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  1. Mikepjbell



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2018 in all areas

  1. Mikepjbell

    FG Mobile App

    As you all know we've recently been scratching our heads in order to find a way to boost communication on the forum, whilst also keeping features that we love in apps like WhatsApp. I think we all understand that accessing a forum and creating a new post or replying to a post isn't quite as convenient as sending a quick instant message in WhatsApp, so we need to find a way of amalgamating that convenience along with our lovely little forum, which let's face it, for a clan forum is bloody good. @Misneach_, @GazzaGarratt and I have been discussing this in fairly loose detail and we've come to the conclusion that it would be prudent to run this by you all before we go into any real detail. What we've found is that the only app currently available either on the Play Store or the App Store is our current app, which is a hybrid of tapatalk (a premium solution) which gives general usage of the current forum. From what we can see (and please if you have suggestions let us know) is that there isn't anything out there which gives all of the functionality we need. What we (think) we need is an App which gives the same as TapaTalk, but also integrate events, clubs, live chat and various other features we'd like in order to easily run the clan effectively from smartphones. Now, here comes the potentially interesting bit. If there isn't anything out there, then there's a gap in the App market. We could potentially both fulfill our technical needs of an App which works for us, but also (and this is a loose potential at the moment), create a marketable App which we could sell. Now, without doing a feasibility study, business case, etc on this it's difficult to really put that into anything meaningful. This is where you all come in. What are your thoughts? We'd like to get people involved in this. We're a pretty mixed and intelligent bunch of project managers, technical people, and... Americans, so there's definitely scope there for us to collaborate and put our heads together to put a solution together. But this is very much dependent on a thorough feasibility study/business case in order to ensure we're not completely wasting our time. What I would propose for a timeline: - Have a quick open discussion with key players in the clan to talk about why we want to do the app, what we'd like. It's an opportunity to shut the idea down or push forward with the same. <1hr - Run a complete feasibility study outlining costs, current competition and potential issues which are foreseeable. Also to align on ideas and decide on a plan to move forward with. - Put together a project timeline and delegate tasks. - The rest is dependent on the above being successful and involves development, marketing, research, funding etc etc. Anyway, let's get some discussion going on this. There seems at least on the face of it to be a potential small business opportunity here. Mike, Lee and Matt.
    3 points
  2. With the latest CPU security flaws it’s all irrelevant cuz we’re dooooomed, Captain Mannering, we’re doooomed!
    2 points
  3. Yep my 6 man flamethrower kill on the forest map was beaten out by mr XxX420_ChocolateStarfishLickers_tinkywinky impressive hardscoped 1 kill...
    2 points
  4. I'm going to use a lot of Bored Gamer's vids, there are other good SC vloggers but he talks about everything, warts and all, which I like. He's going to be doing a monthly status report, the first of which is below. You will hear him refer to Arena Commander and Star Marine, so I'll explain. In addition to Star Citizen (multiplayer universe), and Squadron 42 (single player game, not released yet) there are two other extras that we currently have access to. Arena Commander This is a mode to practice flying and combat. It's actually the very first proper playable game they ever introduced and it's where I learned to fly. You can fly solo, have combat against AI, and race against humans and AI. It also has the tutorial. Star Marine This is essentially a first person shooter but outside of your ship. It's basically COD in space.
    1 point
  5. This migjt already be covered but are we in any, or are we considering joining?
    1 point
  6. Mikepjbell

    Hey Guys!

    Welcome to the forum mate
    1 point
  7. Mikepjbell

    FG Mobile App

    Sounds great, I'll put you down for the discussion!
    1 point
  8. tronic44

    FG Mobile App

    I’m well up for this, don’t know much about creating apps but more than happy to throw ideas in the pot during the discussion and be involved.
    1 point
  9. Sennex

    Random Pictures

    OMG this is amazing
    1 point
  10. Sennex

    Ender Dragon

    Rockets should work with Elytra on our server. Also, on PC the Ender Dragon fight is a huge PITA. Take a group, unless your goal is to spend 30 minutes shooting arrows and breaking pillars. Honestly, IMO its not worth the headache at all, just go hunt for End Cities instead
    1 point
  11. Greboth

    Ender Dragon

    Once you kill the dragon a dragon egg should appear, from memory it appear on top of the pillar in the middle of the portal. If the console version is anything like the PC though you can't pick it up as it will teleport if you try to break it. If you have some blocks, piston and redstone block on you can block up the portal and use the piston to push the egg off the pillar and then you can pick it up like normal. To respawn the dragon you need to place 4 ender crystals, one on each of the flat sides of the portal, which will re-create all the pillars etc. and respawn the dragon. In creative you can just pick up an ender crystal though in survival you would need to craft them - each on takes 7 glass blocks, 1 ghast tear and 1 Eye of Ender (the eye of ender can be made from an ender pearl and blaze powder). On the server, I set a warp point at the stronghold portal with a chest full of ender crystals in case anyone else wants to respawn and kill the dragon. The shulker boxes that Plumber mentioned - you get them from killing shulkers in end cities. When you kill the dragon somewhere near the island a floating portal should appear. The portal isn't big enough to walk through though so you have to enderpearl through it. This will randomly take you to an island on the edge of the end (you will need to remember where for later). You can walk around and there will be lots of islands around and after some searching you should find end cities - basically giant pink buildings. They are full of shukers which you need to kill and drop shulker shells. With 2 shulker shells and a chest you can make a shulker box to store your items on the move (a shulker box takes up one space in your inventory but holds a single chests worth of stuff). If you find an end city with a floating boat you can also pick up a dragon head off of it (though be careful it doesn't drop in to the void). You can also pick up an elytra which replaces your chest armour and will allow you glide when you fall from a high place - on pc you activate it by pressing jump while falling and I assume it is the same on console. The reason I said remember where the portal is as, as far as I know, it is the only way back to the island you killed the dragon on and the only way to get back to the overworld (by walking in to the portal) unless you want to bridge thousands and thousands of blocks back to the middle. The server is on an earlier version so we have elytra which allow us to glide and that is it. As the console version is the (presumably) the latest version you can make rockets (gun powder and paper (paper is made from sugar cane)) and use them to boost your flight.
    1 point
  12. You getting a bit bushy? Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. Good luck figuring out all the fucking easter eggs they put into those maps these days xD
    1 point
  14. Sorry only just replying, they normally stay up in twitch for a while but we are downloading them and they will eventually go up on our YouTube channel, when that’s sorted.
    1 point
  15. I like that idea. My pc and ps4 are next to each other so I can keep tabs on messages etc. Via the FG App
    1 point
  16. Yeah it's pretty straightforward to meet up. It's currently 50 people and on any given server but that will be increased as they optimise. Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. Have you even turned your PC on in the past 4 years?
    1 point
  18. @tronic44, check out Chris @TigerBurge PPR. He's got some perfect clips for this.
    1 point
  19. Personally, I'd be open to streaming on both. I have had an overlay for myself for some time but need the right PC set up at home first. I also think we should host all FGers streams. We then could dedicate and allow people to have dedicated stredmers on FG's channel on specific nights. By this I mean we could create a stream schedule of what FG looks like and open slots up to people? More likely then to have a fuller schedule than individuals on their own stream. My 0.02.
    1 point
  20. Completely understand dude, that’s no worries at all. We could always host you channel, if that’s something you fancied? Haha it will be, the twitch account is set to mature.
    1 point
  21. So long as cockney swearing is allowed, I'm in, 'cos I wear gor blimey trousers, son
    1 point
  22. gotdamn! thats pretty!
    1 point
  23. Sennex


    So are LP's fans reporting the other people? Or does LP have friends at youtube that are protecting him? I've seen both cases happen with websites and what. .... wait a sec, why do I even care about this? Thats what this dude wants, people to care about him..... fuck
    1 point
  24. J4MES OX4D


    The video is from Birdman complaining that his video was taken down by YouTube for simply criticising Logan Paul's actions. Many others also saw their similairly critical videos removed for absolutely no reason which were in no way in violation of any guidelines. He just talkes about the hypocrisy of having his content removed when YouTube was quite happy to bump Logan's despicable unrestricted video to number one trending worldwide amassing 6.2m views and it was only removed by Logan himself and not them after being up for many hours. A few other channels have also received strikes out of the blue yet Logan's channel is in pristine order as ever raking in the $$$.
    1 point
  25. Sennex

    Home Made Pasta

    Good luck man, post some pics and let us know how ti goes
    1 point
  26. Spag Bol, pasta shells with any sort of sauce, tuna pasta bake, lasagne...basically anything that doesn’t contain offal. I want to see if I can make it fresh
    1 point
  27. Baabcat

    Resistance dlc thoughts

    Looking forward to this, as I recall Resistance was a great map and a new war map would be nice, War is fun but gets a bit samey
    1 point
  28. Come on Rich, you'd be all over a dick section
    1 point
  29. I don’t think we need a boob section, as amazing as they are, the conversations that are had in the politics section are very interesting to read. I know it’s not to do with gaming but it’s nice to so we have other sides to us. Another thing about the boob section is that it might put off any females that are looking to join up, I’d think twice if there was a dick section.....although we do have the PPR section 😂😉
    1 point
  30. Should be two clips on my recent activities @tronic44. Made three but don' know what happened.
    1 point
  31. @stretch616 mentioned something last night about just sharing a video to your PlayStation profile. Then Rich can take it straight from there without compressing the video twice too. See if you can do that instead of youtube.
    1 point
  32. Misneach_

    Twitch Streaming

    Hello everyone, I wanted to get a consensus to see how most people would feel about starting to stream our gaming via Twitch under the FG name?
    1 point
  33. I've been meaning to do this for a good while now. Would be cool to get some of those cool overlays too
    1 point
  34. Could put a calendar event together to play and discuss tactics
    1 point
  35. I think the best thing we do is standard competitive within the game or maybe try Game Battles if we're feeling very adventurous. However we're just not at a decent enough level to even consider OW league. A random clan battle would be cool for shits and giggles though if we didn't take it too seriously
    1 point
  36. You mean...... Deadstiny? Via the FG App
    1 point
  37. Zombie map looks good, so does that remake of the french MW3 map. MW3 had some great maps compared to this game, so should be a welcome addition.
    1 point
  38. You say that every year and yet you buy CoD like I do 😘
    1 point
  39. Worth it for a War map. It takes them more effort and resources to do one War map as it does to make three MP maps.
    1 point
  40. Unfortunately missed your last show, only seen the first few minutes so hopefully will try and catch you next week bud. Do you clip any of your show afterwards? I think that would be a good thing to do so you have highlights. Apologies if you already do, haven't checked the Twitch homepage recently.
    1 point
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