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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. Favela is pretty much tight and 3 lanes. Also Scrapyard, Village and probably more. But there wasn't 335692 places to check for enemies as it is nowadays.
  2. I would love to but don't think the mrs will agree. Correction, I know she won't agree 😂
  3. Du er en strålende kar! None of your fucking business!
  4. About bloody time if you ask me 😄😎 Of course he is. He's privileged.
  5. I'm so unfortunate to work with this fucker. 😄
  6. Not exactly. Only milestone now is clan xp. The rest is planetary.
  7. Glad you finally got your head outta your ass and joined this forum! 👍
  8. Not to mention snipers. Looking at you Whisper. Guess it's gonna be even more OP now, with more available ammo.
  9. I read somewhere that it was supposed to be done by 21? As annoying as it is, as I hoped for a raid tonight, it pushed me to Warframe again, which had a new quest and warframes that looks badass. Just started the new quest abd liking it so far.
  10. This ain't gonna happen even if it were someone joining. 35 gb update and even though I turned on my PS4 after work to be sure it downloaded the update, it didn’t. Not until I started the game. 3 hour download. Pretty pissed as I have the whole evening to game 😤
  11. Well put. But I would say they got beaten by a more effective team, not a better team.
  12. He wanted a defender, the reason became very obvious lasr night. But when you miss open goals and don't score on 22 attempts, you lose. They didn't have one single chance in the first half.
  13. Want to have a go at a raid. First time in ages that I get to play early evening. Up for any raid.
  14. Event Title: SoS or Leviathan Raid Event Author: NCA-Paendrag Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 08/27/2018 09:00 PM Want to have a go at a raid. First time in ages that I get to play early evening. Up for any raid. A bit short notice so understand if it doesn't happen. SoS or Leviathan Raid N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  15. And we're closing in on 100,000 posts on this forum!
  16. Nameless, Graviton, Crimson, Sins of the Past launcher and Skyburners Oath comes to mind.
  17. Looks ten times better than BO4 though. (graphics I mean)
  18. Hello there Wolowitz. How is Bernadette doing? 😉
  19. Now that's an intro! New people, watch and learn! 😀
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