That wasn't the point though. The point was I was in the party chat, everyone could hear me, when the topic of a raid came up, I said I'll be back in 20 and when I got back, the raid had begun. The people involved even said see you shortly.
That's what pissed me off. I could've understood if I wasn't 100% sure that I made my intentions clear and they were understood, but the fact that I then got my hopes up only to get the finger really grated.
And the thing that fucks me off even more is that I always go out of my way to help others. I might have a gob as big as Paris Hilton's snatch, but I'm always there when the going gets tough, I never get impatient or lose my cool, never pull out when the shit hits the fan and never leave a man behind. Ever. Pity it was a different story when the shoe was on the other foot though. Ah well, live and learn and all that.