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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. Hey, multiple reskinned maps and pretty much the same specialists with a few new ones. Rushed like a motherf*cker. Didn't like specialists in the previous BO either. And from what I've seen from this, it's a big Fuck No for me. The QSing alone should put people older than 16 off this game.
  2. Yeah, like that's gonna happen 😄
  3. Loved Father Ted back in the days 😃 There's plenty to choose from, and Fawlty Towers is epic. Along most of the Blackadder series!
  4. Seems PSN is down? Or is it just me? Fucking typical the ONE night I was gonna play 😤 Third restart and I am suddenly online on psn. Starts Destiny, and the D2 servers are not available! FFS! Edit 2: And wouldn't you believe, I got signed out of psn again. Fuck this shit. HZD it is then.
  5. True, but if it is/was possible to leave a comment while voting I think it would be easier and less time consuming for Lee 🙂
  6. Ok then. Welcome to the forum Chris @TigerBurge Great to have you onboard! Welcome to Alloy to, or should I say Alloy there matey! (where's the pirate emoji when you need one!)
  7. Sounds good to me 👍 1 question though. Is it possible to make it so when people vote, they can drop a few words why they voted for that candidate at the same time?
  8. Like it, but fear it will die out eventually when either the same people gets voted for or no one votes. ("don't know who to vote for so vote for the top poster") But I like most of the new stuff you added 😀
  9. Nor will I reach 385 in a long time and nor do I care for puzzle jumping. Especially for 5 minutes.
  10. Welcome mate! Hope you are somewhat of an oddball cuz we are all degenerets here 😎 Well, except Didds. He's a corporate dick.
  11. That beat was in perfect sync with your dude in your signature 😂
  12. I didn't mean just Mot, but all new thing that comes. I don't really care for the rewards for MoT tbh.
  13. Wasn't it Hectors berfday yesterday? Or was it the day before I saw it on the bottom of the frontpage? Aanyways.. 😃
  14. No need to apologize, I noticed that my posts didn't add up 🙂 I guess it pops up correctly when I hit 3500. So you don’t get notifications on the app? And I'm starting to love Chameleon Dark theme 😲😎
  15. So that's why I have gotten the Master Guardian I trophy even though I don't have 3500 posts yet? 🙂 (Gold Master Elite showing correctly then)
  16. Ah. Didn't think of that 🙂 I'm still using the desktop version in my head, as that was the case before. Guess that's a long time ago now 😄 I don't use the app as I don't see the point when this site is the startpage on my browser.
  17. Wouldn't it give more merit if the rank/badge showed beside the usernames and not just on the profile page? Used alot on other forums I've seen.
  18. I see we got forum trophies now. 17 unread alerts from Didds 😄
  19. Why is he joining Liverpoo if he wants to win titles? 😂
  20. Chameleon Dark looks good, but the FG logo format is messed up. Would maybe look good with some gamerelated pictures, ie from Destiny, COD, GTA etc? Don't know if it's the theme or just a regular bug, but first post/reply I made using a new theme I had to clear the editor as it inserted an old quote. Had this happen before too but a while ago now. Like the font on Chameleon Dark too. One more thing: If you're gonna use the infinity logo only, make it bigger as it's almost invisible now.
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