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  1. Diddums



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2018 in all areas

  1. So now that we have a few more converts to the PC master race I was thinking of doing a WoW night just to fuck about on. You can download the game for free which I think is a trial for 2 weeks or level 15 or something although this may have changed (been 4 years or so). For me personally it's hands down one of the best games I've ever played but again this was many years ago and apparently it's been dumbed down to cater to filthy casuals, which makes it easier for us idiots to get in to. The beauty of it is that not only is it free, but because the graphics are straight from 2005, it'll run on a calculator. What say you? You guys up for it? @GazzaGarratt@Stretch616@Amnotright@crispymorgan@phil bottle@tronic44 - Please tag anyone I've missed.
    3 points
  2. SirGaffa


    Hey, I'm only here because @Misneach_ and @LordBaguettecoaxed me onto it. A little about me: I'm Irish and I fuck yer mudders. Only joking I'm half married and have 27 children with my 32nd on the way so I don't do that shit..... ....anymore! Anyway thanks for calling G
    3 points
  3. Diddums

    Starling cards

    Just got my Starling card, can't wait to use it. For those of you scratching your heads right now, it's a pre-paid credit card which you top up whenever you want and it keeps track of your spending with an app. The app automatically categorizes your expenditure into things like travel, shopping, fast food, etc. Basically if you're like me and just buy everything you want all the time and then have to eat beans on toast for the rest of the month and are too lazy to do a proper budget, it's absolutely superb. You can use the card worldwide for no extra fees whatsoever, and above all, it's 100% free. It also has a "card freeze" facility which disables your card instantly and unfreezes it at your command. Great for if you're prone to misplacing stuff or just for extra security. We signed up on Thursday and the cards arrived today ready for use in what is hands down the coolest card delivery method I've ever seen. This guy demonstrates it at 40 seconds: Sadly there aren't many vids of it on the 'tube yet and most of the ones on there are crap but this is probably the least crap of the lot: The only drawback I can see so far is that you can't top it up with credit card which I prefer as it gives me the credit card protection stuff (for the Muricans out there we have protection on credit cards, so if you buy something and the retailer is a dick, the credit card company will refund your money and take care of it, dunno if it's the same Stateside). Then again, as it's Mastercard it might have this facility already, dunno. Anyway, just thought I'd share it, Kyla and I are gonna give it a go for a while and see how it goes, will report back later
    2 points
  4. GazzaGarratt

    Iron Banner Season 2

    The game is Control! This will be the first time Lord Saladin returns to the Tower in Season 2. There have been some changes to how you’ll go about decorating your Guardian with relics of the Iron Lords. First, we are adding new items to the engrams you will find waiting for you when you visit Lord Saladin. There will definitely be Season 2 weapons in the Iron Banner Engram and we will be adding more in the next event. Here is a look at what rewards you can expect to earn next week. Hand Cannon Scout Rifle Shotgun The only thing not pictured is the Iron Banner ship. We’ll save that for when you discover it yourself. If you are missing items from last season, they will still drop as possible rewards from the engram. There is also a new emblem that tracks how many lifetime rank ups for Iron Banner you have earned in Destiny 2. You can earn it by completing the Iron Banner Milestone. We've received a lot of feedback from previous Iron Banner events that players preferred a way to directly acquire items. We have added the ability to obtain armor and three different weapons from Lord Saladin during each event. Here is what he has to offer next week. The final way to earn rewards is by completing challenges. Ornaments are available for all your Iron Banner gear and you can unlock them by completing various objectives for Lord Saladin. Season 2 Ornaments There are no limits to how many engrams you can acquire or how many tokens you can earn. Get as much playtime as you can during the week. It will always move you a little closer to opening another engram, earning an ornament, or purchasing a piece of gear from Lord Saladin. Go nuts!
    1 point
  5. Elder Scrolls Online is supposed to be really good these days. Can be got dirt cheap and no subscription either. Good expansions too.
    1 point
  6. Sennex

    New World!

    House is done, there are 3 rooms on the second floor, and 2 villagers for trading. I killed shit tons of villagers until I finally got the 2 we have now. I honestly just gave up on getting a good one after killing so many. I also set up a notice board if folks want to leave notes or requests in game. Also free boats under the inn Mining World portal is set up, but I will most likely move it. The road size right now is huge at 9 blocks wide. I will most likely change this, and the materials once it stretches further out. I am going to set up a small "Road crew" donate bin near spawn as well, if you guys are ever in a position to donate then please do. I expect that project to take months though, so no hurry. Also I will place more donate "bins" around the area as I do stuff. My next project is building the road out to the plains area, and then starting a proper farm. Overall for me, my goal is to NOT use creative mode for anything from now on. I don't want to get sucked into just getting things built immediately (outside what I have done already) as there is no sense of accomplishment
    1 point
  7. GazzaGarratt

    Iron Banner Season 2

    Absolutely Gaz, definitely will party up. Good news it's control which always makes it more fun. Let's hope for a few full parties this week coming. Alongside this, there's options to start grinding for Masterwork Armour as well.
    1 point
  8. Diddums

    Starling cards

    Starling has been around for much longer than Monzo which is why I went for it. Monzo also has waiting lists and we all know how patient I am. Monzo is lacking many features and doesn't even have a current account whereas Starling does. Monzo looks good but it's still a bit wobbly for me, no chance I'm putting money in a company like that yet. I'm not sure of the features but you can sign up in less than 1 min and it's 100% free so download the app and give it a go! I love disruptive technologies and absolutely despise our thieving, corrupt, predatory banking system so anything to get away from it (hence my massive Bitcoin venture but let's not talk about that). Go download the app. Do it now.
    1 point
  9. Sennex


    I agree I think I might forego using Prioject E this time around. (Other than the repair talisman, that thing is way to handy)
    1 point
  10. Do it tonight. And no, I'm not joking. With the resources you have available you can have that baby up and running in two hours flat and that's taking it slow. You'll have all of us on call to help you out as well as millions of youtube videos. You don't need a wristband, build it on your cooking island and you'll be fine. I've built enough PCs to build a stairway to the moon and I've never worn or fucked anything up. They're mainly for very heavy staric areas and surfaces like shaggy carpet and stuff. Do it.
    1 point
  11. GazzaGarratt

    Jan 30th big uodate

    I think that's the ideal time to come back if people haven't - I'd happily play before that but I doubt most people are in the mood. You then get 2 expansion stories to run through (if you haven't done CoO already) alongside all other enhancements. And 3 raids by then (hopefully). They can't keep getting complacent though. They need to release this correctly with minimal bugs and then nail the Feb update.
    1 point
  12. Sure, I'll give it a whirl Via the FG App
    1 point
  13. Sennex

    New World!

    I am working on that house I said I would do, right by the spawn. I will place beds and what not in it for folks. As well as a storage area. I figure Wednesday or so next week I will up the difficulty from peaceful
    1 point
  14. I’ll be around when the next expansion releases. We will see if they continue to turn it around. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. techno

    Iron Banner Season 2

    After seeing more console video earlier I think im going to try some iron banner, after such a long break and so much cod it will be a nice change. I like some of the other changes too. So if you want to do some ib hit me up @GazzaGarratt
    1 point
  16. GazzaGarratt

    Iron Banner Season 2

    I think all of the changes they've made not to lock out loot and make it all available for the first IB of Season 2 is the right change. The armour ornaments look stunning. Not see many as good as those. Apparently the Shotgun is going to be one of the best weapons. Looking forward to going back for a few games.
    1 point
  17. GazzaGarratt

    Jan 30th big uodate

    I for one, will come back for Iron Banner on Tuesday. The changes for that specifically are really good. Relics look great and connected to decent challenges. The other elements are on the way to making it better. Objectively, it still needs a little more content for others I think. When the next expansion drops the game really should be fleshed out by then and many things to do.
    1 point
  18. Be good to see you back Tommy
    1 point
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