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Everything posted by Diddums

  1. Nah it's nothing to worry about Sam, I was just pissed off yesterday. Pug as much as you want, if you can handle the morons and elitists in LFG then all the best I don't have the patience to deal with people like that, hence why I don't pug. I much prefer playing with you guys any day of the week. Apologies for yesterday's little outburst, I was having a damn stressful day at work and shouldn't have taken it out on here.
  2. Has anyone actually got it yet? Is it any good?
  3. Right, I'm done. I've been fed and had my nappy changed so that concludes my drama moment for this month. I realise that this was probably me just overreacting to what was in hindsight no more than a simple miscommunication. Done and dusted, no hard feelings and hopefully that is the same with everyone else. I do think we need to go on a recruitment drive for a few extra members. If we were all in the same time zone we'd be sweet as a nut but the fact that we have members from all over the world quickly gets in the way. If anyine wants to hit Reddit or the Destiny forums or whatever, please do. Rob, there is a link to the site calendar at the top of the page. I've only briefly played with it so I don't know what's possible but it is there and it does work, so give it a shot if you like. We can always change permissions and stuff where necessary.
  4. That wasn't the point though. The point was I was in the party chat, everyone could hear me, when the topic of a raid came up, I said I'll be back in 20 and when I got back, the raid had begun. The people involved even said see you shortly. That's what pissed me off. I could've understood if I wasn't 100% sure that I made my intentions clear and they were understood, but the fact that I then got my hopes up only to get the finger really grated. And the thing that fucks me off even more is that I always go out of my way to help others. I might have a gob as big as Paris Hilton's snatch, but I'm always there when the going gets tough, I never get impatient or lose my cool, never pull out when the shit hits the fan and never leave a man behind. Ever. Pity it was a different story when the shoe was on the other foot though. Ah well, live and learn and all that.
  5. I was fucking livid the other night. Everyone was like "let's do a raid" so I said gimme 20 mins to go to the shop which apparently translates to "find someone else". My raid time is limited as it is, two nights a week max, having your spot filled by someone who's on every night was infuriating and the reason I chucked it in. Starting to think Sam has the right idea with her pugs tbh.
  6. Same.
  7. Well, got my Titten to level 5, couldn't be arsed to do another char so stayed playing on him. Haven't bought anything and haven't got any drops as it's all pretty rubbish, but it's been a good laugh playing with you guys, I really love the banner. I do think that supers need to be removed from the banner. They're so OP now they just ruin everything. Stormtrance is immune to everything. I've seen one take a golden gun and simply carry on. I also fist of havoc'd one and he also didn't even flinch. Regenerated health so fast that by the time I had him in my crosshairs I was dead. Hammers. Seriously. What the fuck. That shit pops and people just run, there's pretty much nothing you can do, you just have to take it or run. The shadowshot or whatever it's called is rubbish. Yes it's killed me loads but as far as supers go, it's probably the weakest of the new three. It least you can still stick a shotgun shell down the hunter's throat when he gets you. Great fun. Back to PVE for a while now methinks.
  8. We're up against the Kiwis next, that's gonna be a mental game.
  9. Even as a Titan it takes finesse, missed it loads. I'm always up to help out Dave, just holler Good fun last night though, you guys did considerably better than me on my first go!
  10. Ho. Lee. Fuk. Absolutely no denying that the Welsh put on an absolutely amazing performance. Their defense is pretty much a solid wall but somehow we squeezed through the gap. Astonishingly well done to both teams. Saffrica may walk away with the victory but those Welshmen certainly delivered a performance to be proud of. Can't wait to see what happens between the All Blacks and France.
  11. Yep, you're right. Meh.
  12. Yep. The thing is in PVE you can be unpredictable which makes the world of a difference. Those baddies in PVE always know where you are.
  13. I seem to recall that holding down the share button starts recording until you hold it down again.
  14. ^ I get fuckall from IB but it doesn't bother me that much. When I want high level shit I just hang around you guys and take all your shiniez from the raids, just like I got the Vienna Singer from Sam's clutches yesterday and the 310 dish cloth I can see why it annoys people though, but then again this boiles down to me and nothing else. The reason any hope for loot has been killed for me is Gjallerhorn. I spent a year playing considerably more hours than most and never got one, which pretty much breaks yuor hopes of getting anything, which is probably why I'm not bothered about getting shit or not. That said, getting the Black Spindle yesterday was properly exciting, thanks Sam & Lee
  15. Never even considered keeping them, just handed them in as I go. Ah well, nothing a good IB sesh can't fix.
  16. Hahaha, here's me thinking "cool, almost done by now. I'll just pick up the last few and get the gun". Click link. 14/50. Oh boy. Thanks for sharing Christy, damn useful site.
  17. Bart, I realise what you're saying and I understand the concept perfectly, what I'm saying is that in Iron Banner, it's not as big a gap as the numbers make out. Yes it does make a difference but you don't *need* 290+ to compete. I was spanked a few times by a guy who was 26x the other night. Low light just means changing your play style a bit, not that you should stay away. In PVE it's a very different kettke of fish however.
  18. Started it too. Did a few strikes, at 40/50 majors. I shoot yellows until almost dead, pop my sword out and kill 'em. Got 4 or 5 crucible kills of the 25. Holding L2 to block most damage is awesome. I had one guy literally jumping around and panicking after he unloaded his Supercell at me whilst I slowly approached him and cut him in half. Good fun! Also, seeing what Sam was doing with that exotic sword tonight, all I can say is holy shit.
  19. You guys seem to think that light dictates how strong you are, when in reality the difference it makes is negligible. The only statement I'll agree with is that the drops could be 290, but anyone with 280+ light can tear people to pieces.
  20. I love the banner because it tempts people who otherwise wouldn't set foot in the crubicle to have a go, which means more folks to play with. Raids are fun but you can't beat the unexpected LOL moments of PVP, like wiping out an entire team sitting in a bubble all smug with a fist of havoc.
  21. Grrrr. Need to get more high level perpls to upgrade my sword to 290. It's on 288.
  22. Yep, was over on Sunday.
  23. What's the fee for mine too? I can offer him a pack of crisps and a multi pack of KitKats. I shall provide Red Bull where necessary.
  24. I think it's at 29x now.
  25. Why not create an event on each day on the calendar and whoever is available just sign up for it?
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