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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. Ah ok. I thought about rewatching it, but dropped it.
  2. So season 2 is out, and 5 episodes are available on Prime. Just watched the first. Cant get over that Elrond is casted with the wrong guy. The Stranger can now speak, cant remember him doing that on the last season ending... I enjoy the series, but I dont get the LOTR/Tolkien feeling about it. Everything just feels less grand compared to the LOTR movies.
  3. Sounds like I will sit this one out too.
  4. Well, this makes me feel like a real pro 🙈😂
  5. Then you heard right! Never been so disappointed in a game before, at least not for a long time! I am stuck on a boss type listed as Character, and from what I can gather the lesser of the 3 types of bosses in this game. And this boss was the first enemy after I killed a boss, and found a shrine. Roughly 100 yards apart 🙄 Thought it was 81 bosses one time, but read that all bosses and minibosses its 113. Well, I am fed up already. You can farm for sparks to level up with, but with 2 to 3 levels an hour you are in for a long haul! This feels like 65 bucks wasted.
  6. Its been summer, usually quiet thrn, but I feel its been quiet for a long time, compared to what it used to be. Maybe people are using Whatsapp, I dunno.
  7. Welcome back Stephen! Not that much action in here anymore sadly. And Hell Let Loose is crap imo. But only tried it for a couple hours though. Kinda old game now.
  8. I just realized I am on NG+, no wonder I thought it was a bit tough. Though the difference isnt that big I guess.
  9. So a couple hours into this and daaamn, its a bit tougher than the base game. Beat one legendary boss, Rellana Twin Moon Knight. Tough as nails until I found a build with a dlc weapon, Bloodfiends Arm. Colossal weapon with bleed. Paired with the Mimic Tear she went down in a minute.
  10. Finally watched the last episode. And I cant wait to sink into season two! The Ghoul is really badass and one of my favourite characters.
  11. Think theres still some issues with the site, as it takes forever to load and sometimes get a time out message.
  12. Still loving this game, but it has some really annoying parkour shit here and there!
  13. Cant believe you worked with him! He is a fukcing legend!
  14. Been looking forward to this game since last year!
  15. Played a few hours now, and I love this game! Maybe too many attack combos, and I can only remember 3 or 4 of them 😂
  16. I actually played Destiny again a couple nights last week. Was fun but borrowed Stellar Blade from a mate.
  17. Better clear some space for this.. PS5 version needs 145gb space and Steam...299gb! If you download early though, about 50% of data will be deleted later.
  18. Yeah, I checked them out. Too old I think, and I am not generally a survival game fan. Think Ill stick to the tv show 😄
  19. Its been a good weekend for football!
  20. Watched 4 episodes now, and I love this! Think I might check out the games, as I havent played them.
  21. Not to mention Sony sucking up to woke wannabe journalist morons and censuring Stellar Blade one day after launch. Yeah, it has an M rating too. Making loads and loads of people cancelling their PS+ subscriptions.
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