So far I'm loving it. I'm concentrating on the story and quests at the mo so I can stop worrying about it but it seems to be a never ending game which is brilliant. I also had a random quest pop up full of questionmarks whilst patrolling the Cosmodrome. I won't spoil it but it was fun and random stuff like this really keeps the game fresh.
The amount of content is ridiculous. I won't be touching any other characters any time soon which is great cis I love my Titten.
Having a few ghosts chime in whilst progressing is great too, Saleem 6 or whatever his name is is brilliant. Nice to hear from that chap in the VoG, the one who has a few guns named after him. I haven't done that much in the Dreadnaught yet but Frank, a random and myself did have a very interesting discovery there on Saturday night which involved all 3 of us taking turns to open a chest as we all had to work together for each person to open it which was brilliant. I also like that there are quests which team you up with other randoms to get them done. There are also a few which are quite hard which is great for a change. I have to get creative as I can't just blast through them with a shotgun, being forced to take it slow is actually pretty good.
The crucible is great although you the gap between a shit weapon and a good one is considerably more noticeable now. The new maps are good, the new game mode is good and the extra sub class really brings a bit more variation. We can now call hunters crossbowcunts too, instead of just golden gun amd invincible blade dancer.
The gear shit is confusing as fuck. What do you dismantle? What do you infuse? What do you equip? At the moment my rule is wear the highest light I've got and infuse until I can't infuse any more, shred whatever's left. Guns are also pretty confusing. I've got the hand cannon which feels like a sidearm from the Vanguard, I've got the Vanguard auto rifle which I've ranked up to 284 light or thereabouts. My special is a 290 Fourth Horseman which is crap but it keeps my light up. I could probably build a shotgun and teach it to load itself in the time it takes to fill up the horseman.
The legendary marks are ok, can't really comment too much, at least they're not going to waste. I had 600 vanguards and 600 crucibles saved up for when the xpac hit (and have had for months mind) which went to waste so it's nice that these are in much more demand, for now at least. I'm also gradually depleting my glimmer stock, I started off maxed out and am currently on about 12k, that's including all the bits and bobs I've picked up, so this may become an issue later on but I've got shitloads of glimmer goodies in the vault.
I love the iphones all over the tower with the blueprints and stuff, really good. I should probably do the stranger's rifle thing again and get a perpl one.
The soundtrack in the new missions is fucking dreadful. It's like they gave Dylan a synth and went "make music". That's my only real complaint but even that's a minor one. I don't even mind the Nolanbot. He's clearly gay but at least he knows it and isn't pretending to be something he isn't. I can respect that.
Haven't done any heroics or nightfalls yet, I'm at 276 light I think but then I'm not really trying much, just enjoying the content first. I did cheese the Venus mission a bit but got bored quickly so stopped.
All in all so far it's brilliant and I don't think I've even done half of it. It raises more questions as I go which keeos in interesting. Every time I think I've concluded something, something else gets flung at me, for the fidst time I can honestly say that this xpac is worth the money, but it does make me question the last two, they were fucking dire compared to this, but Bart posted some articles which explained it. Doesn't justify the price we paid, but it at least explains what happened and the optimist in me at least thinks that Bungie wanted to do differently but they were so tangled in legal mumbo jumbo that they did what they could. The cynical side of me thinks differently but I'll leave that by the wayside and go forward from here.
9/10. Let down only by that shit soundtrack.
I want an exotic armour piece which gives Hammerman Shoulder Charge. I'll never wear anything else.