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Everything posted by NCA-Paendrag

  1. First time I looked for it I didn't even see it. Just hear it, and in two different places ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ˜‚
  2. How the hell am I supposed to loot the sleeper node under the floor on Aurora.Mindlab.Observation?! I see it under a grid in the floor but can't get to it. Edit: Nevermind ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  3. It's pvp, not having fun on there. Interresting on new maps though. Tried the Suros. Ended up with Uriel again.
  4. What's the recommended power level? And no.
  5. Pretty much this. Allthough it has been frustrating to see some of the United games this season.
  6. Appreciate the thought mate ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Finally something I don't already have. Have to check it out on Monday. Especially the Suros.
  8. Strange. My feeling is that when I start an EP people comes from everywhere and join.
  9. Tried it and deleted it. Not my cup of tea.
  10. I would sign up if it not was a uk version.
  11. Doesn't look like my cup of tea. Guess stretch will love the riot shield and throwing axes ๐Ÿ˜‚
  12. That is correct. Initiate a Escalation Protocol and wait for the green platform thingy to start and activate the ability/weapon. Do it when there is alot of hive enemies as you can kill them in hoards.
  13. This! But it works in Destiny, not in COD.
  14. I knew everything except the destination in the description. Thanks mate! Pure luck that I found 3 already ๐Ÿ˜‚ I might get some time in tonight. Have to pack for a trip this weekend with the family and in-laws ๐Ÿ™‚ Back on Monday.
  15. Step 2, the heroic psionic potential is hard as hell solo at 345! Didn't even get to the Rasputin before I gave up as I quickly realized that I was not going to kill the two bad guys at the end.
  16. Ah so you just have to get level 1 done three times. What hints? Guees I'm missing something here..
  17. Gonna take a while then, as 3 levels of Escalation Protocol is hard. And I think the Sleeper Nodes set up are a bit stupid. Outside the quest you can find 5-10 nodes and still not find the correct one. Things like that annoy me.
  18. Yeah, I've done the Valkyrie kills and have to do all the adventures on Mars before I can access the heroic adventure. One left. Didn't know you can only do one each week.
  19. The update file is taking forever to copy! ๐Ÿคช
  20. It's hard as hell and I haven't completed one yet. I might try the Hard Light but then I won't get the quest done. I hope to be on for a few hours tonight around 7 uk time. I also need to get my power above 350.
  21. ๐Ÿ˜‚ at the Vesper of Radius! Lost count on how many I have gotten the last few weeks.
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