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  1. phil bottle

    phil bottle


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  2. NCA-Paendrag



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  4. Sennex



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2018 in all areas

  1. Satchels only 😂
    2 points
  2. Hope you're doing better, Lee. Via the FG App
    2 points
  3. We had a spontaneous great night of custom games the other night with 8 of us. We should set a few nights and stream them as they are a whole lotta fun. The ideas we did last time out were: - Shovels and Knives (Airborne Class / Basic Training Serrated / Flash Grenades) - Sniper Only (Mountain Class / Luftwaffe Sniper + FMJ + Advanced Rifling) - Kimbo Wars (Infantry Class / Basic Training (I'll edit when I can remember it for 2 pistols!) / 1311 Handgun + Fire Rate + tbc. - Shotgun Fires (Expeditionary / Combat Shotgun + Advanced Rifling / Always load incendiary rounds on Spawn). Has anyone got others we could all try? We can get an event up then as get a full party going.
    1 point
  4. 1080p, 144hz and 5ms and under should be your gold standard. Here is my current main monitor for gaming. https://www.amazon.com/VG248QE-1920x1080-144Hz-Gaming-Monitor/dp/B00B2HH7G0
    1 point
  5. It's a really immersive, creepy game and another one where they use the sound to great effect. Made for co-op, though I've been going solo so far and not doing too bad. I started using a silenced revolver yesterday (and it's awesome) which I'll keep as my main until I have enough experience to buy a better shotgun. The game is £26 at the moment.
    1 point
  6. It doesn't work (at least not from what we've done) where you just wander around semi-aimlessly and it tells you what you're looking at. They're more like mini tours in specific locations. For example, you go to a temple of some sort (can't remember where specifically) where they prepare the dead for the afterlife. You go to the point to start the tour and a golden thread shows up on the ground. You follow the thread around and can see what's going there. There are specific areas that act as stations where you are told whats going on there while an npc does it thing or it gives a close up on the area. There's also the option to open a small menu which has a transcription of what the guide is saying and picture of the object in our world today.
    1 point
  7. phil bottle

    Sea of Thieves

    It was only for a couple of days. There'll probably be another before launch. There was certainly a performance improvement for me this time round too, it runs really well.
    1 point
  8. Two things I would look for (other than minimum 1080p resolution of course) are as follows: Refresh rate. You need to go for at least 60Hz here. Anything higher than that is a bonus. Think my BenQ is 144Hz off the top of my head. Response time: Anything less than 5ms is ideal. Some modern TVs have a gaming mode which helps this, though at the expense of the graphics.
    1 point
  9. Desert eagle destruction featuring The Baguette
    1 point
  10. G-sync adds a pretty hefty amount to any monitor in terms of cost. I wouldn't get hung up on it to be honest.
    1 point
  11. You don’t need one really. AMD cards utilize Freesync while Nvidia cards utilize Gsync. It’s just a brand name for technology for LCD displays that support a dynamic refresh rate aimed at reducing screen tearing. Ive never had screen tearing on my garbage HP monitor and to be fair don’t remember what my 144hz monitor is. I think Gsync because I have a 1080. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. I don't use either.
    1 point
  13. I'll be streaming this around 7pm UK time on FG steams[emoji4] Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. Emre....weren’t he the Turkish guy who played for Newcastle in the 00’s 😂
    1 point
  15. Haha yes yes tony Mortimer is my cousin. He’s doing alright as far as I know, his house was on “through he keyhole” last year, it was pretty average to be fair!
    1 point
  16. Sennex

    Altered Carbon

    At the point I am at, I will say no. Maybe further in, Yes, not sure. I know that for background characters it is the case in a few instances, but I don't remember the 3rd episode that well
    1 point
  17. Sennex


    LOLZ yea, I can see where that would happen. The only brewing I do is Coffee
    1 point
  18. Jason


    Didn't see the minecraft tag. Thought we were talking about brewing beer, was disappointed. Via the FG App
    1 point
  19. Greboth


    I've built a brewing building in the spawn, I thought being for potions I'd build it as a sort of overgrown wicked witches house but you should be able to find it. I've stocked it with 5 brewing stands and almost every ingredient needed to brew potions. The only things missing are ghast tears which should only take a little hunting in the nether and dragons breath which is a little harder to get.
    1 point
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