watch the games. OG had a terrible seed going in, shit happens.

    I was hoping Denial would take it because I love Clay and JKap had to prove all those people wrong. They weren't my top pick as I've followed the Optic org for a while, but damn glad they took it.

    Glad Faze Red didn't take it, that's for sure. Fucking hate Aches. That entitled prick. Would've liked to see Parasite take another ring though.

    That tR run though. 4 unknown for the most part players who won 2nd. That's the type of shit that gets people to watch. Some if not all of them were known in the community but hadn't had near as much light to viewers. Very good run by them.

    After a big event though, you know what it's time for. Rostermaniaaaaa.

    All I know now is that Clay will be very sought after and can call the shots instead of being shoved around like he was after last event.

    The current OG roster works. They just had a bad seed, which can be seen by the first place in the three previous events.

    ON is basically old Fariko plus TeePee, or was for champs. I don't know most anything about the season teams.

    Will be fun to see all the new teams and betrayals, that's for sure.

  5. Meh.

    No one important dies(lame), although I guess the two that did now allow Rick to be in charge again. That'll be cool. Because that always works out.

    Convenient backpack is left behind to move that plot point ahead, ugh.

    Glenn may be bit. We just don't know and I hope he is. Not that I dislike him, but we need a good shake up. I am glad he is taking that guy in instead of shooting him(looks that way).

    Morgan seems to be all zen. Let's see what he says as his first impression is shooting a man in the face right after we hear him say that all life is precious.

    The priest. Just kill him already. Only causing problems.

    Overall, this finale did not go down well for me. It was all things that could have happened before the finale. The only reason I think it was even considered a finale is because it was and extra half hour long.

    They say next season will be more focused on non-human threats and they are working on new things. I'll give the show one more season before deciding to continue watching or not.


    Also, that companion/spinoff looks promising. Only 6 episodes and this summer. Will definetely give it a watch.

  6. It's sad that you can solo a raid.

    Yes it is a challenge. Yes you bought the game so you can play it how you like.

    But you're bypassing most of the mechanics imposed by BNG and I just find it ridiculous that you can. I acknowledge that it is impressive but meh.

  7. Outlaw, Field Scout or Explosive Rounds, Firefly on Scout Rifles and Hand Cannons, which are all I use.

    Shotguns have taken over my special slot. ?, Hammer Forged, Shot Package would be god like. I only have one with Shot Package and Final round, not the best but still beastly.

    Gjallarhorn. Or if it is a HMG, field scout is all I care about.

  8. Slash slash slam, slash slash slam, slam

    That's twice per sword.

    Looks way easier than done. Though I guess if you guys consistently raid with the same people, you get use to how fast Crota goes down.

    I'm unlucky in that I raid with randoms and sometimes I start attacking when Crota should go down. Swordbearing is a tough job with randoms.

  9. Chest of Alpha Lupi is great for co op. Instead of having to stop at their dead ghost when someone is dead, you can literally run by and hold square and can res them. Very handy.

    Hunter and Titan both have one as an exotic and the Warlock equivalent is the Light Beyond Nemesis helm, exact same perks.

    Also the same reason I got the same boots the first week he sold them. Fancy.

    The No Land Beyond is also useful for the raid. I use it to do the heavy ammo glitch and haven't used a synth in a long time.

    (though I will now because they're for sale and it is faster)

  10. Ah, wasn't aware of that, cheers. Still, it's a great help as usually people who camp doors lack the mental capacity to suss out what's going on.

    'Twas just a heads up. I had a guy who would complain everytime someone killed him and he was crouched. Didn't want any anguish to come from you guys.

  11. They acknowledged it. If it were easier to fix I imagine they would have done it by now. They aren't idiots, as much as some people like to believe.

    Look at the black hammer, they removed one of the perks because it was broken. I'm sure if they could have done that for this situation, they would have.

    Truth is, we are not first hand observers of the game's code. We don't know how deeply rooted the problem is and frankly, at least they're fixing it. They could have just left it in there and it would have caused a little backlash, but everyone would still play the game.

    Just my 2 cents. I'm just a consumer who is happy with the product, at the end of the day.

  12. Should be fixed within a week or two, so does it matter?

    They explained it in the first weekly update of Feb in a little more detail. Something about it being hard coded in blah blah the game tries to keep track of the percentages of heavy you have but the perk throws it off blah blah.

  13. Nice Bob.

    One I've mentioned a few times online but in case anyone missed it, is that you don't appear on the minimap if you're crouched. This is a great tip and simple astonishingly good for taking out those goddamn fucking camping morons that sit by doors.

    Equip shotgun, crouch, approach door, they won't know you're coming, pop round the corner at the last second and blast their faces off. Teabag for added theatrics.

    Your blip on the radar flashes, slowly, but it does. So don't be surprised if you still get killed this way. It doesn't completely remove you.

  14. So last night on Venus I was doing some patrols and a chest run. 2 Chests gave me 4 Heavy Ammo Synths...

    When did they change that?

    Also, did they change the loot table for Chests? I was getting 3-4 items per chest and that has never happened before, typically I get one and some glimmer, not a stack.

    There are such a thing as "god chests", as I call them, that have good stuff. 2 or three blue engrams, sometimes purple ones, synths, ascendant materials as well as ~10 planetary materials. It's all luck, RNG if you will.

    As to the question, Heavy ammo. That is all. I'm getting tired of doing the heavy ammo glitch every time we wipe on Crota.

  15. Yes it's light level 36 this time round so will help get your guardian to level 32

    And even better than that it will be easier to upgrade as its normal upgrade stuff, not radiant shards, which makes it easier in my view

    Not only that, but the boots don't have the extra heavy ammo perk which means you won't lose heavy upon death/orbit/cutscene.

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